Saturday, January 20, 2018

Hay-Ku of The Day (A Selection from OOMM, Chapter 7, “Purify Your Hearts Ye Double Minded”)

Relative perspectives is
A divine calling.

Thinking of others
Instead of yourself is how
To stop suffering.

To be who I am
All I need to do is stop
Thinking otherwise.

It’s very simple,
To master my mind I’ve got
To be out of it!

To access divine
Wisdom and guidance learn to 
Be mentally still.

Present mindedness
Serves to de-polarize
Conscious awareness.

Let go of yourself
As a central contraction
In pure awareness.

Focus on the field
Of awareness that transcends 
All relative forms.

Remember the field
While attending to the form 
And resurrect Peace.

Attention paid to
Being consciously aware
Yields big dividends.

Learn to abide in
Being consciously aware
Without any words.

To be free of all 
Worldly concerns stop thinking
In relative terms.

Step back mentally
And once again see yourself 
As part of a whole.

Forget yourself as 
A concept and remember 
Yourself as being.

Enlightenment sees
The house as whole, while mind builds
It with mental bricks.

Increase focal length
And expand the breadth of your
Conscious awareness.

Unless you’re happy
Being miserable, stop 
Thinking negative.

Two-way attention
Expands the field of focus
And breadth of vision.

Identified with
The field instead of the form
“I am free at last.”

We must all learn to
Identify with the field 
Instead of the form.

To know myself as 
I am I must first die to 
Myself as I think. 

To overcome fear
I must transcend all sense of 
Being separate.

The only thing that
Ever really changes is
How conscious I am.

I wish to be still 
And know I am one with the
Absolute Father.

Add On:

“Being Still” Equates
To “Infinite Focal Length”
And “Breadth of Vision.”

[Rich Note: The seventh in a “chapter by chapter” sampling of “Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses.” I would further encourage anyone, whose interest might be piqued or has a heartfelt resonance with what is offered, to download the Amazon Kindle sample of OOMM, as it effectively constitutes a synoptic, 59 page “mini-book .”]

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