Friday, March 31, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day (I See What I Believe)

What I see in my
World only reflects what I 
I feel in my heart.

What I see in the
World is a function of what
I think in my heart.

What I see and feel
Is a reflection of what
I hold in my heart.

"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee." Proverbs 23:7 KJV

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day (Mind, Consciousness and Thought)

There is Only Mind,
There is Only Consciousness,
There is Only Thought.

[Rich Note: A natural (unintentional) haiku, inspired by the "Primal Realization" Syd Bank's shares in the following quotes extracted from "The Missing Link":  

"All human behavior and social structures on earth are formed of Mind, Consciousness and Thought."

"All feelings derive and become alive, whether negative or positive, form the power of Thought."

"The achievement of mental stability and peace of mind is one thought away from everyone on earth...if you can find that one thought."

"All three elements -- Mind, Consciousness and Thought -- are the lifeline to our very existence.  It is through these three elements that we have the power to realize the very existence of life."

Mind, Consciousness and Thought are the complete Trinity of all psychological functioning. Without one the others are non-existent.

All living creatures, great or small, interpret what they think of life via these three divine gifts.

[Rich Note: Referring to the "3 Principles as "Divine Mind, Divine Consciousness and Divine Thought," as Syd sometimes did, brings God (as the Absolute Source and Ground of Being) back into the picture. 

Please note, as well, that the above haiku is actually an amalgamation of Syd's "Three Principle Realization- Revelation" and the following Robert Adam's suggested breath synchronized meditation/affirmation:

"There is Only God,
There is Only Consciousness,
Everything Else is an Appearance." ]

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Hay Ku of the Day ("The Shack" Explodes Conceptual Envelopes)

"The Shack" is about 
Exposing "God-Constraining"
"Though based Images."


"The Shack" exposes
"Hidden graven images" we
"Mentally worship."

Still unwittingly
Worshipping graven mental
Images of thought.


"The Shack" is about
Exploding self-limiting
Dogmatic boundaries.

"The Shack" is about
Exploding self-limiting
Doctrinal envelopes.


"The 'carnal' killing 
The 'divine' motif" is at
The heart of "The "Shack."

The "Shack Story" is
A metaphor for "carnal
Mind's murder" of Christ.


Carnal mind murders
The Child of God I Am in
This Very Moment.

We murder the "Christ
Child in us" when we "presume
To judge other folks."


"The Shack" reveals the 
Truth that "We play God when We
Judge other people.

The "Shack" points out that
We play God" when we sit in
Judgement of others.


Sitting in Judgment
Of others is playing God
And comes at a price.

[Rich Note:  In asking friend Rudy if he had seen the movie version of "The Shack," the following edited stream arose:

Rich: "...Have you read or seen "The Shack" [which is seen here, as a metaphor for the "carnal-minded mental manger" (or, "crib") in which "Barabbas' (or Cain, as the son of carnal mind or relative, self-reflective and absorbed consciousness) murders the "Christ (or 'Child Heart of God I Am' as 'This Awareness, Right Here, Right Now') Child" as a "moment to moment, current event."].

Interested in your take, as there still seem to some "fundamentalists/ literalists" in the Church (around here) unwilling to "crucify there cherished conceptual doctrine and dogma" (and so themselves) with regard to answering Christ's most critical question to Mankind [Re: "Who do ye say (with your mouth and know in your Heart) that I am"? (I Am/I AM)?]; and, accordingly, "pitching a fit" about "The Shack's  doctrinal envelope pushing.

Related OOMM Oldies:

"The Question" is not
"Whether there is a God but
"Whose playing the role?"

Playing God without
The Divine Data Bank is 
A Fatal Mistake.

Faith in Doctrine is
Worshiping conceptual
Graven Images.

Related Pop-Up:

If your Faith is in
Anything other than Christ
You are none of His.

Rudy: "No, but on my list!"

Rich: "..."It's Bridge Work"

Rich: "Expansion on "It's Bridge Work": ...which I also see as "conceptual envelope expanding" (and, at least potentially, exploding) -- which does seem to be the Primary Mission Description (Job One), here; as a kind of an Intellectual "Bridge to NoWhere/NowHere." (Absolutely Nothing I enjoy more, here, than: "Enquiring in the Temple.")"

[Rich Note: (Speaking of "doctrinal envelope exploding with respect to Christ's, "...Who say ye that I am?" inquiry )...the following two Sri Nisargadatta quotes, which were run into while looking for another quote to share, do exactly that:

"...M: In the immensity of consciousness a light appears, a tiny point that moves rapidly and traces shapes, thoughts and feelings, concepts and ideas, like a pen writing on paper. And the ink that leaves a trace is memory. You are that tiny point and by your movement the world is ever re-created. Stop moving and there will be no world. Look within and you will find that the point of light is the reflection of the immensity of light in the body as the sense ‘I am’. There is only light all else appears. 

(Moonlight gazing back 
At the Sunlight at its Source 
Would say: “I Am That”!)

"...Q: What is the use of a quiet mind?

 "M: When the mind is quiet, we come to know ourselves as the pure witness. We withdraw from the experience and its experiencer and stand apart in pure awareness, which is between and beyond the two. The personality, based on self-identification, on imagining oneself to be something: 'I am this, I am that', continues, but only as a part of the objective world. Its identification with the witness snaps."

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Heart of Awareness)

Every potential
Point is a center at the 
Heart of Infinity.

Absolute Still Point
Peace abides at the Heart of
Awareness Itself.


Dimensionless Points
Of Absolute Potential
Anchor Awareness.

Dimensionless Points
Of Absolute Potential
Give Birth to All Light.

Re: Related Sri Nisargadatta quotes from a recent FB dialogue:

"...Q: What then is in the centre of consciousness? 

"M: That which cannot be given name and form, for it is without quality and beyond consciousness. You may say it is a point in consciousness, which is beyond consciousness. Like a hole in the paper is both in the paper and yet not of paper, so is the supreme state in the very centre of consciousness, and yet beyond consciousness. It is as if an opening in the mind through which the mind is flooded with light. The opening is not even the light. It is just an opening."

[Rich Note: The above quote first inspired or "nuclearized" (like a bit of grit does a Pearl) recent  "Still Point Peace at the Heart of Awareness" related haiku: 

The Still Point at the
Heart of Awareness I Am
Is God the Father.

Still Point Peace at the
Heart of Awareness is the 
Nameless Absolute 

In this regard, "Still Point Peace" would equate to the "black hole" Nassim Haramein theorizes at the heart of everything that integrates Quantum and Newtonian Physics.]

"Q: An opening is just void, absence.

 "M: Quite so. From the mind's point of view, it is but an opening for the light of awareness to enter the mental space. By itself the light can only be compared to a solid, dense, rocklike, homogeneous and changeless mass of pure awareness, free from the mental patterns of name and shape. 

(The quotes are from Sri Nisargadatta's I AM THAT)

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day [At the Foot of the Master ("Jesus is I AM")]

The "True Gospel of
Jesus Christ" is "Christ in You,"
"The Hope of Glory."

The "True Gospel of
Jesus Christ" is "Christ in You,"
Not "Christ in Jesus."


The "Glory of God"
Is the "Living Light" of the
"Awareness I Am."

"Christ in You" is the 
"Living Light of Awareness"
At the "Heart of All."


"Christ in You" is the
"Self-Witnessing Awareness"
At the "Heart of All."

"Christ in You" is the
"Self-Witnessing Awareness"
Of "God the Father."

"Christ in You" is the
"Witnessing Presence" of the
"Nameless Absolute."


Jesus died to save
Us all from our delusion
Of Self-Existence.

The "Only Real Choice"
Is between "Christ in your Heart"
And "You in your Head."

The choice is Jesus
As the "Great Exception" or
The "Great Examplar."


The I AM that spoke 
From the Burning Bush lived
In and through Jesus.

The "Cause of Christ" is
"Bearing Living Witness" to
The "Truth Jesus Lived."

(1) Book-Wise:

[Rich Note: What follows is the clearest and most detailed exposition of the "Who, What, Where, When and Why" of being or existence I have yet encountered. As such, for anyone who has a "bone to pick" with institutional Christianity or who would simply like to hear a "perfectly clear, down-to-earth, de-mystification" of the message of "Christ in You," Jesus personified during his Life on Earth, I can't recommend the following linked, Amazon Kindle book ($3.99) and audio version ($1.99) by Gina Lake -- who is described by its source as a Scribe -- too highly.

In this regard, I would further suggest keeping an open mind and heart, as this message itself, regardless of source, has a very real potential to turn "Christ in You" into a "Living in Reality" in your world"; a Reality that will not only bless you, but your family, friends and world, as well.  

This book contains the Message the World was not ready to hear 2000 years ago, but is NOW -- the question is are we ready to hear it?

"In the World, but Not of It,"
New Teachings from Jesus
On Embodying the Divine"
By Gina Lake:

I particularly recommend the Audible Audio Version. ]

(2) Neville Goddard-Wise:

"Barabbas or Jesus"

(3) Poetic Archive-Wise:

 "Who Am I?"

Who is this I that I seem to be, 
That I feel I am, yet cannot see; 
The one in me I’ve yet to know,
Though ever present wherever I go. 

Who can it be, this I in me, 
The I that I am, yet never see; 
The one in me that still goes on,
When all about has come and gone. 

The one in me that always knows,
That never comes and never goes;
That’s always here and never there,
Ever present and so nowhere. 

The one in me, the one in you,
The I in us and all else too;
The root and core of all that lives,
The essence and soul of all that is.

The I in all which cannot fall,
Alive in the hearts of great and small;
That’s never apart and always near,
Knows no hunger and has no fear. 

The one in all, the one in each,
The one all seek, but never reach;
The I that I am, that you are too,
The I that answers the question who?

Circa 1984

Friday, March 3, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day (A Story of Me)

"Story of Me" history
And mini-bio.

[Rich Note: For those who might be interested in a biographical context for that which is shared, here's a link to an "Unsung Hero" Interview with Chrissy Morales that provides a nice thumbnail history: ]

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day ("Life Is Like")

Poetic Pointers
To THAT which cannot be said 
In relative ways.

Poetic Pointers
To THAT which cannot be said 

Poetic Pointers
To THAT which cannot be known
By the intellect.

Poetic Pointers
To THAT which can't be said and
Understood in words.

[Rich Note: Although I didn't see it at the time, the following "life is like" verses were poetic, first attempts, here, to linguistically cross-triangular a unitary experience, with the hopes of evoking a direct insight (or Aha!) in others; and that in order to avoid the "inherent lose of fidelity" that attempting to use "relative words" to transmit a "non-relative or unitary experience."

Re: "Coin Balancing: Although we can not fully define an absolute state in relative terms, we can use analogies, metaphors and similes in an attempt to evoke or recall a direct sense or perception of that state. Thus, if I have an experience I wish to share, I can use a metaphor to indicate what it felt like with the hope of evoking a similar feeling in another. This is the verbal equivalent of having someone balance a coin to convey what balance feels like. This is because balance, as an absolute or non-relative state, cannot be captured in words, yet can be known as a direct experience. Thus, by moving a coin back and forth through its balance point, while progressively reducing said movements, one may get a feel for almost balanced. Then, suddenly, as the coin comes to rest, perhaps a direct sense of balance, as a non-relative state, may be experienced."]


Life is like an open book, 
Who sees it not, just doesn’t look; 
For like the air, it’s all around, 
Seldom seen and nowhere found.

Life is like a lovely rose, 
By night it sleeps, by day it grows; 
Here today, gone tomorrow, 
Never knowing pain or sorrow. 

Life is like a tragic play, 
So full of things that cannot stay; 
Things that rise and so must fall, 
Without a bow or curtain call. 

Life is like a race to run, 
Not to win, but just for fun; 
It rolls along from day to day,
Comes again, but not this way.

Life is like a burning star, 
Ever close, but, oh, so far; 
Shining brightest in the night,
Though by day still burns its light. 

 Life is like an endless stream, 
A babbling brook, a living dream; 
Never sleeping, ever waking, 
Always giving, never taking. 

Life is like the empty sky, 
Far away, but also nigh; 
Up and down can it be found, 
High above and on the ground. 

Life is like a newborn child, 
Soft and gentle, sweet and mild; 
Full of wonder, free of doubt, 
It gives itself to all about. 

Life is like a mustard seed, 
For it to flower, rain it needs; 
Tended and feed, if it’s to grow, 
Cast off bounds and beauty know. 

Life is like the silver moon, 
Its borrowed light is gone so soon;
Hide and seek its favorite game, 
It seems to change, yet stays the same. 

Life is like a central sun, 
It sheds its light on everyone;
Light and warmth it so bequeaths, 
To all above and all beneath.

Life is like a timeless sea, 
Whose unmoved depths shall ever be; 
Though surface winds its waves do blow, 
They never touch the deep below.

Circa 1984