Monday, May 28, 2018

Hay-Ku of the Day (Pure at Heart)

A Wide-Open Heart
Is the Only Way Home to
An Absolute Source.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

For friends who might like
To help “Get the WORD Out” please
Share this with your friends.

“Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses” (OOMM) is an “out of the box, mental envelope exploder” — a “40 Year Labor of Love” that might also be called, “Seeing Life in a New Light” — now available in Kindle format at a reduced price of $3.99.

See the Author’s Page for a mini-biography, personal reading recommendations, an Unsung Hero interview with Christina Tink, and access to the latest posts on the Hay-Ku of the Day Blog:

[Rich Note: Please feel free to customize as needed and include a personal note if you feel called to do so.]

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Hay-Ku of the Day (Leaning Back Into the Everlasting Arms)

Leaning back away
From the thoughts and into the
Seat of the Soul.

Leaning back away
From the thoughts and into the
Seat of the Self.

Leaning back away
From the thoughts and into the
Seat of Awareness.


Leaning back away
From the thoughts and into Pure
Witnessing Presence.

Leaning back away
From the thoughts and into Pure
Conscious Aliveness.

Leaning back away
From the thoughts and into Pure
Presence Awareness.


Leaning back away
From the thoughts and into the
Light of Awareness.

Leaning back away
From the thoughts and into the
Peace of Awareness.

Leaning back away
From the thoughts and into the
Heart of Awareness.


Leaning back away
From the thought storm into the
Everlasting Arms.

Leaning back away
From the dark thoughts into the
Living Light of Love.

Leaning back away
From the thought storm into the
Father’s Loving Arms.

[Rich Note: Inspired by a suggestion offered by Micheal Singer during the following interview with Oprah, in answer to (and I paraphrase): “How do we stop taking the voice in our head to heart?”: 

P.S. Perhaps, “leaning back” into the “Seat of the Awareness of Being, Consciousness or the Knowledge I Am,” in the face of “worldly thought storms,” actually serves to operationalize the following old gospel song, Alan Jackson is singing: ]

Monday, May 21, 2018

Hay-Ku of the Day (My Own Absence)

The Cosmic Joke is
I Am Seeking the Presence
Of My Own Absence.

The Presence of My
Own Absence Sets the Captive
Of Carnal Mind Free.

The Presence of my
Own Absence offers Freedom
Beyond All Belief.

[Rich Note: Off subject, but not really, “Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses” (OOMM) is now available in Kindle format at a reduced price of $3.99.

See the Author’s Page for details, personal reading recommendations, an interview with Christine Tink, and access to the latest Hay-Ku of the Day Blog Posts: ]

Sunday, May 20, 2018

The Cosmic Joke is
I am forever seeking
What cannot be found.

The Cosmic Joke is
I am constantly seeking 
What I Am in Truth.

The Cosmic Joke is
I am constantly seeking 
The One that I Am.


The Cosmic Punchline
Is I’m seeking the Presence
Of my own Absence.

The Presence of my
Own Absence frees me from the
Bondage of minding.


Mental bondage to
Conception is broken by
Unbridled Laughter.

Unbridled Laughter
Frees Consciousness from the
Bondage of self-thought.

Unbridled Laughter
Frees the Awareness I Am
From mental bondage.

(1) Alan Watts-Wise:

“Just as true humor is laughter at oneself, true humanity is knowledge
of oneself.” – Alan Watts

(2) Wei Will Wei-Wise:

“...Man, trying to understand what he is while assuming he is something he is not, is perhaps a subject for caricature, but let us not forget that we ourselves are that man!  So when we realize the truth, when the understanding, crowding in upon us, bursts into flame and illumines our vision, what is our reaction?  What could it be but an immense roar of laughter? If it is not that, if it is any other kind of reaction to knowledge — beware of it!

“And when the laughter has died down — we can start starting to put our universe in order.”

— Wei Will Wei (Terrance Gray) in “Why Lazarus Laughed”

(3) Walter Lanyon God-Wise:

“He will ‘fill thy mouth with laughing and thy lips with rejoicing.’ And then one day I heard the Laughter of God in the midst of me and within the world, and all was suddenly changed. Old patterns and ideas were shattered and passed away---a new loveliness of LIFE was exposed to view. ‘God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me.’ Suddenly the leper broke into laughter---the filth of his mind slipped away---the sick, the lame and the halt suddenly laughed the Laughter of God and were healed - - - revealed. And one day you will laugh the Laughter of God, too.”

— The Forward of “The Laugher of God”...Written in Germany at Shining Lakes.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Hay-Ku of the Day [“Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses” (OOMM) Reprise]

“Out of My Mind” and
“Back to My Sense of Being”
“Consciously Aware.”

“Out of My Mind” and
“Back to My Sense of Being”
“Present and Aware.”

“Out of My Mind” and
“Back to My Sense of Being”
“The Knowledge I Am.”


“Out of My Mind” and
“Back to My Sense of Being”
“Radiant Presence.”

“Out of My Mind and
“Back to My Sense of Being”
“Awareness Itself.”

“Out of My Mind and
“Back to My Sense of Being”
“One with the Father.”

OOMM’s Subtitle:

“The Object of Life 
Is to Find Out Who I Am
Before Time Runs Out.”

A. For friends who may be interested in purchasing a digital version of “OOMM” (that “lifetime labor of love” I am very fond of calling, “a 40 Year State of the Head Message”), I wanted to let you all know that there is a recently republished, Amazon Kindle version now available at a reduced price of $3.99, as part of an on-going sales promotion.  

As a short refresher as to what OOMM actually is, here is a link to my Amazon Author’s page, a page which now includes: (1) a video interview I am rather pleased with; (2) access to recent posts to my blogspot blog; (3) a recently updated bio; (4) a “quick and dirty briefing” (as we use to call them in the military) on the OOMM’s “not really being a straight through read,” but more of an “inspirational/meditational compilation,” of multiple modes of creative self-expression, intended to cross-triangulate (and so point to) the “One and Same Truth” seen and experienced here during 1966, 1970 and 1978 epiphanies:

B. For those unfamiliar with this rather unique offering, OOMM is a multi-medium analogy of Heartfelt Insights gleaned from a “40 Year Search for Truth as the Common Thread in All.”  Due to the “one of a kind nature” of the book and, in order to  get a better feel for this rather “out of the box” sharing, I would recommend checking out the back cover synopsis on the accompanying photo; as well as, the following “seminal gleanings of the fruit of that rather epic search,” in the following selection of hay-ku (a characterization coined by a friend along the way) haiku, poetic fragments, the synoptic inscription scribed on hand-delivered copies over the last 5 to 10 years and, last but not least, Frank Lyon’s lyrical endorsement of OOMM (“for such a time as this”):

(1) Synoptic Hay-Ku Favorites:

Poetic Glimpses
Into the Divine Nature
Of Being Aware.

A Thousand Haiku
All Reflecting different
Facets of One Truth.

Being Here and Now
Still and Silent as I Am
One with the Father.

Centered in the One
Abiding in the Balance
Mindful of the Light.

Thinking of Myself
In Relative Terms I Am
Subject to Objects.

A fatal case
Of Mistaken Identity
This Being human.

The Good and Bad thieves 
Of the Future and Past are
Stealing the Present.

Hell is in your Head
Heaven is in your Heart and
Love is All Around.

Remembering a 
Past, Projecting a Future
Missing the Moment.

Playful old puppies,
She frolics, he gently paws
Love in furry coats.

A basement cricket
Competing with my daydreams
Who is more alive?

One’s caterpillar
Nature must die to give birth
To the Butterfly.

Ambulance passing
Lights flashing in the night
Life in the Balance.

My soulful anguish
Mid-wife to Divine Glory
Cosmic Labor Pains.

This Holy Moment
Awareness Knows Sensation
Consciousness is Born.

I Am Awareness
Embodied as a Sense of
Radiant Presence.

Ever-Present God
Seeks absent-minded man to
Give him the Kingdom.

Empty of self-thought
I Am the Holy Grail through
Which the Father Flows.

(2) A Potpourri of Poetic Fragments from 21 of the rhymed poems included in OOMM’s Appendix B, “Related Poetry”; which, much to my surprise, do make rather nice “stand alone pointers” to the Absolute Nature of Reality all the mediums in the book serve to cross-triangulate/correlate):

“… Know the Spirit, 
Drop the Letter;
Know Yourself, 
There Isn’t Better.”

“Who asks Why
Wonders How;
When you are Here
And Life is Now…”

“Free of self-will, be quiet and still,
Empty and open, be whole and unbroken,
Settle and center, be silent and enter.”

“An Empty Mind is also Clear, 
without thought, there is no fear…
A silent mind has No Bound, 
Open and Still Itself is Found.”

“…As in Thy Oneness first conceived, 
Thought by sense of self deceived;
Again to Oneness must I grow,
And therein finally come to Know…”

“…The bounds I feel are self imposed,
From sense of self they once arose;
They’ll stay so long as I do feel,
That I alone am all that’s real…”

“…Who is this I that I seem to be,
That I feel I am, yet cannot see;
The one in me I’ve yet to know,
Though ever-present wherever I go…”

“Though many battles have I fought,
Some quite well and some for naught;
Purpose fades with passing years,
With broken dreams and realized fears…”

“…Are you really future’s dust,
Are your treasures bound to rust;
Are you really going to die,
Born of ground and not of sky?…”

“Life is like an open book,
Who sees it not, just doesn’t look
For like the air, it’s all around;
Seldom seen and nowhere found…”

“…Another lost, another found,
Another sky, another ground;
Another form, another space,
Another time, another place.”

“On again, off again, round and around,
One moment lost, the next moment found;
Movement and stillness, silence and sound,
One moment free, the next moment bound…”

“Who is this I that I that I seem to be,
That I feel I am, yet cannot see;
The one in me, I’ve yet to know,
Though ever-present wherever I go/…”

“Your mind alone is hallowed ground,
As from its fields flow all that’s found;
Allow no thought of self therein,
And so do pluck the root of sin…”

“Ideas that come to us each day,
Seem so real, but never stay;
Sing their siren song of being,
Live awhile, but end up fleeing…”

“Dream of future, ghost of past,
Gone forever, awake at last;
There’s no tomorrow, yesterday’s gone,
Realize this truth, don’t be a pawn…”

“…So lift the veil of my thought’s false division,
And open mine eyes to Thy Perfect Vision;
Thus end the reign of my partial Sight,
The shadows I cast and my blockage of Light…”

“…The infinite Wholeness, the Ground of my Being,
A promise of Hope to my once again Seeing;
A return to Oneness, of Partial to Whole,
The Saving Grace of my Prodigal Soul.”

“The leaf knows not its unspoken 
union with the transcendent tree; 
nor its essential nature as an ever evolving, 
unfolding pattern of intelligent energy…”

“Father, Mother, Sister, Brother,
God is All, there is no other;
Power, Person, Presence, Being,
God alone is all you’re seeing…”

“With Christmas so near,
It’s that time of year;
God’s Spirit made real,
God’s Love that we Feel…”

(3) This is standard, “haiku-like, 7-7-7, inscription” that has accompanied the majority of hand scribed autographed copies for the last 5-10 years or so: 

“May the Words on these pages 
Serve to “Reflect and Reveal” 
the “Truth Written in Your Heart.’

(4) Although I do love and appreciate all of the wonderful overflow endorsements (and especially the extensive one by Dr. John Howard, that became OOMM’s Forward), both at the front of the book and in “Appendix i” (now, how appropriate a title is that?), I am particularly fond of the following, brother AF and UAL pilot, Frank Lyons’ lyrical word-picture:

"We exist in a modern world of overpowering and relentless gray noise, bombarded and abased at every turn with a plethora of meaningless flat shades of vacant information, an overcast of empty platitudes. Through this morass of numbing proportions comes Richard's brilliant anthology - a sunburst of radiant colors to wash away the gray. Truth erupts from the pages in dazzling pyrotechnic fashion." — Frank Lyons, UAL 777 Captain; President, FJL Consulting, USAF, retired