Sunday, May 20, 2018

The Cosmic Joke is
I am forever seeking
What cannot be found.

The Cosmic Joke is
I am constantly seeking 
What I Am in Truth.

The Cosmic Joke is
I am constantly seeking 
The One that I Am.


The Cosmic Punchline
Is I’m seeking the Presence
Of my own Absence.

The Presence of my
Own Absence frees me from the
Bondage of minding.


Mental bondage to
Conception is broken by
Unbridled Laughter.

Unbridled Laughter
Frees Consciousness from the
Bondage of self-thought.

Unbridled Laughter
Frees the Awareness I Am
From mental bondage.

(1) Alan Watts-Wise:

“Just as true humor is laughter at oneself, true humanity is knowledge
of oneself.” – Alan Watts

(2) Wei Will Wei-Wise:

“...Man, trying to understand what he is while assuming he is something he is not, is perhaps a subject for caricature, but let us not forget that we ourselves are that man!  So when we realize the truth, when the understanding, crowding in upon us, bursts into flame and illumines our vision, what is our reaction?  What could it be but an immense roar of laughter? If it is not that, if it is any other kind of reaction to knowledge — beware of it!

“And when the laughter has died down — we can start starting to put our universe in order.”

— Wei Will Wei (Terrance Gray) in “Why Lazarus Laughed”

(3) Walter Lanyon God-Wise:

“He will ‘fill thy mouth with laughing and thy lips with rejoicing.’ And then one day I heard the Laughter of God in the midst of me and within the world, and all was suddenly changed. Old patterns and ideas were shattered and passed away---a new loveliness of LIFE was exposed to view. ‘God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me.’ Suddenly the leper broke into laughter---the filth of his mind slipped away---the sick, the lame and the halt suddenly laughed the Laughter of God and were healed - - - revealed. And one day you will laugh the Laughter of God, too.”

— The Forward of “The Laugher of God”...Written in Germany at Shining Lakes.

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