Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Hay-Ku of the Day (Cross-Triangulating Truth)

“Truth is Best Known” as
A “Direct Apprehension”
Of “Being What’s Known.”

“Knowing the Truth” in
The “Way I Know I Am” is 
The “One Perfect Way.”

Knowing the Truth “Face
To Face,” Even as “I Am
Known,” is “The One Way.”


“The Truth” is “I Am
That by which I Know I Am”
“Prior to Conception.”

“The Truth” is “I Am
That by which I Know I Am”
“Prior to any thought.”

“The Truth” is “I Am
That by which I Know I Am”
“Without any words.”


“The Truth” is “I Am”
“One with the Father of All”
And “not what I think.”

“The Truth” is “I Am”
“One with the Father” and “not
Which I Imagine.”

“The Truth” is I Am
“One with the Absolute” and
“Not what I believe.”


“The Truth” is “I Am”
“Awareness of Being” and
“Not what I pretend.”

The Truth is “I Am”
The “Witnessing Presence” of
“All Conscious Being.”


“To Know I Am” and
“Just Be That” is the “Headstone
The “Builder’s Reject.”

[Rich Note: The above cross-correlative Haiku, inspired by the following series of Peter Hill questions: (1) “How do we seek the Truth?”; (2) “AND how do you know it’s the Truth?”; and (3) “What is TRUTH?,” all point to the ABSOLUTE TRUTH as an “Infinitely Expandable, Dimensionless Still Point of Perfect Peace,” at the “Heart of Awareness,” from which a “River of Infinite Potential to Be,” endlessly Flows into Being as “Living Light and Love.”]

Monday, July 23, 2018

Hay-Ku of the Day (Light Embodied Peace)

A “Light Embodied
Still Point” of “Absolute Peace”
Is the “Heart of God.”

A “Light Embodied
Still Point” of “Absolute Peace”
Is “Common to All.”

A “Light Embodied
Still Point” of “Absolute Peace”
Is the “Holy One.”

A “Light Embodied
Still Point” of “Absolute Peace”
Is “God’s Single Eye.”

A “Light Embodied
Still Point” of “Absolute Peace”
Is “Witnessing All.”


A “Light Embodied
Still Point” of “Perfect Peace” is
The “Heart of Being.”

A “Light Embodied
Still Point” of “Perfect Peace” is
The “Father of All.”

A “Light Embodied
Still Point” of “Perfect Peace” is
The “Center of All.”

A “Light Embodied
Still Point” of “Perfect Peace” is
Our “Common Father.”

A “Light Embodied
Still Point” of “Absolute Peace”
“Abides in All Hearts.”


No Where at All and
Everywhere at Once as Pure
Potential to Be.

Nowhere at All and
Everywhere at Once as an
Absolute Still Point.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Missing Link)

“Being Other” than 
“That By Which I Know I Am”
Is “only a thought.”

“Being Other” than 
“I Am in Spirit and Truth”
Is “only a thought.” 


What “I pay the most 
Attention to” also “feels
The most ‘real’ to ‘me.’”

Just because patterns
Of thought feel right or wrong
Doesn’t make them true.


Focused attention
Energizes patterns of
Thought into feeling.

Feeling vibrates at
The same frequency as the
Thought that seeds it.


Feelings have the same 
“Frequency signature” as
The thoughts seeding them.

If you wish to change
A feeling change the vibrant
Thought that sources it.


A feeling depends 
On what one thinks about a
Given circumstance.

Feeling’s a function
Of what is imagined to
Be true about things.


What I think about
A circumstance generates
Feelings about it

Thinking generates
Feeling in the same way the
Sun radiates light.

How you feel is not
A function of circumstance
But what you believe.

We feel the way we
Think and use circumstance to
Justify our thought.


All conscious being
Is a vibrant expression
Of a “thought-feeling.”

It’s “thought-feeling”
For the same reason science
Calls it “space-time.”


“Thought and feeling” go
Together in “the same way”
That “space and time” do.

Feeling has the same
Vibrant nature as the thought
That always spawns it.


“I feel what I think”
And “am what I feel” because
“I think and feel so.”

“I feel what I think”
And “become what I feel” while
“Imagining that.”


“What “I think and feel
I am” is “what I am” until
“I change my thinking.”

“What I think and feel
I am” is “what I am” until
“I stop thinking that.”


If “Life’s a Vibrant”
“Self-Expression of Being”
So is Awareness.

“All I See” is a
“Vibrant State” of the “Conscious 
Awareness I Am.”


God’s “Divine Idea
Of Being” made “Manifest in 
Vibrant Form” Am I.

The “Word I Am” is
The Father’s “Immaculate
Conception” of “Life.”


“I Am” the “Word of
Living Light and Love” at the 
“Heart of Awareness.”

“Still Awareness” wed
To “Vibrant Awareness” give
“Birth to All Being.”


This Holy Instant
Awareness Knows Sensation
Consciousness is Born.

I Am Awareness
Embodied as a Sense of
Radiant Presence.

(1) Vibrationally Speaking:

If all existence, being and awareness is a quantum state of dynamic, vibrant energy, logic dictates that every thought has a paired, associative feeling; a feeling that is of the same vibrant frequency and quality as its higher, finer and more subtle seed-thought source, but experienced in a lower, grosser or denser range on the body-mind’s vibrant (sight, sound, touch, smell and taste) sensory continuum.

Seen in this light, “thought and feeling” would actually be self-mirroring reciprocals, in the same way that two sides of a single coin are.  But, again, with “thought” being the higher, finer, more sensory subtle, and so inherently less substantial and powerful, “seed-side vibration”; with its alter-ego, the “feeling-side vibration,” being a replicant of that particular “thought-seed side,” experienced as a lower, denser, yet more powerful, expansive and energetic, sensory expression of its thought-seed  complement. 

With respect to related creative potential, “feeling,” as the emotionally magnified, seed-thought vibration, has a much greater potential to attract all that might be needed to fully actualize thought into physical form — in  a way not unlike a fully formed pearl coalesces around a bit of grit.

All of which make literal physical sense of the psychological based conclusion” that: “It is what we think about a circumstance that actually makes us feel “happy or sad,” and not the circumstance in and of itself.” 

For once again, as suggested above, “feeling” is simply a magnified replication of the vibrant nature of the “thought” that seeds it. This in a way that analogous to various states of H20,  where “thought equates to a gas, feeling to a liquid and matter to a solid.” 

But what, exactly, from a personal perspective, does this abstractly expressed, “existence is, in essence, a unitary quantum field of vibrant energy,” understanding and all that implies, “mean to me,” with respect my everyday interface with reality? 

Well, at least potentially, everything! For in the instant Syd Bank’s actually realized, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that “thought” was a Fundamental Principle through which we all create our realities, his essential sense existence, being and identity, spontaneously shifted from a thought based sense of independent selfhood to complete self-identification with and as unconditioned “Awareness of Being and/or Consciousness,” as the Second of Three Constant Principles of Life.

Yes, through the realization of the implicitly creative nature of thought alone, Sydney Banks, in utter amazement, became a spontaneous heir to our joint and common potential to bring into manifest form the perfectly harmonic, divinely creative thoughts, wisdom and feelings needed to reveal, restore and resurrect the Our Common Father’s (Source, God or Mind as Life’s Third Constant Principle) always already, Perfect Vision of Being into Conscious Reality.

So yes, dear friends, if mankind would only stop, wake-up, smell the divine roses and by consciously focusing on and abiding in what is, In Spirit, and Truth, an all-originating, creative flow of exquisite images, thoughts and feelings.”  A flow whose “vibrational frequency” equates to perfect serenity, tranquility  and peace; which, in turn, gives birth to a moment to moment  living of ever-expanding perfection  — A “River of Ever-Flowing Peace from the Fountainhead of All (or “Throne of God”).

Yes, an “River of Life as a never-ending “Stream of Divine Life, Light and Love” destined to resurrect what has been called “The Natural State, Original Grace or Heaven in Earth”; an endless flow of “pure, pristine, innocent, heartfelt, child-like, joyous, playful, boundless Absolute Potential to Be, any and all, both inside and out, all at one time, in no time; locally reflected and expressed through an infinite multitude of “Dimensionless Still Points of Perfect Peace,” that are, were and always will be Absolutely Still, Silent, Open, Empty, One, Done, Whole, Complete and Perfect, as “Holy Grails or Divined Vessels” of “Ever-Flowing Life, Light, Love, Wisdom and Joy.”

Empty of Self-Thought
I Am the Holy Grail through 
Which the Godhead Flows.

(2) Sydney Banks-Wise:

“One thought changes every thing.”

“Nature is the physical form the spiritual energy has taken.”

“Your thoughts and feelings are a mirror of the soul.”

“Every living soul experiences life as an individual.  This is why all humans live and see a separate reality.”

“Just like the clay of the sculpture, thought is not reality. However, our personal realities are molded via our thoughts.”

"The divine passes from the formless to form, and as human beings we are both spectators and participants in this spiritual theater called life.”

“The achievement of mental stability and peace of mind is one thought away from everyone on earth...if you can find that one thought.”

"Achieving mental stability is a matter of finding healthy thoughts from moment to moment.  Such thoughts can be light years or a second thought away."

“When clarity and purity of thought are present, the answer you seek will present itself, for what you seek is with you and has been with you always.”

Your inner wisdom is still there - but it's clouded and hidden, in your intellect."

“Thought is not reality; yet it is through thought that our realities are created.”

“We are only one thought away from experiencing our enlightenment.” 

In the silence of our minds lies creative incubation, bringing the wisdom and the joy we seek.

[Rich Note: The forgoing is a “non-sequential arrangement” of 10 of the 140 aphorisms Syd Bank included in his first book, “The Missing Link” (a title which underscores THOUGHT as the Third Constant Principle (along with GOD/MIND and CONSCIOUSNESS) as “the missing or overlooked link” in a co-creative endeavor, both divine and human; plus 3 seminal/synoptic aphorisms from “Coming Home.”]

(3) Scripture-Wise:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended a it not.” John 1:1-5 KJV

(4) OOMM Metaphor-Wise:

The Word: “If a “word” is defined as an external vibratory pattern of energy intended to express or convey an inner thought or idea, is it not possible to characterize each and every man- made object you now see before you as a “living word?” For is not each such object simply a recurring pattern of physical energy that expresses an inner idea that once impressed another person’s mind? Do you yourself not also speak your mental ideas into physical being through words—vibratory patterns of external energy—in a similar fashion every time you speak or write? Might this same characterization not also hold true of the natural world?”

(5) “The philosophy of “every feeling is valid” would then have to admit that every thought is valid because thoughts generate feelings on many occasions. I would hope you agree that every thought is not valid. 

“But if a certain thought itself is delusional, not in accord with reality therefore untrue, then the feeling it generates is also invalid. 

“Someone who has troubling thoughts will say “yes I know what I’m thinking is most likely not true, but I can’t shake this feeling.” It’s because they admit the thought is a delusion but they continue to honor the feeling that the thought generates. 

“Be firm, disciplined and willing to question the effect and not just the cause. We do not heal something that is false, we simply see it as false and stop feeding it with our attention. “

-Atreya Thomas (7-16-18 FB Post)

[Rich Note: Atreya’s amazingly synchronistic post, which was discovered after the original draft of the above addressed thought-feeling connection, makes a perfect complement to this HOTD.]

Monday, July 16, 2018

Hay-Ku of the Day (I Am Life)

Life is not something
I have It Is What I Am
In Spirit and Truth.

I Am Alive to 
The degree I Am Consciously 
Aware of Being.

Life may be defined 
As the degree I Am Aware 
of Being Present.

“Am I not alive to the degree I am aware of being as reflected in the environmental stimuli each passing moment presents? Am I not more self-aware, more conscious of being, more aware of my existence, when I am awake than when I am asleep and unconscious of being? Am I not also more alive when I am paying attention to the present moment, than when I am entertaining memories or projecting futures? Am I not more dead to life when I am day dreaming then when wholeheartedly focused, here and now, on what’s going on around me? If so, then life isn’t something I have, it’s something I am. Some- thing I am more or less conscious of being, depending on the degree of conscious awareness I am able to bring to each precious moment. Thus, as paradoxical as it may seem, the more I give myself as a center of conscious attention and awareness to others the more abundant the life I will experience in and of myself.”

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Hay-Ku of the Day (“I and I”)

“Still Point Peace” at the
“Heart of Awareness” Births a
“Central Sense of Self.”

“I” is a “Central
Sense of Still Point Peace” at the
“Heart of Awareness.”

“Central Still Point Peace”
Is “Embodied as a Sense”
Of “Self-Radiance.”

As “Central Still Point
Peace I Am Embodied” as
“Radiant Presence.”

[Rich Note: Well, it is becoming quite clear, here, after 40 years, that “I” will “never stop trying” to express “Perfection in Words”; however, these are transcendently close, as they inner-link to the degree of constituting a quintessential family of haiku.

They also call to mind the classic lyrics of  Bob Dylan’s “I and I,” a song from “Infidels,” that was a “mixed bag” transitional album, after a Christian period that included: “Slow Train Coming (1979),” “Saved” (1980) and “Shot of Love” (1981) — a period, once hinted at in a prophet song lyric, Bob called a “Contract with the Lord.” 

Seen in this light, “I and I” was a transitional song (somewhere between profound and profane), that evokes the same sacred, transcendental, cosmic sense and feeling, here, both “Mr. Tamborine Man” and “Every Grain of Sand” do.

Here’s a link to the song and a copy of the lyrics (which are always helpful with Bob’s non-studio performances); lyrics that I still see and feel are a “profound stream” of “divine insight and wisdom,” in “down to earth, everyman words”:

“I and I” Lyrics by Bob Dylan

“Been so long since a strange woman has slept in my bed

Look how sweet she sleeps, how free must be her dreams

In another lifetime she must have owned the world, or been faithfully wed

To some righteous king who wrote psalms beside moonlit streams

I and I

In creation where one's nature neither honors nor forgives

I and I

One say to the other, no man sees my face and lives

Think I'll go out and go for a walk
Not much happening here, nothing ever does

Besides, if she wakes up now, she'll just want to talk

I got nothing to say, 'specially about whatever it was

I and I

In creation where one's nature neither honors nor forgives

I and I

One say to the other, no man see my face and lives

Took an un-trodden path once, where the swift don't win the race
It goes to the worthy, who can divide the word of truth

Took a stranger to teach me, to look into justice's beautiful face
And see an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth

I and I

In creation where one's nature neither honors nor forgives

I and I

One say to the other, no man sees my face and lives

Outside of two men on a train platform there's nothing in sight
They're waiting for spring to come, smoking down the track

The world could come to an end tonight, but that's all right
She could still be there sleeping when I get back.

I and I

In creation where one's nature neither honors nor forgives

I and I

One say to the other, no man sees my face and lives

Noontime, and I'm still pushing myself along the road, the darkest part

Into the narrow lanes, I can't stumble or stay put

Someone else is speaking with my mouth, but I'm listening with my heart

I've made shoes for everyone, even you, while I go barefoot

I and I

In creation where one's nature neither honors nor forgives

I and I

One say to the other, no man sees my face and lives

Songwriter: Bob Dylan

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Hay-Ku of the Day (Perfect Practice)

“Step Back, Let Go and
Drop” Into “Open Hearted
Awareness” Right Now.

“Step Back, Let Go and
Drop” Into “Being Open
Hearted Awareness.”


A “Perfect Balance”
Of “Principle and Practice”
“Resurrecting Peace.”

The “Only Thing” Loch’s 
“Book Needs” to “Take You Home” is
“You Being Ready!”


Abiding as the
Open Hearted Awareness 
Of Being Itself.

Abiding as the
Open Hearted Awareness 
That Underlies All.


Abiding as the
Still Point Peace at the Heart of
Awareness Itself.

Resting in Peace as
The Perfect Still Point at the
Heart of Awareness.

[Rich Note: The first six haiku above were directly inspired by Lock Kelly’s “Effortless, Mindfulness Now, Awake to Our Natural Capacity for Focus, Freedom, and Joy,” an audio book I hold in the highest regard, as the following Amazon review of the title attests:

“Delivers the Goods!!!

“A Perfect Balance
Of Principle and Practice
Delivers the Goods.

“A wonderful ‘cut to the chase audio book’ for anyone interested in a very practical way of resolving the problem of personal suffering inherent in the human condition.

“Highly recommended for seekers and non-seekers alike; including those who may be novices or experts in matters of contemplative, meditative, spiritual and/or mindfulness practice.”

“Rich Hay, Major, USAF (Retired)

“Author of ‘Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses, The Object of Life is to Find Out Who I Am Before Time Runs Out’”

P.S.1: Interestingly enough, Lock’s book has a floating dandelion seed on the cover very much in keeping with the spirit of the following haiku favorite:

Floating dandelion 
Seed softly lighting upon
An un-grasping hand.

P.S.2: For those who might be interested in Loch’s bio here’s a link to his author’s page: ]

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Haiku of the Day (From Darkness Into Light)

All the Darkness in
The World is there to Remind
Me I Am the Light.

All the Darkness in
The World is there to Remind
You You Are the Light.

All the Darkness in
The World is there to Remind
Us We Are the Light.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Hay-Ku of the Day (Darkness Into Light)

Without Darkness there
Is No Way to discern the
Everlasting Light.

Apparent Darkness
Is the One Way to Discern
Everlasting Light.

Temporal Darkness
Is the One Way to Discern
Everlasting Light.


To Know I Am Light
I First have to Realize I
Am not the Darkness.

To Know I Am the
Light I first have to Realize
I Am not Darkness.

To Discern the Light
I Am I First have to See
I Am Not Darkness.