Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day (Pure in Heart)

What I die to is
My delusion of Being
What I Imagine.

What one dies to is
One's delusion of Being
Separate from God.


What I die to is
My delusion of Being
Other than I Am.

Jesus died to save
Us all from our delusion
Of self-existence.

(1) Neville-Wise:

"Man is purified by the death of his delusion." -- Neville Goddard

"Like gold in the furnace He has tried us and receives us unto Himself as Pure Gold" -- Neville Goddard

"As gold in the furnace he hath proved them, and as a victim of a holocaust he hath received them, and in time there shall be respect had to them." -- The Book of Wisdom of Solomon

(2) Scripture-Wise:

"Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God." Matthew 5:8 KJV

"Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded." James 4:8 KJV

"Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit. Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee."  Psalm 51:10-13 KJV

[Rich Note: Here's a pop-up Haiku related to today's abstract:

An Open Heart is
A Heart Willing to Receive
"What Is As It Is."]

Monday, June 26, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day (God Related Oldies and Newbies)

The Question is not
Whether there is a God, but
Who's Playing the Role?

God is Real as the
Aware Presence of Being
I Am and You Are.

God is Real as the
Aware Presence of Being
Not as a Concept.


The Mind of Jesus 
Took us from a “God Without" 
To a “God Within." 

Life "Outside the Box"
Of "Mental Experience"
Is "Paradise Found."


Out of My Mind and
Back to My Sense of Being
Consciously Aware.

Out of My Mind and
Back to My Sense of Being
Present and Aware.

Out of My Mind and
Back to My Sense of Being
What I Am in Truth.


To See Harmony
In Chaos or God in Man
Be Mentally Still.

In Silent Stillness
I become That which I Am 
In Spirit and Truth.

Being Here and Now
Still and Silent as I Am
There is Only One.


*111. Our God is One: Reference to God as one is really a reference to God as absolute, as a state or condition of all-enclusive, all-encompassing being. It is also to say that God is the only true One and that all other states or conditions are merely aspects, parts or degrees of that one self-same whole that God is." 1992; U/D 4/7/96

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Saving Grace of Silence)

Being Here and Now
Still and Silent as I Am
Mindful of the Light.

Being Here and Now
Still and Silent as a I Am
Mindful of the Heart.

Being Here and Now
Still and Silent as I Am
One with the Father.

[Rich Note: The following related passages on Silence are from Robert Sardello's "Silence, The Mystery of Wholeness":

"We live, within our ego consciousness, with a sense of complete self-sufficiency that denies the presence of the spiritual worlds. Silence transforms these two unconscious aspects of the ego, it's fear of the earthly world and fear of the spirit world, for Silence takes fear away. Silence heals fear.

"In Silence then, we still have the capacity of focusing, which characterizes the functioning and true purpose of ego consciousness, but we also have the new capacity of diffuse and whole consciousness that characterizes soul-spirit consciousness. When these two forms of consciousness meld the world is seen as holy. When our ordinary perception combines with Silence, we perceive everything in its holiness."


"Perceiving the world in Silence makes us think differently. We begin to be aware that our thinking about spiritual matters has been materialistic...Silence, however, is being on the way to spiritualized thinking. The very form of our thinking has to be 're-formed' from 'thinking about' to 'thinking within,' and Silence is the teacher."


"Silence is intelligence.  It is a mode, a form of intelligence. It is Wisdom. As we enter into the Silence, we enter into Wisdom."

P.S. Simon and Garfunkel's related "One for the Ages": ]

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day (OOMM Favorites List 8)


A Still Mind becomes
The Pure Witnessing Presence 
Of Being You Are. 

Mind is the Weaver 
Of Garments of Light or Shrouds
Of Self-Ignorance. 

This mind of mine is 
A terrible master and 
Wonderful servant. 

Mind is Moonlight with
Respect to the Sunlight of 
Direct Consciousness. 

Divine Reflections 
Shatter in restless minds as 
Sunlight on the Sea. 

Mind as a mental
Mirror appears to fragment 
The Light it reflects. 

A Still Mind gathers
The Light a moving mind 
Can only disperse. 

Still Mental Waters 
Gather the Light of Being 
With no intension. 

Observing without 
Self-referential thought is 
Being the Seeing.


The Truth is “Dirt Simple” 
It’s the mind that complicates 
Things to keep its job. 

Truth in a Nutshell: 
“Being Is, You Are That and
Everything is Fine.” 

My “American Dream” 
Is to share the Good News: "You
Are not what you think.” 

Moonlight gazing back 
At the Sunlight at its Source 
Would say: “I Am That”! 

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day (Divine Co-Creativity as the Right Hand of God)

The Co-Creative
Potential of Being is
Being Overlooked.

Co-Creators are
Holographic Second
Self-Reference Beams.

The Co-Creative
Potential of Consciousness
Is Beyond Belief.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day (Three Part Divine Harmony)

"I AM" Only Mind,
"I Am" Only Consciousness,
"I am" Only Thought.

There Is Only Mind,
There Is Only Consciousness,
There Is Only Thought.


There's Only One Mind,
There's Only One Consciousness,
There's Only One Thought.

There's Only God Mind,
There's Only God Consciousness,
There's Only God Thought.

[Rich Note: The haiku above amalgamate Syd Bank's "Three Principle Revelation" (with respect to three Changeless Psycho-Dynamic Principles that underlie both the Creation and Experience of Reality) with the following Robert Adams, three part, breath synchronization Meditation format:

"There is only God,
There is only Consciousness,
Everything else is an appearance." ]

A. Related Three Principle Quotes:

(1) Syd Banks (from "The Missing Link"):

"The achievement of mental stability and peace of mind is one thought away from everyone on earth...if you can find that one thought."  

"Achieving mental stability is a matter of finding healthy thoughts from moment to moment.  Such thoughts can be light years or a second thought away."

"Everyone in the world shares the same innate source of wisdom, but it is hidden by the tangle of our own misguided personal thoughts."

"At the moment of birth, the virgin mind discovers creation, and the duality of life is born. Henceforth you live in a world governed by Thought.

"When clarity and purity of thought are present, the answer you seek will present itself, for what you seek is with you and has been with you always."

(2) Dr. Mark Howard (Three Principles Institute; from the Forward of Amy Johnson's great "Little Book of Big Change")

"I was fortunate to hear a man named Sydney Banks speak about his spiritual understanding of life. He shared the principles of Universal Mind, Thought, and Consciousness, which shed light on the true source of our moment-to-moment experience of life.

"During that presentation, I realized how emotions and feelings are created and how they are simply a reaction to the thinking I create through the power that stems from these spiritual principles. In that moment of insight, I realized that with this understanding, I could be happy—and so could my clients.

"The three principles of universal mind, thought, and consciousness represent the spiritual nature of our human functioning. They are a formless energy that provides us the capacity to experience life."

(3) Dr. Roger Mills and Elsie Spittle "The Inner Wisdom"):

"One of the reasons we, as a society, have gone off track in understanding human nature is that we have taken our personal thinking much to seriously."

"Understanding the role of thought, as both the transmitter and fabric of everyone's reality, immediately takes us to a deeper dimension of wisdom. 

"What we want to be able to do is understand how are minds are using thought to continuously determine personal reality at each moment. Whether this view of reality is wise or foolish, it is created in the same manner -- by our thinking at the time.

"When we begin to feel hostile, anxious, or take things personally, these feelings warn us that the quality of our thinking is declining.  Our wisdom tells us we should retreat from the illusionary world we are creating with those thoughts.  An emotion is always the result is a thought.  The quality of the emotion equals the quality of the thought."

"Once any person begins to realize -- by means of an insight -- how the three Principles work, that person can reshape his or her reality. Rather then accepting the world is fixed and intractable, people can actually change their perspective at a very fundamental level if they choose."

B. Related World Scripture and Wisdom:

"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee." Proverbs 23:7 KJV. -- King Solomon

"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follow like a shadow." -- Buddha

"The mind is the reality.
You are what you think." -- Alfred Bester

"Think good and good follows.
Think evil and evil follows.
You are what you think all day long." -- Joseph Murphy

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Philippians 4:8 KJV. -- St. Paul

Monday, June 12, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day ("We Are All Innocent...")

As the Clear Sky that
Underlies Clouds I Am the Pure
Innocence of Love.

As the Clear Sky that
Underlies Clouds You Are the
Living Light of Love.

As the Clear Sky that
Underlies Clouds God Is the
Light of Awareness.


The Living Light of
Awareness shines at the Heart
Of self-ignorance.

Shining at the Heart
Of ignorant darkness is the
Light of Awareness.

Shining at the Heart
Of self-focused thought is the
Living Light of Love.


Clear Light Awareness
Shines at the Heart of Self-
Imagined darkness.

Clear Light Awareness
Shines at the Heart of Self-
Referencing thought.

Clear Light Awareness
Shines from the Heart of Self-
Centered conception.


The Sun at the Heart
Of Awareness shines within
Apparent darkness.

The Sun at the Heart
Of Awareness shines within
Self-ignorant thought.


The Sun at the Heart
Of Awareness enlivens
Whatever is thought. 

The Sun at the Heart
Of Awareness enlivens
Whatever appears.

The Sun at the Heart
Of Awareness shines as the
Ground of Existence.


To the Clear Light of
Awareness I Am Even
The Darkness is Light.

To the Clear Light of
Awareness I Am Even
Darkness is Perfect.

Re: "We Are All Innocent by Reason of Insanity"  by Kathleen Brugger 

[Rich Note: The information synopsis provided on the book page is "Truth in a Nutshell."]

Here's the "Musical Version" of "We Are All Innocent..."

"For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known." Luke 12:2 KJV

[Rich Note: Bill Samuel, Syd Banks, David Dawkins, and others say, as does Kathleen, in their own way, that "We Are All Pure, Innocent and Divine at Heart" (and never have not been, except in our own imagination) -- in the same way the Clear Sky that underlies a cloudy day is Ever Pure; and so too the Innately Clear and Pure Water at the Heart of "shaken dirty water," Water that Self-Purifies with Stillness, as the sediment naturally settles out.]

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day ("Living the Feeling)

Now and Forever
"Living the Feeling" of the
Thought I entertain.

Now and Forever
"Living the Feeling" of what
I Am focused on.


Now and Forever
"Living the Feeling" of that
Which I imagine.

Now and Forever
"Living the Feeling" of the
Concepts Imagined.

Now and Forever
"Living the Feeling" of what
I Am focused on.


Now and Forever
"Living the Feeling" of what
I Am attending.

"Living the Feeling"
Of the "Radiant Presence
Of Being I Am.

(1) Quote-Wise

"You’re always living in the feeling of your thinking." -- Keith Blevens
Clinical psychologist (Syd Banks 3 Principle Psychology)
 "Understanding the role of thought, as both the transmitter and fabric of everyone's reality, immediately takes us to a deeper dimension of wisdom." -- Dr Roger Mills and Elsie Spittle


*38. Brain Box: "Mind may be likened to an enclosed mental space similar to the echo box of a guitar. This because it too may be said to resonate, replicate and magnify the environmental vibrations the senses present to it. Its capacity to do this faithfully, however, as with the echo chamber of the guitar, lies in its own essential voidness, in its own emptiness, its own fundamental selflessness. For were the brain and the consciousness it serves to move and vibrate in and of itself, internally, it would necessarily lose fidelity and so reproduce distorted (or dis-harmonic) mental music." 1992: 4/03 UD

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day ("Psychology of Mind")

"Mind, Consciousness and
Thought" are the "Three Principles"
That "Underlie All."

"Mind, Consciousness and
Thought" are the "Three Principles"
That "Manifest All."

"Mind, Consciousness and
Thought" are the "Three Principles"
That "Create Being."

[Rich Note: "Seeded" by the following Pedro Cortina 6-7-17 FB "leading question.":

Who created THIS thought? ✨

With respect to this seed question, anyone interested in the "Mechanics of Mind" (or Pragmatic Mysticism😉), as it relates to the moment to moment "Manufacturing of One's Reality," should have a look at Sydney Bank's "Three Principle Psychology" (which is also called the "Psychology of Mind"), which has been "successfully road tested" for more than 40 years or so (and is best researched by putting 3 Principle Community in a search engine).

(2) Here's a short synopsis from "The Wisdom Within" by Dr. Roger Mills and Elsie Spittle:

"...Mind, Consciousness and Thought are the three Principles that enable us to acknowledge and respond to existence."  -- Syd Banks (Missing Link p21)

"Mind is the life-force behind all things, the formless energy and intelligence of life itself.

"Consciousness is the ability to be aware of reality and to recognize how reality is created.

"Thought is the power to think (as an instrument and/or process of focusing and directing thought) and thereby create (as the medium) our personal experience of reality .

"Mind, Consciousness and Thought are the links between the formless and the unique reality each of us perceives as an individual..."

(3) Here's a link to a more detailed synopsis by Craig K. Comstock:

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day (Peace Beyond Understanding)

The One Absolute
Referent is the Still Point
Heart of Awareness.

A Mind stayed on the
Still Point at the Heart of All
Find's Absolute Peace. 


A Dimensionless 
Still Point of Absolute Peace

A Dimensionless 
Still Point of Absolute Peace
Is the EYE of All.

A Dimensionless 
Still Point of Absolute Peace
Is the SELF of All.

A Dimensionless 
Still Point of Absolute Peace
Is the HEART of All.

A Dimensionless 
Still Point of Absolute Peace
Is the SOURCE of All.


A Dimensionless 
Still Point of Absolute Peace
Is the All-Seeing.

A Dimensionless 
Still Point of Absolute Peace
Is the Holy One.

A Dimensionless 
Still Point of Perfect Peace is
An Absolute One.

"Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee." (Isaiah 26:3 KJV)

"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." Matthew 6:22 KJV

Friday, June 2, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day ("Some Gave All. All Gave Some")

"Some Gave All. All Gave 
Some," is so much more than a
"Memorial" Slogan.

"Some Gave All. All Gave 
Some," captures the Spirit of
Self-Sacrifice and Love.


"Freedom Isn't Free"
It's bought with the Sacrifice
Of those who Love It.

"Freedom isn't Free"
It's bought with self-disciple
And self-sacrifice.


Heroes are those willing
To go "In Harm's Way" for
The "Freedom of All."


"Memorial Day"
Reminds us of the real price
Paid for our "Freedom."

"Memorial Day"
Honors "self-sacrifice" for
The "good of others."

"Memorial Day"
Honors those who "sacrificed 
Their lives" for "freedom."

[Rich Note 1: I had the honor and privilege of representing Vietnam Vets with a talk at a 7 stage Memorial  Service in Woodbury, New Jersey, sponsored by the Boy Scouts, on Memorial Day;  and that at the behest of Charles Hughes.

On the following day, I was similarly honored to speak to 3rd, 4th and 5th graders at the Walnut Street and Evergreen Avenue elementary schools in Woodbury. In the last case, I was specifically asked to address my Vietnam experience, my fallen comrade, TSgt Clyde D. Alloway, and why honoring our Veterans, living and fallen, is so important. What follows is the gist of what was shared with the kids:

"Memorial Day is a time to remember that the "freedom" we as Americans are all blessed to enjoy came with a heavy price -- freedom, we often take for granted; freedom that was purchased with the blood and sacrifice of past and present fellow Americans, in defense of our Country.

"In this regard, freedom is the key, kids, because if we lose our freedom, all the other great things Americans stands for and love will be lost. As such, we cannot afford to give up our individual and collective freedom, as a country or people, without a fight or unwittingly trade it for personal material gain.

"Summing it all up, kids, as two of the memorials visited on Memorial Day reminded me: "Some gave All. All Gave Some."]

[Rich Note 2: Also worth sharing, is that I was pretty much mobbed by a group of 2 or 3rd graders, who were about to leave the library when we first entered in the Evergreen school; a group of joyful kids that shook my hand, thanked me for my service, and then asked to hug me (and some multiple times). Definitely a "once in a lifetime event," that truly melted this old soldier's heart.]