Sunday, June 28, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day ("This Awareness, Right Here, Right Now"

What I Am as "This
Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,"
Is the Word of God.

What I Am as This
Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,
Is the Light of God.

What I Am as "This
Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,"
Is the Peace of God.

What I Am as "This
Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,"
Is the Truth of God.

What I Am as "This
Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,"
Is the Love of God.

What I Am as "This
Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,"
Is the Life of God.

What I Am as "This
Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,"
Is the Joy of God.

What I Am as "This
Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,"
Is the Christ of God.

What I Am as This
Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,"
Is the Hope of God.

What I Am as "This
Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,"
Is the Grace of God.

What I Am as "This
Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,"
Is the Heart of God.

What I Am as "This
Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,"
Is the Faith of God.

What I Am as "This
Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,"
Is the Sun of God.

[Rich Note: "This Awareness, Right Here, Right Now," is a pointer to "What I Am, You Are and All Is," as the Ultimate Reality, Bill Samuel often uses in both his writings and talks.

Re: Vignettes on Love # 1 (excerpt)

"…Awareness, Life, Consciousness really mean the same thing. When one says “I am alive” he means “I am aware”. If one says “I am consciousness” he really means I am Awareness. When one says “I am alive”… or “living” he means that he’s being aware or conscious, so the terms mean the same. So, as I speak of Awareness, I speak of life. And, as I speak of Awareness, I have reference to that intangible essence which listens to these words. I have reference to that ineffable Isness wherein the images of Awareness are discerned. I have reference to the very identity you are. Have we ever been conscious of anything that was not included within this awareness that is right here? Have we ever said ’you’ to another without really addressing some object of perception that appeared within, and as this Awareness that is aware right now? Think just a moment, have we seen a sight, have we ever heard a sound that did not come to us as this present consciousness? What is the smell of a rose, of the taste of a berry, of the feel of a rock if it isn’t Awareness? It’s Awareness functioning, isn’t it? It’s Awareness being Itself. Aren’t all of the arts and sciences, the figures and events of history with all of their stories, aren’t every sprig of grass, every star in the heavens, everyone included in and as this Awareness right here right now being identity? Yes, of course, you know this is so. 

"This is a simple, even though very seldom perceived, fact of existence and it’s for this reason that we’ve heard the statement that we live alone. We live alone as an all- inclusive Awareness, an all-inclusive Awareness of existence, of being. You see, the friends, relatives, trees, mountains and the throngs of humanity who keep us company and all that we see gathered here together this morning are actually aspects of this Awareness we are. They are images… images, objects of perception, ideas within this Consciousness I am, within this Awareness right here, right now. And friends, we are concerned with this single Awareness alone and only. This is the only One. Blessed are the solitary for they shall find the kingdom of heaven. We are concerned with this single, alone and only solitary Awareness being identity right here, right now, and not another one..."

(Transcribed introduction of a Woodsong talk by William Samuel) ]

Monday, June 22, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Really Good News is "I AM THE WORD")

The Message Jesus Christ Lived
And Died to Reveal.

The Truth that Jesus poured out
His Life to Express.

The Way that Jesus Christ Lived
And Died to Convey


A Divine Self-Expression
Of the Christ Message.

A Divine Expression of
Christ's Living Message.

"I Am the Word" is 
A Plain Text Expression of
The Message of Christ.


The "Real Good News" was 
Never "Christ in Jesus" but "Christ
In You and All Else."

"I AM THE WORD" shares
Christ's largely Ignored Teachings
And the "Real Good News."

"I AM THE WORD" shares
The Good News Jesus revealed;
Which is "Christ in You."


"I AM THE WORD" shows
How to "Live the Good News":
Which is "Christ in You."

"I Am the Word" shares
A Way to Be "in the World
But not of the World."

"I Am the Word" shares
A Clear Way to Know You Are
One with the Father.***

[Rich Note: The following wholehearted, synoptic endorsement of "I AM THE WORD," by Paul Selig -- as a "Book for the Ages," as a "Unique, One of a Kind, Rubber on the Road, Spiritual Classic"; whose "Fast-Track, Breakthrough Potential" is, not only perfectly suited, but absolutely necessary for "Such a Time as This" -- has clearly expanded with familiarity in the last month and so needs to be shared once again: 

"In short, for Rich Hay at least, as an overly intellectual type, who has spent 45 years seeking Truth, seeing and feeling Christ (Krishna, God, Brahman, Allah, Nameless Absolute, Source, All That Is or Whatever other Name one might prefer to call IT) as the "Conscious Energy, Vibration or Frequency" that "Pure Awareness of Being or Consciousness" ultimately Is, offers a "Living (and quite Literal Visceral) Bridge" across the conceptual gap (or Gate-less Gate) between "Head and Heart, Thought and Feeling, Spirit and Flesh"; and, as such, "I AM THE WORD" offers a clear and present, "evolutionary breakthrough potential" for All Humanity, both individually and collectively, to know with certainty exactly "What Consciousness Is" and with That, "Who and What We All Ultimately Are" (and then "The Real Divine Fun Begins").

[Rich Note: For those of a more conservative human nature, spiritual or otherwise, do yourself a favor, and don't let the fact that "I AM THE WORD" is a "channeled book" scare you away from this Treasure (Re: "Know me by my works"); sent straight from "God's Heart to Yours" -- for the Living God Still and Ever Shall Speak to those with an "Open Mind and Willing Heart" (or in more poetic language: "Apply thine heart unto instruction, and thine ears to the words of knowledge." Proverbs 23:12).]

[Rich Note -- (alternate "third rail" endings): All Being, Creation, Existence, All Others, the Divine, You Father, Your Brothers, Your Sisters, In Christ Frequency, In Christ Energy, in Field Potential, Divine Awareness, Quantum Awareness, Conscious Energy, The Creator's Child.]

[Rich Note:  Two other HOTD links:

(1) Hay-Ku of the Day (I Am Word)

(2) Hay-Ku of the Day (Being Still and Knowing I Am Word) ] 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Christ in You Too)

"Christ in You" is the
Awareness of God I Am
And not who I think.

"Christ in You" is the
Awareness of God I Am
And not what you think.

"Christ in You" is the
Awareness of God I Am
And not a person.

"Christ in You" is the
Awareness of God I Am
Not a personage.

"Christ in You" is the
Awareness of God I Am
Prior to conception.

"Christ in You" is the
Awareness of God I Am
Being All There is.

"Christ in You" is the
Awareness of God I Am
As the Ground of All.

"Christ in You" is the
Awareness of God I Am
At the Heart of All.

"Christ in You" is the
Awareness of God I Am
Everywhere Present.

"Christ in You" is the
Awareness of God I Am
Being Everything.

(1) Scripture-Wise:

"But speaking the truth in love...grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ..." Ephesians 4:15 KJV

"But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory..." 1 Corinthians 2:7-8 KJV

"...Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory... Colossians 1:26-27 KJV

"Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world." (1 Jn. 4:4)

"That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love," (Eph. 3:17)

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom..." (Col. 3:16)

"Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all." Colossians 3:11 KJV

(2) Bill Samuel-Wise:

"I take the Divine Awareness of God to be my Identity."

"...How do we live the single identity, how do we live it? By being conscious of the fact that this consciousness is God’s Self-Awareness about the business of being this Awareness I am. We awaken to the fact that we are not another and never have been and then we stop acting as another. We awaken to the fact that we are not the custodian, the possessor, the container of Awareness but that we are Awareness Itself, Life Itself, God’s living Itself and then we stop acting as the possessor, as the custodian. We begin to live as the single one, as the solitary, as the Only. We live One Awareness is All. Then we stand fast on this ground. We refuse to have two awarenesses on the scene. And then, bit by bit, precept upon precept and really with no conscious effort, we begin to find meanings, meanings behind the events that are transpiring all around us..." (from "Vignettes on Love")

(3) I AM WORD-Wise:

"When we talk of Christ, we will be clear now, we talk about Christ as a Creation of the God Self inhabiting man in its fullness. We do not say, "You are Jesus," any more than we say you are a thing, or a that, or a light thing that can be called Jesus.  Jesus is a personage of the Christ, a manifestation of the Christ in fullness, and there have been others as well who have ascended to this level of understanding and frequency...." (from "I AM THE WORD" by Paul Selig)

(4) Sri-Nisargadatta-Wise:

"Go deep into the sense of ‘I am’ and you will find. How do you find a thing you have mislaid or forgotten? You keep it in your mind until you recall it. The sense of being, of ‘I am’ is the first to emerge. Ask yourself whence it comes or just watch it quietly. When the mind stays in the ‘I am’, without moving, you enter a state, which cannot be verbalized, but which can be experienced. All you need to do is to try and try again. After all the sense of ‘I am’ is always with you, only you have attached all kinds of things to it- body, feelings, thoughts, ideas, possessions and so on. All these self-identifications are misleading, because of these you take yourself to be what you are not."  (from "I AM THAT)

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Locus of Focus)

I Am a Central
Pivot of Focus moved from
Within or without.

I Am a Locus
Of Focus either moved from
Within or without.

I Am the Locus
Of Focus that can either
Be mover or moved.


Am I the Locus
Or Mental Hocus-Pocus
Or the One I Am?

Am I the Locus
Of Mental Hocus-Pocus
Or Focus Itself?

A self-referenced
Locus of Hocus Pocus
Or All-Seeing Eye?


The central Locus
At the Heart of Awareness
Is Absolute Peace.

The central Locus
At the Heart of Awareness
Is the Christ in You.

I Am a Changeless
Focal Point at the Heart of
Present Awareness.


As a Locus of
Focus We Directionalize
Divine Intention.

As the Locus of
Changeless Focus I Am a
Divine Pivot Point.

I Am the Locus
Of Focus that Directs the
Flow of Energy.


The Still Point Pivot
Around which Being Revolves
Unfold's Life's Story.

The Still Point around 
Which Focused Attention pivots
Unfold's Your Story.

The Still Point around 
Which Focused Attention pivots
Chooses what unfolds.


God's Reality
Is Created Inside-Out
Through mental Focus.

God's Reality
Is build from the Inside-Out
By what we focus on.

God's Never-Ending
Story Unfolds from Still Point Peace
At the Heart of All.


I Am Being an
Energy Transformer of
The Highest Order.

Human Beings are
Divine pivot points between
Spirit and the Flesh.

Knowing the Locus
Of Your Focus will End All
The Hocus Pocus

Cross-Correlative Expansions on the Theme:

1) OOMM oldie:

"As wind and waves move 
An uncontrolled rudder, so Circumstance moves man."

(2) "The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil (double or double-minded), thy whole body shall be full of darkness (self-ignorance). If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!"  Matthew 6:22-23 KJV

(3) "Go to the source where the "I Amness" first moves."-Sri Nisrgadatta 

(4) (The Ship and Wheel) "An uncontrolled mind may be likened to a ship’s wheel released by its master. Un-subject to the master’s hand, the wheel would naturally begin to move by itself. Not knowing the true state of affairs—that it is the wind, through the waves, that actually moves the wheel through the rudder— the wheel, if conscious, might wrongly conclude it had a life of its own. Self-control on the part of such a wayward wheel would naturally follow as an apparent problem. Resolution of this seeming dilemma, however, would not lie in the wheel’s learning to master itself, but rather in restoring the master’s hand. Seen in this light, is it not clear that one’s mind, as with any such energy transformer—mental, spiritual or material—has a similar potential to allow the energy it is intended to transform to flow bi-directionally? If so, and one’s mind isn’t being controlled from the inside, then the energy it is intended to transform would, quite naturally, flow in the opposite direction, and the inner subject necessarily moved by outer objects. The end result in such a circumstance is that man, although born to have outer dominion, becomes an unwitting slave to a reverse flow of generic energy patterns that subject him to the law of relative being and chance."

(OOMM Chapter 4, In Spirit and Truth)

(5) "...Our focus can be strongly led by what is happening externally, with energetically loud events pulling our attention towards them; for some this can be the predominant experience of reality. This is the experience of life being something that happens to you, rather than life being something that unfolds from within you. A part of awakening to your spirit is to become aware of this inner choice of focus. Through the choice of where you put the catalytic, creational power of your focus, you shape the reality that unfolds before you. To come to know this place inside of you is to become more Self-aware. It is to open to the feeling of your Self as the determinant of your reality."

"Your focus determines your reality because you experience what you focus upon. Where you choose to focus your consciousness leads the unfolding of your experience. Your focus is the leading edge of that which you are. You steer your focus and all that you ever experience spirals through this focal point. Your focus is a choice; feel that. Stop and feel that now – your choice of what you are focusing upon in this reality."

(from book entitled: "Being Unprotected" by Story Waters)

Monday, June 1, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Being Still and Knowing I Am Word)

To Be Still and Know
"I Am Word" is to Be In
The Christ Frequency.

To Be Still and Know
"I Am Word" is Being in
The Christ Frequency.

To Be Still and Know
"I Am Word" is tuning to
The Christ Frequency

To Be Still and Know
"I Am Word" is Aligning
With Christ Frequency.

To Be Still and Know
"I Am Word" is Being the
Frequency of Christ.


I Am Word is the
Nameless Absolute Being
At the Heart of All.

I Am Word is the
Nameless Absolute Being
Everlasting Light.

I Am Word is the
Nameless Absolute Being
Dimensionless Life.

I Am Word is the
Nameless Absolute Being
Boundless Energy.

I Am Word is the
Nameless Absolute Being
The Substance of All.


I Am Word is the
Nameless Absolute Being
Aware of Being.

I Am Word is the
Nameless Absolute Being
Self-Radiant Light.

I Am Word is the
Nameless Absolute Being
Quantum Awareness.

I Am Word is the
Nameless Absolute Being
Aware as "I AM.'

I Am Word is the
Nameless Absolute Being
Manifest as "Me."


I Am Word is the
Vibrant Self-Expression of
The Father of All.

I Am Word is the
Self-Radiant Expression
Of the Absolute.

I Am Word is the
Unlimited Expression
Of Pure Potential.

I Am Word is the
Vibratory Medium
Of Source Energy.


I Am Word is the
Absolutely Creative
Potential to Be.

I Am Word is the
Imaginative Power
Of Pure Energy.

I Am Word is the
Perfectly Creative Voice
Of the Absolute.

I Am Word is the
Supreme Creative Medium
Of the Absolute.


I Am Word is the
Supremely Creative Mind
Of the Absolute.

I Am Word is the
Perfectly Creative Mind
Of God the Father.

I Am Word is the
First Cause Creativity
Of God the Father.


This Awareness of
Being is the Frequency
Of the Living God.

This Awareness of
Being is the Frequency
Of the Living Word.

This Awareness of
Being is the Frequency
Of God Manifest.

This Awareness of
Being I Am is the Self
Awareness of God.

This Awareness of
Being I Am is the Christ
Frequency in All.


Consciousness is a
Vibrant Energy State of
The Highest Order.

Consciousness is a
Vibrant Energy State of
The Divine Order.

Consciousness is a
Vibrant Energy State or
Divine Fountainhead.

Consciousness is the
Vibrational Awareness
Of Being called Word.

Consciousness is the
Vibrational Frequency
Of Being called Christ.


I Am Word is the
Divine Megaphone that Speaks
Life into Being.

Knowing Myself to
Be Word lifts my Energy
Frequency to Christ.

Knowing Myself to
Be Word lifts my Consciousness
To Christ's Frequency.

[Rich Note: Obviously had a very difficult time pairing down the number of HK offered above, even though they likely number less then half of the total inspired this morning by the "I AM THE WORD" message that follows.  Which means, of course, that the latter will likely show up in a subsequent "overflow, I AM WORD HOTD. It is necessary to point out that all of the "I am's" (and references to name), with the exception of "I AM THAT I AM") in the cross-correlating quotations offered below were capitalized to make a point. Please note, as well, that any "parenthetical matter" is also mine.]
(1) J. Donald Walter-Wise:

A. "Human vision beholds individuality and separation everywhere. Divine vision (Rich Note: the "Single Eye" referred to in Scripture) beholds the oneness of cosmic vibration, of which all things, no matter how diverse, are manifestations.  Cosmic Sound -- the "Word" of God -- and Cosmic Light: These are eternal (I would say "everlasting," but that's splitting metaphysical hairs).  The world, as revealed to us by our senses, is illusory."

B. "If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit..." (John 15:7-8 KJV).

"How can we 'abide in him'? Jesus says, 'If my words abide in you.' By words he meant not only his spoken words, but his vibrations, his consciousness, of which his words are only an expression."

C. "Be in tune. Delusion can't touch you, if you will keep in tune...A few will fall. But it needn't be, if you would stay in tune." -- Paramhansa  Yogananda

"Truth is a state of (or frequency in) consciousness, not a well-worded definition.  It is in consciousness, above all, that or lives are transformed..."

D.  "If you wish to know God," Paramhansa Yogananda said, "live in the thought that you have Him already."

-- quotes from Donald's "Rays of the One Light," Week 1, "At the Heart of Silence -- The Eternal Word; Week 27, "Abiding in God"; Week 6, "The Importance of Soul-Receptivity"; and Week 12, "We Are Children of the Light."

(2) Bhagavad Gita-Wise:

"I (the WORD I AM) make and unmake this universe. Apart from Me nothing exists, O Arjuna. All things, like the beads of a necklace, are strung together on the thread of My consciousness (at the Its Highest Vibrational Frequency), and is sustained by Me."

"Out of my love for them, I, the Divine within them, set alight in them the radiant lamp of wisdom, thereby dispelling the darkness of their ignorance."

(3) Scripture-Wise:

"In the beginning was the Word..All things were made by him (THAT); and without him was not any thing made that was made." John 1:1 & 3 KJV

"Be still, and know that I AM (the WORD of) God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10 KJV

"...I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you...this is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations. (Ex. 3:14-15) 

"I AM the LORD: that is my Name; and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images. (Isa. 42:8)

"Thy Name, O Lord , endureth for ever; and thy memorial, O Lord , throughout all generations." Psalm 135:13 KJV

"Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy Word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I AM called by thy Name, O Lord God of hosts." Jeremiah 15:16 KJV

(4) I AM WORD (Paul Selig)-Wise:

A. "...We will continue this text now with a message for each man and woman who wishes to praise the Creator: "We would like you to now take a moment in silence and "be still and know that I am God." And to say that means to move into your own heart and receive the blessing of the Christ at an energetic level, at a level of frequency. We bring your heart now to light and we align to the flame within you, and that flame is the Christ in manifestation in the heart of man.  And we allow this flame to begin to move through you and envelope you, in beauty and in fullness. "I am the Word." Know yourself, please.  And know that part of you that is the Creator seeking to know himself, to experience himself, and know you in this light. Word I am Word. So be it."

B. "..on a higher level you do have a Name encoded in you, which is the cellular identification of yourself as a soul, a Christed soul on the way back to the Creator.

"So when we say to you, 'I am Word,"'we are actually telling you that is your Name.  That is your Name.  That is your Name.  You can call it Yahweh, you can call it by any golden Name you wish to, but in essence we are all saying, 'I am one with my Creator and I am journeying to my place of unification with that consciousness. As I identify with that aspect of the self that is the Creator, I rise in frequency and the journey commended quickly.' Period.

"So we are telling you now that your identity is not something that you know on this level until you claim it.  When you claim it, you begin to integrate it.  No mumbo jumbo here.  When you claim you are the Word, you identify with the aspect of yourself that you truly are eternally."

-- from Paul Selig's "I AM THE WORD."

(5) Bill Samual-Wise:

"What does the Christ Child, the Heart within, tell us that helps our ascent? That in Truth, the Real of us is victorious already—and in proportion to our belief that those words are true, THIS tangible experience in the world of people, places and things progressively moves to CONFIRM that Fact, proving the Light of the Eternal—appearing in our experience as another step toward the Truth, another Glimpse."

-- from Bill's "The Child Within Us Lives."

"'Listen softly,' I said to the woodman, "listen gently with the Heart. 'THERE IS NO WAY THERE BUT TO BE THERE!'..."

--from Bill's "The Woodcutter and the King."

(6)  "Since along with 'I', the aforementioned first name [mentioned in the previous verse], 'am' always shines as the light of reality, 'I am' is also the Name. Among the many thousands of Names of God, no Name suits God, who abides in the Heart, devoid of thought, so aptly as 'I' or 'I am'. Of all the known Names of God, 'I', 'I' alone will resound triumphantly when the ego is destroyed, rising as the silent supreme Word [mauna para vak] in the Heart-space of those whose attention is Selfward-facing."  -- Sri Ramana