Monday, September 21, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Divine Geometry)

Centered in the One
Abiding in the Balance
Mindful of the Light.


Two sides of one coin
Can only be seen from a
Third point perspective.

Vision both expands
And ascends when fixed between
Mental opposites.


The focal length and
Breadth of Vision of a Still
Mind are Limitless.

A Still Mind's Focal
Length and Breadth of Vision
Becomes Infinite.

Geometrically speaking, "2 points" define a line, whereas "3 points" adds a "3 dimension," but, in so doing, also creates a potential for a Higher Point of View or Perspective that can both increase mental focal length and broaden breadth of vision. 

Seen in this light, let's take a look at an equilateral triangle sitting on its base, with an "All-Seeing Single Eye" (or Eye/I of God) at its apex (I) with its right base point the Alpha (A) of All Creation and its left base point the Omega Point (M) and All Time between them.  Clearly, that All-Seeing Apex would be able to see All Creation (Space-Time Dimensions) All at One Time, in No Time by Virtue of Being Beyond Time.

Next, drop a perpendicular from the All-Seeing Eye (I) Apex to the Base "Time-Line" (Alpha to oMega) and as that One descends (or "falls") down that "Space-Line" focal length (both mental and physical) decrease, breadth of vision narrows and the relative degree of "Divine Self-Ignorance" (and likely Amnesia) of that One, Original All-Seeing Eye (which we will now Deify) of God"; whose Divinely Creative Self-Expression the Whole Triangle represents as a Multi-Dimensional Icon.

Hay-Ku of the Day (Laser-Like Mind)

Laser-like the Mind 
Brought to the “Single-Eyed State"
Of Pure Awareness.

Laser-like the Mind 
Brought to the “Single-Eyed State"
Of God's Awareness.

Laser-like the Mind 
Brought to the “Single-Eyed State"
Of Still Awareness.

Laser-like the Mind 
Brought to the “Single-Eyed State"
Of Aware Presence.

Laser-like the Mind 
Brought to the “Single-Eyed State"
Of the Divine Mind.

Laser-like the Mind 
Brought to the “Single-Eyed State"
Of the Mind of God.


Laser-like is the
Mind brought to a Still Point of
Being the Seeing.

Laser-like is the
Mind brought to a Still Point of
Single-Eyed Seeing.

Laser Beam: "A laser beam is a state of coherent light in which all the light waves align and cease to impinge upon themselves. Said light waves may be likened to a collective group of energy vectors, which, when perfectly aligned, cease to lose a portion of their aggregate energy due to internal friction. Conceiving mental energy in a similar fashion, perfect alignment of mental energy vectors would necessarily yield the mental equivalent of a laser beam and thus produce a perfectly coherent state of mind—a unified condition of consciousness in which internal non-alignment, friction and energy loss no longer arise." 1992

[Introduction to Chapter 3 of "Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses" (OOMM).]

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Growing Up Into Christ)

Christ is Awareness
Embodied as a Sense of
Radiant presence.

Christ is the Divine 
"Awareness of Being" that 
Is "with me always."

"Christ in You" is "This
Awareness Right Here, Right Now"
That Understands All.


To Be What I Am
As the Awareness of God
I need to Be Still.

Being Here and Now
Still and Silent as I Am
One with the Father.

This Holy Moment
Awareness knows Sensation
Consciousness is Born.

(3) Although the following Neville Goddard (who I would characterize as a Christian Mystic of the Highest Order, for want of a better term) excerpt pushes the "traditional doctrinal envelope" way beyond "cherished conceptual belief," the time is short and Neville does provide a perfectly clear, natural, practical and experientially verifiable delineation with respect to exactly what "...growing up into him, in all things, which is the head, even Christ..." and "...Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man..."(KJV) actually point to with respect to the Ultimate Potential of Collective Mankind (which fell in Adam and resurrects in Christ) to Manifest the Fullness of Godhead Bodily as the Aware Presence of Being Christ is as the One I Am in All, that is All in All."

The Power of Awareness
by Neville Goddard 

Chapter One 


"All things when they are admitted are made manifest by the light: for everything that is made manifest is light. Eph. 5:13 

"THE "light" is consciousness. Consciousness is one, manifesting in legions of forms or levels of consciousness. There is no one that is not all that is, for consciousness, though expressed in an infinite series of levels, is not divisional. There is no real separation or gap in consciousness. I AM cannot be divided. I may conceive myself to be a rich man, a poor man, a beggar man or a thief, but the center of my being remains the same regardless of the concept I hold of myself. At the center of manifestation there is only one I AM manifesting in legions of forms or concepts of itself and "I am that I am."  

"I AM is the self-definition of the absolute, the foundation on which everything rests. 

"I AM is the first cause-substance. 

"I AM is the self-definition of God. I AM hath sent me unto you. 


"Be still and know that I AM God. 

"I AM is a feeling of permanent awareness. The very center of consciousness is the feeling of I AM.  I may forget who I am, where I am, what I am but I cannot forget that I AM. The awareness of being remains, regardless of the degree of forgetfulness of who, where, and what I am. 

"I AM is that which, amid unnumbered forms is ever the same. This great discovery of cause reveals that, good or bad, man is actually the arbiter of his own fate, and that it is his concept of himself that determines the world in which he lives [and his concept of himself is his reactions to life]* [*Bracketed material is explained in the publisher's Px.--Ed. s note.]..,"

(3) "For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them. But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear." Matthew 13:15-16 KJV

Hay-Ku of the Day (Divine Syllogism)

1- You are not what you think.

2- You can never not be what you are.


When you stop thinking
You are what you are not you
Will be what you are.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Loving My Brother as Myself)

Love God with All your
Heart, Mind, and Soul and Your
Brother Is Your Self.


To Love my Brother
As Myself I would have to
Realize We Are One.

To Love my Brother
As Myself I would have to
Realize God is One.


To Love my Brother
As Myself I would have to
Realize God is All.

To Love my Brother
As Myself I would have to
Realize All is One.

To Love my Brother
As Myself I would have to
Realize I Am One.


To Love my Brother
As Myself I'd have to Love
God with All my Heart.

To Love God with All
My Heart, I must stop loving
"Myself as I think."


When I Am Empty
Of self-thought I default to
Being Full of God.*

Self-love is never
A problem unless I have
Misdefined myself.


* Or more operationally:

Stop thinking you are
What you are not and You
Will Be what You Are.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Slowing Your Mental Roll to a Standstill)

Re: "A misunderstanding or misinterpretation of the purpose of waiting."

OOMM Oldie:

Waiting here at the
Motor Vehicle Bureau
Practicing patience.


Patiently waiting
With "What Is As It Is" is
Waiting on the Lord.


Practicing patience 
Is bridling the mind and
Waiting on the Lord.

Bridle your mind at
The divine hitching post and
Wait upon the Lord.


We're too mentally
Busy to notice the Lord
Living in our Heart.

Too self-concerned and
Busy to notice the Lord
Present in our Hearts.


"Not minding" any 
Thought at all defaults the Mind
To Minding the Lord.

"Not minding" myself
As I think defaults the mind
To "Minding the Lord."


"Not minding "What Is
As It Is" defaults the mind
To "Being the Lord."

"Not minding "What Is
As It Is" defaults the mind
To "Oneness with All."


It takes No Time to
Wait upon the Lord Who is Now
Living in Our Hearts.

"To Be Still and Know
That I Am God" is "Waiting
On the Lord with us."


Being mentally 
Still is "Waiting on the Lord"
As God's Awareness.

Only a Still and 
Silent Mind is Pure Enough
To Behold the Lord.


Accepting "What is
As It Is" is "Taking your
Stand as Awareness."

I take my stand as
The Witnessing Presence of
Divine Awareness.

Take your stand as the
Awareness You Are instead
Of what you now think.


Re:,"A fast mind is sick,
A slow mind is sound,
A still mind is divine."

 Meher Baba (paraphrase of the "Don't Worry, Be Happy!" guy)

A mind that is not
Worried or self-concerned is
Naturally Happy.

A mind that is not
Self-preoccupied becomes
Happiness Itself.

Re: "What's wrong with right now, unless you think about it." -- Sailor Bob Adamson

Re:"...Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord..."Exodus 14:13 KJV

"...they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31 KJV


An Empty Mind
Is also Clear;
Without thought
There is No Fear

A Quite Mind
Lives in Peace;
Makes the Most
Of Even Least.

A Silent Mind
Has No Bound;
Open and Still
Itself is Found.

Circa 1982

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Heaven on Earth)

Re: "Maybe Heaven is already happening." -- Vern Hydeman

Heaven's Here and Now
Because it means Being in
The Presence of God.

If Heaven's Being
In God's Timeless Presence "It
Is with me always."

If Heaven's Being
In God's Presence then Heaven
Must Be Here and Now.

Heaven is Here and
Now as the Presence of God
Or Nowhere at All.

157. Worm Holes: In a very real way, "I," as a center of individualized awareness, as a soul, am very much like the "worm hole" (space-time warp between two or more dimensions) spoken of in the Star Trek adventure series. For I, as a potential "mental hole or warp" between the realm of Spirit and the realm of Flesh, (or Heaven and Earth as Dimensions in the "Awareness of Being or Knowledge I Am," as the Ultimate Witness and Substance or Sub-Stratum of All) can focus attention, narrow said focus to a particular point, and so make of myself a central contraction and self-reference in the Field of Awareness that I myself Am; and, so, block commerse (spiritual energy flow) between those primal dimensions. In this regard, I may be viewed as a gate (Re: "...lift up your heads, O ye gates...") or door keeper ("...even lift them up ye everlasting doors)..." or a "single-eye" (that allows my Divine Self-Embodiment to be Full of Light." Alternately, I might also be characterized as "a dimensionless mathematical point of being," where "spirit meets flesh (like the geometrical dimensionless point where the two-circles or delineated spaces of a figure 8 or infinity sign conjoin); and, thus, as the mid-point where heaven and earth touch, merge and unite  -- God's Divine Middle-Man or Mr. Divine Inbetween, as it were. 1992; updated 9-5-15

[Rich Note: A related link to Van Morrison's "Dweller on the Threshold," a singer and song I only discovered in the last 5-10 years or so: ]

Is it Possible
A "Soul is Hole" that Unites
Every Dimension?