Monday, October 31, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day ( Let This Mind Be)

"I LET that Mind Be 
Me which IS the Awareness 
Of the Truth I Am."

"You LET that Mind Be
You which IS the Awareness 
Of the Truth You Are." 

"We LET that Mind Be 
Us which IS the Awareness 
Of the Truth We Are."

"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:.." Philippians 2:5 KJV

"Let this Mind be in
You" which also "beats your heart"
And "heals your body."

"We LET that Mind be us which IS the Awareness of the Truth we are." -- Bill Samuel

[Rich Note: The "natural (unintended) haiku" shared above, which is really quite striking, appears at the end of the first paragraph of the following essay from Bill Samuel's "A Guide to Awareness and Tranquility":

Music, Metaphor and Magic

“The musician begins with the principle of music, not the discord. The mathematician begins with the principle of his science, not the error. WE BEGIN AS THE IMMACULATE, PRISTINE, PURE AND PERFECT IDENTITY WE ARE ALREADY, not the personal sense of things, not the world’s ideas, opinions and judgement of things. We ‘begin’ with God, the ALL that Isness is, and rejoice at the wonders this ever new view reveals. We LET that Mind be us which IS the awareness of the Truth we are.

“Awareness is the common denominator which includes ALL.

“Nor is Awareness separate from the images within it, any more than the television screen is separate from the cowboys and commercials there. Therefore, we can see that our identification as awareness ITSELF is not a withdrawal from the world, from people or from the adventure of living. It is a withdrawal from our own valued opinions, notions and prejudices of them.

“To the contrary, this work appears as revitalized interest in everything that appears as conscious identity (Awareness) – and that is everything! As we live childlike-awareness-being-effortlessly-aware, we find our daily experience expanding into undreamed of new action – plus the strength and means necessary for that action. Music comes from the principle of music. Music has an unseen fact behind it. That makes music is a lot like God. God may just be the principle of music. That seems most likely..."]

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Shifting Mental Gears to Neutral)

Opening focus
Shifts mental gears from thinking
To Direct Seeing.

Opening focus
Shifts mental gears from thinking
To Seeing Itself.

Opening focus
Shifts mental gears from thought to
Being the Seeing.


Relaxing focus
Shifts mental gears from self-thought
To its Origin.

Relaxing focus
Shifts mental gears from self-thought
To its Inner Source.

Relaxing focus
Shifts mental gears from thinking
To the Source of thought.


Relaxing focus
Shifts mental gears from thought to
Being Awareness.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Original Thought)

A "Single-Eye" and
A "Double-Mind" see Life in
A Different Light.

"Seeing in Part" and
"Knowing as I Am Known" are

Enlightenment "Sees
The House as Whole" while self-thought
"Builds it with Bricks."

"Knowing by Virtue
Of Being" what One Knows is
"Perfectly Certain."

Re: "It is one thing to come up with answers from our memory that was put in there by what we heard and read, even if they are the right answers, but it is very different and alive when we discover the answers ourselves, as when we see them for the first time..."  -- Frank Youakim

(A related closing of a "Master-Student" parable shared by Syd Banks towards the end of "The Enlightened Gardner.")

"...But tell me Master, the student said, why did you send me on a wild goose chase when all you had to do was tell me the answer?

"I told you the other day, such knowledge can't be grasped intellectually.  It is something that has to be realized and uncovered from within your own consciousness.

"What you have to realize is that there's quite a difference between hearing Truth intellectually and getting it from realization.

"One is a learned process from the physical world and the other is an inner virgin knowledge that lies deep within the consciousness is all human beings.

"When Einstein realized the theory of relativity, it was a virgin thought, or, if you wish, an original thought.  However, once he spoke of his finding it became of this world; it joined with his intellect and that of all humanity.  Einstein was both a wise an an intelligent man.

"You must first learn to listen; otherwise, no matter how anyone tries to explain the unexplainable to you, it will never make sense.

"...because the elusive knowledge you seek has no form, it can only be explained metaphorically -- and until you learn to listen, you will hear only metaphors."

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Know What You're Voting For and Against)

The "US of A"
Is a "Republic" and not
A "democracy."

[Rich Note: Anyone voting in the up-coming Presidential election, who wants to cut through all the BS and see what they are actually voting for -- beyond all the "superficial sound bites, political spin, soap opera dramatics and mud-wrestling" -- really do need to watch  this 11 minute video clip (which describes in graphic, yet simple, detail exactly what the "American Form of Government" actually is and is not) and share with as many fellow voters as possible: ]

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Mental Self-Mastery)

Is there any hope
Of mastering life if I
Can't master myself?


If I can't master
My mind, what's the use trying
To master my world?

If I can't master
Myself what right do I have
To master my world?

If I can't master
My thought what makes me think I
Can master my world?


The only thing you
Are ever truly called to
Master is your self.

The only thing you
Are ever truly called to
Master is your mind.

The only thing you
Are ever truly called to
Master is self thought.


Master your mind and
You will master yourself and 
Your world forever.

Master your mind and
You'll no longer feel a need
To master your world.


All that it takes to
Master "your mind and thought" is
See "you are not that."

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (People's Law vs. Ruler's Law)

The United States
Is a Republic and not
A Democracy.

In this regard, here is an easy to understand and rather entertaining video clip that does a wonderful job explaining what the American form of government actual is, in terms of that which it is not; but which some of our citizens, either out of ignorance or intention, have our American government becoming in practice, if not principle.

[Rich Note: As this video clearly indicates, there is a very good reason the founding fathers chose to set up the Government of the United States of America as a Republic, based on the Rule of Constitution Law; and not a Democracy, based on the impulse and whim of a simple major, easily manipulated or swayed by the heat of a cultural circumstance.]

And yes, the Constitution is a "Living Document," not because it is should changed with changing times as some find it politically convent to suppose; but rather, because the constitution is based on Immutable Natural (or Divine) Laws or Principles that will always meet changing technological, social and cultural climates perfectly; and, thereby,  meet "ever-changing  times" with the same "Changless Principles, as a means of keeping "we the people" honest in the face of personal impulse and expediency.

P.S. Here's a link to the 28 Principles as they appear in W. Cleon Skousen's bestselling "The 5,000 Year Leap": ]

Monday, October 10, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Enlightenment)

Enlightened of the
Illusion of Being a
Separate person.

Enlightened of the
Idea of Being something
Other than I Am.


Enlightened of the
Idea of Being other
Than the Light I Am.

Enlightened of the
Idea of Being other
Than the Truth I Am.


Enlightened of the
Illusion I Am not the
Light of Awareness.

Enlightened of the
Illusion I Am not the
Heart of Awareness.

Enlightened of the
Illusion I Am not the
Awareness of God.

**11. Darkness and Light: Darkness is not light's opposite, but its relative absence. It never did or could exist as a substantial reality, in and of it self, capable of opposing light. As such, there never was any real possibility of war between darkness and light, and so any apparent battle is necessarily mock. Extrapolating a bit further, and assuming that goodness arises from the light of understanding and evil from the darkness of ignorance, must we not likewise conclude that any seeming battle between good and evil is also illusionary? 9/02

Hay-Ku of the Day (War No More)

"War no more" with the
"Outer projections" of your
Own "mis-perceptions."

"War no more" with the
"Outer projections" of your


"War no more" with the
"Outer reflections" of your
"Self-imagined world."

"War no more" with the
"Outer reflections" of your
"Own inner shadows."

"War no more" with the
"Outer reflections" of your
"Personal thought life."


"War no more" with the
"Vain imaginings" of self
"Referential thought."

"War no more" with the
"Double-minded" projections 
Of "reflective thought."

(1) Syd Banks-wise:

"All feelings derive and come alive, whether negative or positive, from the power of Thought."

"Thought is not reality, yet it is through Though that our realities are created."

“All life is energy manifest into form via thought. The source of this energy contains the knowledge all mankind seeks."

"All humans have the inner ability to synchronize their personal mind with their impersonal mind to bring harmony into their lives."

"We're searching for a silent mind. It's in the silence of the mind that all the secrets of life are found, where all happiness is found."

"You must look within.  And if you look in the personal mind and all the past problems, you are looking outside. you are looking at the mistake. You are looking at the mess.  You are looking at the illusion."

"You have to go beyond all concepts and you will find it in the stillness of your mind...When you hear beyond the word, an inner light goes on and it brings out inner knowledge, wisdom, spiritual intelligence, before the contamination of human (analytical) thought."

We're all searching for our home grounds. We're search to find the way home. And to find the way home, what we have to do is look at everything in reverse, because naturally if you're away from home, if you keep walking you keep walking further away.  To find home you've got to turn around.  You have got to go the opposite direction and instead of searching outside for the answer you seek, all you do is turn around, and look inside. And there lie the secrets that you want."

(Rich Note: This is an specific arrangement of Syd quotes that appear in Coming Home by Dr. Dicken Bettinger and Natasha Swerdloft.]

(3) Buddha-Wise: "You are what you think."

(3) Scripture-Wise: 

"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee." Proverbs 23:7 KJV

"Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh." Matthew 24:44 KJV

"Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?" Matthew 6:31 KJV

"Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." Matthew 6:34 KJV

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." Philippians 4:8 KJV

(4) Bill Samuel-Wise:

"Few have discovered that we are able to 'think' or to listen and see without an individual intellect."

"Without doubt, the primary 'action' of humanity is 'thinking' — thinking construed to be evaluating, analyzing, reasoning, calculating, planning and judgment making, not to mention the worry that ordinarily accompanies all its decisions.

"Well! This is the very business that has gotten the world into its apparent trouble! This is the activity that produces the intellect's trials and tribulations—just plain, everyday 'thinking.'

"The time has come to stop thinking, planning and evaluating. The time has come to stop the incessant judgment of every sight and sound. Why?  So we may go about our daily activities with unencumbered vision and unabated enthusiasm and see everything as it is: beautiful and perfect. 

"I tell you, when we end this personal, intellectual evaluation habit, our desert, seemingly barren of health, wealth, companionship, love or happiness, will run with rivers again! When we stop all this 'I like-I want; I dislike-I don't want' nonsense, our desert will blossom as a rose! Sorrow and sighing shall flee away! When worried thinking ends, we find that Perfection is already established and at hand!

"Extravagant statements? Don't take my word for it; listen to your Heart and your own experience will be the proof!"  

(Extracted from Bill's "The Guide to Awareness and Tranquility.")

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Psychological Paradigm Shift)

The Awareness of 
Being I Am is certain
What I think is not.

The Awareness of 
Being I Am is certain
What is felt is not.

The Awareness of 
Being I Am is certain
What is seen is not.


That I Am is AlI
I can know with certainty
All else is inferred.

That I Am is AlI
I can know with certainty
All else is believed.

That I Am is AlI
I can know with certainty
All else is conceived.


The Awareness of 
Being I Am is changeless
All else is changeful.

The Knowledge I Am
Is certain, while relative
Knowledge is doubtful.

Perfectly certain
I Am while all the rest is
Subject to question.

Re: "All I can say truly is: 'I am,' all else is inference..." -- Sri Nisargadatta

[Rich Note: For a direct experience of said certainty, check out "How Good Can You Stand It!" by Thomas Kelley -- the best and most practical extrapolation, I yet read, of Syd Bank's "Three Principle Insight" [which the Three Principle Community of psychologists and therapists, with a 40 year track record of unparalleled and documented success, see as an ongoing "paradigm shift" (from "living outside in to living inside out") in the way humanity presently relates to itself and reality].

Monday, October 3, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Being Human)

A fatal case of
Mistaken identity
This being human.

Being Human is
A particle state field of
Quantum Awareness.


Allow attention
To chase after thoughts and you 
Will forget Being. 

Focusing on a 
Problem, one way or another, Reinforces it. 


Called to Love Being 
Consciously Aware above 

To Awaken from 
This "dream of life and death" is 
Mankind's Destiny. 


As vessels of Life, 
One either channels the Truth
Or worldly belief.

As vessels of Light, 
One either channels "What Is"
Or "what one think is."

"An uncontrolled mind may be likened to a ship’s wheel released by its master. Un-subject to the master’s hand, the wheel would naturally begin to move by itself. Not knowing the true state of affairs—that it is the wind, through the waves, that actually moves the wheel through the rudder— the wheel, if conscious, might wrongly conclude it had a life of its own. Self-control on the part of such a wayward wheel would naturally follow as an apparent problem. Resolution of this seeming dilemma, however, would not lie in the wheel’s learning to master itself, but rather in restoring the master’s hand. Seen in this light, is it not clear that one’s mind, as with any such energy transformer—mental, spiritual or material—has a similar potential to allow the energy it is intended to transform to flow bi-directionally? If so, and one’s mind isn’t being controlled from the inside, then the energy it is intended to transform would, quite naturally, flow in the opposite direction, and the inner subject necessarily moved by outer objects. The end result in such a circumstance is that man, although born to have outer dominion, becomes an unwitting slave to a reverse flow of generic energy patterns that subject him to the law of relative being and chance."

[Rich Note: This metaphor is used to introduce Appendix A, "A Preface of Grace, Awake Thou That Sleepeth, Arise From The Dead," of "Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses" (a title that translates to the following, less catchy, haiku:

Out of my mind and
Back to my sense of Being
Consciously Aware.)]

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Hay-Ku Day (Spiritual Activism)

Looking for outside
Fixes to inside problems
Cannot help but fail.

Knowing the Whole serves
To integrate all the parts
From the inside out.

The Government is
A surrogate for God for 
Secular humanists.

[Rich Note: Although I've tried very hard to say out of the political circus (mud-wrestling and slinging contest) this Presidential election has become (in the name of "Thy Will Be Done"), when I hear a "spiritual guide" I highly respect echo the media's slanted, virulent, emotional attacks on Donald Trump's character and personality, while totally ignoring the substantive issues, I could not help passing along the following observations.]

Re: (With respect to mixing the spirit and flesh with respect to political and social issues.)

"Guess that all depends on whether ones political or social stance is inspired by the Spirit or residual carnal conditioning. 

As for me, as personally distasteful as I find both candidates to be (and her track record and history is at least as bad, if not worst than his, both veracity and command-wise, if one does one's homework), as "icons of polarized, worse-case, political opposites," this really distills down to "Individual Freedom," as guaranteed by the Constitution; versus a continued, retrogressive slide back into "Collectivism, Socialism or Communism" (all of which, except for tribalism, have a 6,000 year history of utter failure), bought and payed for by 'bread and circuses.'

As to the macro, outside-in fix of "globalism" or the "new world order" our present government is pursuing,  it's really just the "old world order" that consolidates power in the hands of the same few, using the same aforementioned "bread and circuses" to convince "We the People" to unwittingly "sell our God given freedom and, thus, our souls for a farthing." 

In any event, Francis, "We the People" will get exactly what we deserve, as both distasteful candidates are merely outer collective reflections of our own inner, carnally focused hearts and minds.

[Rich Note: For anyone who might like to do a bit of "outside in" homework on the true nature of socialism, both in name and fact, here's a link to a "Goodreads" review of a book titled "The Naked Socialist": ]

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day ("Thought Creates Feeling")

How we feel about
Things is a function of what
We think about them.

Thinking and not our
Circumstances causes the
Way we are feeling.

Feeling informs us
Of the quality of the 
Thought we entertain.

"When I heard Syd say, “People create experience via thought,” that idea evoked fear in me. I backed away from taking responsibility for my unhappiness, truly believing that my misery was caused by external circumstances...


"...I felt a spark of lucidity and a thought popped into my head. I realized that 'Thought creates feeling.' I felt a rush of overwhelming relief sweep over me."

-- Elsie Spittle (from "Our True Identity, Three Principles" -- The autobiographical story of one who was on the ground floor of Syd Bank's "Three Principle" (Mind, Consciousness, Thought) collectively evolving, potentially world changing, psychological paradigm shift.)

Hay-Ku of the Day ("Thought Creates Feeling")

How we feel about
Things is a function of what
We think about them.

Thinking and not our
Circumstances causes the
Way we are feeling.

Feeling informs us
Of the quality of the 
Thought we entertain.

"I felt a spark of lucidity and a thought popped into my head. I realized that 'Thought creates feeling.' I felt a rush of overwhelming relief sweep over me."

-- Elsie Spittle (from "Our True Identity, Three Principles" -- The autobiographical story of one who was on the ground floor of Syd Bank's "Three Principle" (Mind, Consciousness, Thought) collectively evolving, potentially world changing, psychological paradigm shift.)