Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Nailing It Down: The Problem of Consciousness)

These Pretty Much Nail "IT" Down (re: "say what can never really be said"):

Consciousness is a
Self-Mirroring State of Pure
Vibrant Awareness.

Consciousness is a
Self-Reflective State of Pure
Vibrant Awareness.

Consciousness is a
Self-Echoing State of Pure
Vibrant Awareness.

Consciousness is a
Self-Reverberating State
Of Pure Awareness.

Consciousness is a
Pure, Self-Reflective State of
Vibrant Awareness.

Consciousness is a
Self-Resonant State of Still
Silent Awareness.

Consciousness is a
Self-Resonant State of Pure
Radiant Presence.

[Rich Note: The fact that quantum physics has proven that "nothing can exist without an observer present to be aware or conscious of it"; and, further, that "said observation collapses the wave-function of potentiality and so necessarily, conditions what is observed," has created what some scientist's -- who seem to prefer continuing to write-off consciousness and, thus, their own subjective nature along with it, as  a mere epiphenomena -- often characterize this finding as "the problem of consciousness"; a "phenomena" that is really a "numinous state" and only a problem for continued faith in the "myth of scientific objectivism" as a philosophy (and, for some, a secular religion).]

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day ("The Scandalous Mystery")

The imperfection
Is a self-projection of
A false conception.

Living based on a
False premise of Being leads 
To false conclusions. 


God's Immaculate
Conception of Being is
Being Overlooked.


The truth is "I am
Not what I think" and "can't be
Other than I am."

In other words:

"I am not what I
Think" and "can never not Be
What I Am in Christ."


The Mystery is
How to stop pretending I'm
Other than I Am.

In other words:

How do I stop my
With what I am not?


To Know I Am and 
Just Be That is the Headstone  
The Builders reject.


Only a Still Mind 
Reflects a Perfect Image 
Of Divine Glory.

Divine reflections 
Shatter in turbulent minds as
Sunlight on the sea.


"To Be Still" I have
To stop identifying
With relative mind.

"To Be Still and Know
I Am" means to stop clinging
To relative thought.

Or in other words:

Being Here and Now
Still and Silent as I Am
One with the Father.

[Rich Note: "The Scandalous Mystery" of Human Imperfection (Self-Ignorance) meeting Divine Perfection (Self-Knowledge) is simply Solved (and Resolved) by Seeing:

Divine Perfection is a Given; the Seeming Imperfection is a direct function of operating based on a False Premise of Being (Read: Separate Self-Sense); which, in turn, projects a "partial, incomplete, imperfect and, thus, corrupt" self-image into a relative or carnal state of mind and Being (at which point "all hell breaks loose").]

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (HOTD) "Music with a Message" Archive

(1) HOTD "Music with a Message" (7-12-15) -- Van Morrison's'  "Crazy Jane and God":

(2) HOTD "Music with a Message" 7-13-15) : Bob Dylan's "Every Grain of Sand":

(3) HOTD "Music with a Message" (7-14-15): The Wood Brothers' "Postcards from Hell":

(4) HOTD "Music with a Message" (7-15-15): Mishka's "Above the Bones":

(5) HOTD "Music with a Message" (7-16-15):Joseph Author's "Faith":

(6) HOTD Music with a Message" (8-18-15): Rod Stewart's "You're in My Heart" (Sung to God)

Monday, July 13, 2015

HOTD Quotes 7-13-15 to 7-19-15

HOTD Quotes:


"Teaching about Christ begins in silence.  'Be silent, for that is the absolute' (Kierkegaard)..."  Eric Bonhoeffer


"We are not a drop in the ocean. We are the ocean in a drop." Rumi 


"You are the Light of the world, but you can't see it when you stand in your own shadow." (from  "The Return of the Dove" by Diadra Price)


" Leave the mirror and change your face. Leave the world alone and change your conceptions of yourself." -- NEVILLE GODDARD


"Understanding is not created by a process in the mind any more than blue sky is created by a clearing in the clouds. However, it may be revealed by it." Rupert Spira


"First we notice our self, then we stand knowingly as that self, then we see that there is only our self. And what is it that sees this? Our self."

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Haiku of the Day (All I See)

All I See is by
The Light of the Awareness
Of Being I Am.

[Rich Note: What follows is the end of a rather long text dialogue with a lovely German lady names Anna Vortmann that called this one in being:

A: "...Is the last paragraph suitable to overcome a life lesson I recognize but (again and again) cannot deal with? Will it light my dark side, dear Rich?"

R: "LOL -- Which last paragraph?"

A: "All I the light of awareness..."

I will try as a mantra."

R: "YES!  Even darkness is seen in the Light of Awareness.  The darkness not only comes to be redeemed and transformed in the Light, it arises and falls in that Ever-present Light; so use the darkness to remind yourself You Are the Light -- see the darkness and then step back mentally and see the Light of Awareness You see it by.

"You can also use Bill Samuel's approach when you encounter darkness (or lower vibrations of the Light ) by saying: "Thank You for Making the Truth (the Full Light of the Awareness I AM is) Plain."

"Yes, Anna, by reminding yourself that, "All I See is by The Light of the Awareness Of Being I Am," you will be stepping back mentally and out of your conditioned self-identification with "Dark or Self-Ignorant Light" and into the "All-Glorious Light of God" You Are.

(Or more Scripturally Speaking)

"...Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? 

"If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there .

"If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; 

"Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me. 

"If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me. 

"Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee; but the night shineth as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to thee . 

"For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb." Psalm 139:7-13 KJV

A: "Heavenly, thank you so much. I feel instantly better. Vibration raised. Wonderful.

I will do mantra."

R: "Yes, we may have collaborated on a Hay-Ku Affirmation, Degree, Mantra or Poem (call it what you will) for the ages.

[Rich Note: I often do them sequentially with one word on each in and out breathe - with those where the "I" falls on the in-breath and the "Am" fails on the out-breath and that end on the out-breath are more natural and perfect, in terms of balance, as this one is.]

May I do a HOTD using our dialogue to commemorate it today?

A: "Of course, dearest friend. I am honored if you share our dialogue with souls who are interested. I will integrate your breathing in my meditation.

"Thank you so much."

R: "Thank you, Anna, for being the 'Intentional Focal-Point' around which this Pearl was called forth, took form and was so given birth.

(Yours I Am, Rich)

PS: Bill Samuel on the "darkside,"  "evil" or what I prefer to call "self-ignorance light" (Re: thinking, feeling and acting based on a false premise of Being):

Q: "What in the world could the reason for evil be?” 

WS: "My friend, my dreams finally tell me of dreamlessness; my dreams tell me of timelessness; my dreams tell me of wakefulness; therefore my dreams have had a good purpose. If no more, they let me think I know when I am not dreaming

Q: Some men are evil, then, as religion says?” 

WS: "Within every appearance of men, there is the image of God, the Child, the soul, the Christ Light of Life which never leaves him nor forsakes him so long as there is breath in his body—whether his personal intention be evil or good in the world. I am saying that the truth of subjectivity shows me that I am forever looking at my own versions of myself and my self-beliefs, all the way to infinity. Some of them are humanly good, some atrocious. It is for me to live and do good, not evil. It is for me to make the distinctions as best I can—but it is for God to say who is alive and who is dead. If someone comes here, living riotously and evilly, I would be prone to say he is spiritually dead, but only God knows that for certain. I am not his judge, even though I appear, subjectively in the world, to be the judge of good and evil."

(From Bill's "The Child Within Us Lives")