Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day ("The Joyous Laughter of God")

The Joyous Laughter
Of the Living Light I Am
Sets the Captives Free

The Joyous Laughter
Of the Living Light of Love
Sets the Captives Free.

The Joyous Laughter
Of the Living Light of God
Sets the Captives Free


The Joyous Laughter
Of the Word of God I Am
Sets the Captive Free.

The Joyous Laughter
Of the Word I Am sets the
Mental Captive Free.


The Joyous Laughter
Of the Living Word of God
I Am is Freedom.

The Joyous Laughter
Of the Living Light of Love
I Am is the Way.

[Right Note: What follows is an outer confirmation of the "Way of Joy, Happiness, Bliss and Laughter" that would seem to be fundamental to the "Way" Bentinho Massaro is sharing; a "Way" which could be even more aptly titled "The Joyous Cosmology," except Alan Watt's already used that one.

See in this light, those who feel called to defend the "Sacred Bastions of Scientific, Non-Dual or Orthodox Theological Truth," and suggest that "Bentinho and Friends" are having "Way too much Fun," and should be much more serious to be taken seriously, need to lighten up and read the following Walter Layon Essay.]

Chapter One, Walter Lanyon

 "God has made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me." 

"Deep in my soul I hear the Laughter of God, ringing in silvery cadences through the timbers of my being, breaking the human bonds and limitations as a strong yet gentle wind in the forest sweeps aside the strands of cobweb. The hard, fast knots that I had tied slipped loose, and the snarls of beliefs broke free. The river of my human life, frozen by a thousand and one false ideas and teachings, broke joyously into expression and went bounding to the infinite sea of Life, to be lost and found at the same time. One dark cave of fear after another was illuminated by the light of this laughter, and swampy areas of sick thoughts were dried up instantly. Parched sands of hopelessness and futile efforts were drenched by the living waters, sucked in --- absorbed instantly like a wave breaking on the sands. God laughing at me, and my puny efforts to make things happen; to make heaven appear; to attain the Sonship. Not the laugh of derision, but of infinite compassion, a laughter so deep and sweet, so pure and glorious that everything in the nature of struggle gave way before it. 

"And the breath of that glorious laughter blew all the dirty rags of personal teaching and self-aggrandizement away from me, and at first the fierce joy that proceeded from the unheard-heard peals of laughter made me afraid --- afraid that everything worth while was being taken from me, and that I should be naked; but no sooner had the filthy rags of personality blown free than I was clothed in a panoply of light, and in this glorious raiment of light I saw for the first time the glory of the Spirit made flesh. 

"I stood before the infinite peals of laughter, which flowed through all creation like floods of golden mist, filled with speechless wonder at the beauty of the world I had lived in --- which had been invisible because of my separation, because of my personal ideas about attainment. I was as a child with a small measure at the seaside, trying to carry off a little water when the whole sea was at my disposal, and I understood for the first time the exhaustless sea of substance about me, and that the idea of hoarding was but a childish fear grown into a Goliath by false teaching and beliefs. I suddenly became aware that the substance was everywhere, in everything, out of everything, and the only place of lack was in the hypnotic state of belief --- and I alone created and moved in this vacuum. 

"And the glorious laughter rolled on, searching the very joints and marrow of me --- dislodging every belief in fear, sickness, or age. And as it swept over me and through me and round about me, I was amazed with the wonder of it --- the fierce, terrible thing which was at the same time so beautiful and free. The wonder of it kept singing through my soul as veil after veil of belief was rent asunder and new kingdoms stood revealed. And the whole thing was as if one just saw a little deeper, as one looks through the surface reflection on a river and sees the pebbles and shells below, that was all; only the Laughter made this possible, for it cleared away all the effort and straining which in its attempt to see God had been halted at the reflection on the surface, instead of gazing into the limpid, glorious depth of Infinity. 

"The Voice, as its honeyed tones flowed out like a burst of sunshine through storm- clouds, was so unlabored, so untrammeled, and so Divinely indifferent, it seemed to envelop me with an instant realization that all was well. No matter how many struggles had been made, no matter how many mistakes, how many shortcomings, how many failures, how long the belief, or how short the hate, it was all swept aside as nothing. The glorious Divine ease with which it was One, could come into expression. The people of God are a people of joy, and it is not until they hear this God Laughter in their souls that they have attained to their heritage. What of this race that speaks of the Kingdom and doing the Father's work, and uses all the language of the Truth, and at the same time sows seeds of fear and hellish inventions? 

"What is this race that is always seeking evil to destroy, like a weasel seeks out a rat? What is the hopelessness they preach --- that on one hand, you are the Sons of God, and on the other, that you must fight against evil of every sort and nature? "Ah, yes, but, if, and maybe --- they roll these stumbling-blocks under their tongues with a wise twinkle in their eyes, as much as to say, Yes, it is all true, but it comes only with hard labor and long study, and it is not for such as you, sinner and worm of the dust that you are, until you have purified yourself in the fount of my wisdom and paid me personal homage." 

"And it is then that the Magdalene hears the Laughter of God and is clean and free; and in an instant too; and it is when the cripple hears the Laughter of God that he leaps to his feet and runs away praising the Living God. And it is when you, no matter where you are, or what you are, no matter what you have done or left undone, hear the Laughter of the God within and the God without, that you will crash through the gates of hell and find heaven, no matter what these gates may be --- person, place, or thing. 

"One moment's recognition that you are the Son of the Living God, and you have attuned your ear for the Laughter of God which will put to flight all the stupid ideas of mine and thine, and free you into an expression that you have not yet dreamed of. How can you restrain the joy that fills you when you hear this laughter which, when it is heard, causes the winter of your discontent to break into full fruition, which causes you to see literally that "before they call I will answer," is not a bit of euphonious language, but a positive living, glowing fact. 

"I was afraid," and therefore you were driven out of the Garden of Life. You have been afraid that God will punish you -- - that it is too good to be true --- that you are not ready --- that it comes by great learning; and so you are still without the portals of your own kingdom, trying every way but the only way to re-enter. Many there be who try the way of violence, and many who expect to ride in on the skirts of another. There are some so foolish as to invite this. Why do you not stop trying to get things, trying to learn how to get power, place? 

"Why do you not come away from the man whose breath is in his nostrils? --- You who read this page, and go within and hear the Laughter of God, and know that "it does not matter" --- that the things which gave you great concern are all swept away into the dump heap? The sooner you learn this the sooner you will see they have no value. And one time, when you take away their value, they are possible of attainment to you. You profess to be a follower of the Master. If you in any way believe this, you will begin to listen for the Laughter of God through your whole being, and will know that the Laughter of God sets you free from the snarling discontent of the Tower of Babel in which you have been living. 

"Presently, as you listen for this Laughter, you will hear it, and gradually you will begin laughing --- billows of laughter, silently-audible laughter that will shatter one limitation after another; laughter filled with the Divine Indifference which knows that the Universe if filled with God and only God, and to recognize this will cause this laughter to flow into expression and shatter the belief in sin, sickness, and death. And when this belief is shattered in you, the pictures of this on your universe are dissipated and are no more, and even the place thereof is no more. You will know why there can be naught but laughter in the Kingdom of Heaven. What good of words or arguments? What in human sense is a lecture worth on the subject of Laughter, as compared to one glorious sudden peal of joy released by a God soul and picked up by all those in hearing distance? 

"And gradually, as you learn of the Laughter of God and join in with the Glory of the Sons of the Living God, then you will laugh at yourself. You will perhaps go back and laugh all the mistakes and faults and limitations out of existence. You will stand with your glorious feet on the mountain-tops of Self- Revelation, laughing at your universe and with your universe,    expressed made disease impossible. It was the overturning an overturning that had to take place before He, the Laughing, and laughing in words: "It is wonderful, it is wonderful, it is wonderful.

"Let the filthy be filthy still." Some may read into the Laughter of God a belief in carelessness and indifference, and some consecrated souls may rail and tear their hair and say that it is encouraging license and making nothing of sin, in order that one may indulge in sin, and so on; and for them this message is not. 

"He that hath ears shall hear what the Scripture saith unto the Churches, and only he that hath a single eye is through with trying to twist meanings to suit personal ends. But he that hath the consciousness of the Son of the Living God shall not find it strange that "he that is of too pure eyes to behold iniquity" should laugh at the belief in it that has bound men for so long; and this Divine disregard does not in any way encourage license, but gives liberty to the Sons of God. It breaks up the dank morasses of human belief and reveals itself as heaven, a state of consciousness, which finds not happiness at the disposal of sin, health at the disposal of sickness, and harmony at the disposal of inharmony; but finds these pairs of opposites swept away. It finds man the individual Son of the Living God, experiencing power and wisdom such as could not be put in human language. 

"The impress of the Divine upon the human causes the human to express in what to the unenlightened thought may seem to be a supernatural way. The how and why and when are all vested in the limited human concept of life. 

"When are you going to start laughing the Laughter of God? When are you going to join in the glorious chorus which is already encircling the globe, and which has for its password "It is wonderful"? You cannot stop this laughter once it is started; you will shatter the belief in disease in thousands as you go along your way --- not by a poor, half-hearted way of beseeching God, but with the ringing Laughter of God in your Soul which knows no sickness, sin, or disease, and hence cannot look upon it. And in this very knowledge it will impress the consciousness with the Eternal well-being of the Son of the Living God. The man, if he hear the Laughter --- that is, if he be willing to hear it, instead of accepting the pinched human concepts of his human reasonings --- shall break the bounds of his limitations; crash through the gates of brass; shake off the shackles of beliefs; burst through the prison bars of his own making, and find himself free, free, free, and find his soul ringing with laughter and with the song, "It is wonderful." 

"Whoever you are who reads this page --- you who sit in prison houses of disease, sin and unhappiness --- listen, listen, listen. I AM the door of attainment. He will "fill thy mouth with laughing and thy lips with rejoicing." I AM the door to this glorious Laughter of God --- I AM the way to the eternal bliss and harmony of the Sons of the Living God. No matter where this finds you; nothing is hopeless or helpless; this joyous Laughter of the recognition of God, here and now, of the Finished Kingdom --- of the sudden discovery that Jesus was not a liar, but a truth-sayer, a concrete truth-sayer, when He said, "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand --- it is within you" --- will cause this Kingdom to descend out of the clouds of your belief and be real. 

"How can you help laughing silently and audibly the Laughter of God, and see its ringing notes shatter the silly arguments about life? "The wisdom of man is foolish in the eyes of God." Why try to measure the inspiration of the Almighty against any man-made teaching! "I will make you fishers of men." I, the I AM, when once discovered will make the one who discovers it a Fisher of Men. Who can resist the Laughter of God --- the fearless Laughter of God ringing through the universe, sweeping all the debris of human belief out of the way? --- no matter if it be thousands of years old, and hoary with the respect of mankind. Not one stone shall remain in place. The very foundations of the human belief shall be shaken in order that the True Cornerstone, which has been rejected up to now, shall be laid. Yes, the Stone --- the very Stone that the Master gave to us --- the philosopher's Stone if you will, which we have rejected, because to accept it would have been to have overthrown great temples of human reasoning --- will finally be made the Head Stone of the Temple of Truth. You are the Temple of the Living God, and from out the inner recesses of your being proceeds the Laughter of God. "The Sons of God shout for joy." You will shout for joy, not because of victory over evil, but because you have at last realized that the Kingdom of Heaven is not a place of overcoming evil, but of revelation which is above the belief of a divided universe. Awake, thou that sleepest, and Christ shall give thee Light. 

"And I heard the Laughter of God in the Soul of my very being --- ringing in glorious cadence throughout my universe, causing me suddenly to burst into a glorious laughter which was full of praise, full of wonder --- full of wonder and amazement at that which I had missed through looking through a glass darkly. "Arise, shine, for thy light has come" --- do you hear? "It is wonderful! It is wonderful! It is wonderful!" Heaven and earth are full of Thee --- sin, sickness, and death have vanished away. I hear the Laughter of God ringing in the deep recesses of your soul, you who read this page. I see the moving finger writing across all the worries and fears of a lifetime "It does not matter," and I see this laughter writing the things of beauty over the walls of your temple and casting a glorious glistening white robe --- a seamless robe of attainment --- over you. And at last I hear you laughing from the mountain-peak as you go on your way, without thought of scrip or purse or robe or ring or upper chamber, and long before you have reached your destination the Laughter of God in your soul has gone ahead and made ready the upper chamber, and the Host has come out to receive you. Do you hear? You who read this page? You?" ]

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Mastering Myself)

As the "Creative
Imagination of God,"
I must Master "mind."

As the "Creative
Imagination of God,"
I must Master "me."

As the "Creative
Imagination of God,"
I must Master "self."

As the "Creative
Imagination of God,"
I must Master "thought."


The only thing I
Ever need to master is
What I focus on.

The only thing I
Ever need to master is
What I attend to.

The One and Only
Thing I need to master is
What I imagine.


Mastery over
One's mind gives one mastery
Over everything.

Self-mastery is
The only mastery man
Can ever achieve.

To overcome my
World I have to overcome
Myself as I think.


Hay-Ku of the Day (The Natural Heart)

The Natural Heart
Is the Still Point Locus of
Absolute Focus.

The Natural Heart
Is the Still Point Locus of
Wide-Open Focus.

The Natural Heart
Is the Still Point Locus of
All Conscious Focus.


The Natural Heart
Is the Still Point Locus that
Originates Life.

The Natural Heart
Is the Still Point Locus that
Witnesses Being.

The Natural Heart
Is the Still Point Locus now
Witnesses Presence.


The Natural Heart
Is the Christ, the Soul, the 
Light of God I Am.

The Natural Heart
Is the Christ, the Soul, the 
Love of God I Am.

The Natural Heart
Is the Christ in You, as the
Child of God I Am.


The Natural Heart 
Is the Divine Awareness
Of Being I Am.

The Natural Heart 
Is the Heart of Awareness 
I Am and You Are.

The Natural Heart 
Is the Light of Awareness 
That Underlies All.

[Rich Note: These particular haiku were written to accompany the following essay (which I read in its entirety to the audience of Dr. Stanley El's Write Now Author's Showcase, last Thursday evening in Woodbury NJ), that appears in Sandy Jones' wonderful new book, "Barefoot at Heart":

Natural Heart

"There is a natural heart. There is this Child within us that knows the Truth. It lives and responds deeply and intuitively to Life. It is the soul of us. It is the pristine mind, pure and shining clear. It is a way of Living. It is who we are at the very core of our Self. It is both within us and transcendent. It is understanding what is and what is not, both at once. “With all thy getting, get understanding.” And from the Gospel of Thomas, “Know what is before your face, and what is hidden from you will be revealed to you. For nothing hidden will fail to be revealed!” 

"Everyone knows what this is. It is the authentic Self within us. The one who dares to stand alone and free. The one that is not beholden to false images of ridged ideas of perfection. This  is the confident Self that lives from the genuine, honest integrity of individual expression. The authority is within you. 

"There is no point in keeping this Light from shining in our world. Finding the Child is to uncover the one we are meant to express. We are born with this divine imprint. We can let it up and out, thus benefiting all concerned.

"This individual shines with the qualities and attributes of those everlasting and eternal verities — those traits of character that make for real beauty and light that is the true unspoiled heart of us. We are, each one of us, the Sons of God.

"And yes, this Child I am lives with abandon, not giving two hoots in hell what the political or religious ambassadors might think. 

"Heart and soul come together with the crystalline mind to form a triad of wholeness and power, like a holy trinity." 

"Here, I am dancing in the barroom of the universe. The cosmic rock band plays. We hear those marvelous melodies that turn us on, get us moving, light our fire. We harmonize. We move to the rhythm of the music bestowed to us by the Eternal Song Writer. 

"We become the artist, the poet, the music of this passionate body, full of enthusiasm and the warmth of understanding.

"Now we are full of life again, like a child, full of spontaneity, happiness, sincerity, humor and honesty.

"The real of us is adaptable and courageous. The nature of our true Self shines, playful with a love that is pure, it “thinketh no evil.” 

"We know we have the right to be ourself, unique, nonconforming expressions of the truth of this holy, cosmic universe that shines in this light of our minds, our eyes, our imaginings, our wonder and our love.

"When I let my heart open fully to Life, to the divine light that flows like a holy river, I am set free to move through this earth life clear-eyed, in full stride and unafraid. I am touched by a joy and freedom that lets me take life as I find it. I’m not trying to make life fit into a mold, a format, a slot. Not now, not any more. Now my soul is free and is living the pure joy, making it worth while for others as I make it worth while for myself.

"With this natural Self, I am living from the circumference of my being. I am living way out here beyond the fences. And yet, I am in the center, strong and steady as I found this Golden Point in the middle.

"It is our nature to be an artist all the time, being an artist of Living Beauty.

"We are serving the Supreme Artist by Living from this natural state of mind, from the Child, as our Self. These enduring values are intrinsic to the mind and heart of each of us, including simplicity, gentleness, candor, faith, optimism, affection, teachableness, inner flexibility, far-vision, sweetness, being tenderly caring, fun, full of laughter and helpful. These are some of the natural qualities that exist forever between Creator and Created." 

"As the Child I can live in such richness without the need to possess anything at all. This is real. What a divine love affair we are having, Universe and I. 

"To find this eternal beauty which exceeds time and finiteness, to live from the unbound fearless Soul, is to live again. 

"I need no more than this Love that has found me. Then it is my pleasure to give you my heart, give what I can, give to my world, give my Self to you. 

"Lovingly from your girl, always —"

Amazon Link to SJ's "Barefoot at Heart": ]

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Great Example or Exception?)

Was the "Lord Jesus 
Christ" the “Great Examplar” or 
The “Great Exception”?


The Image Man is 
Made in the Likeness of is 
Awareness Itself.

The Image Man is 
Made in the Likeness of is 
Present Awareness.

The Image Man is 
Made in the Likeness of is 
Quantum Awareness.


Christ in You is the
Aware Presence of Being
Living in All Hearts.

Christ in You is the
Aware Presence of Being
I Am and You Are.

Christ in You is the
Self-Radiant Light of the
Awareness God Is.


The Self-Creative
Imagination of God
Is the Christ I Am.

The Self-Creative
Imagination of God
Is the Christ in All.

The Self-Creative
Imagination of God
Is the Living Light.


God's Infinitely
Self-Creative Awareness
Is Being the Lord.

All Existence is
The Self-Imagination
Of God Manifest.

Christ is Being the
Imaginative Power
At the Heart of All.

[Rich Note: What follows as a kind of detailed "prequel" to Francis' post, is from a "mini-autobiographical sketch" entitled, "Why I Believe," that was included as an Appendix A of the 2006 book, and written to traditional Christians in a church context:

"... 8. Put in it’s most precise Christian form, the Truth I experienced as a direct revelation in 1978 was “ . . . the mystery which hath been hid from ages . . . which is Christ in You, the Hope of Glory” (Co. 1:26,27).  More specifically, the Truth is Christ, as the Son of God, as the Anointed One, as the Light of the World, as the One I AM that spoke to Moses from the Burning Bush, as the Word or Logos of God made flesh; as a “Pilot Light” (Jn. 1:4) in the heart of man, which can burst into full flame, become a Light unto the world and a Lamp unto the feet of all those around him (Ps. 119:105); a Light that can come fully to life in, as and through man and, ultimately, become his primary sense of being and Identity (or Self), if and when he will simply “Let It Be!”

"More theologically speaking, all this means is that all men, by virtue of the Spirit God breathed into them through Adam in the Garden (Gen. 2:7), have a “Divine Seed, Spark or Pilot Light” that gives them the potential to “grow up into Him in all things, which is the head, even Christ” (Eph. 4:15), if they will simply realize this in their heads, know it in their hearts, and do the things that Jesus advised would set us free. That is, if they will love God with all their hearts, minds and souls, and their neighbors as themselves (Mt. 22: 37–40); if they will deny themselves, take up their crosses, and follow Him Mt.16:24); if they will die daily (1 Co. 15:31) to themselves as they presently think they are—as a thought and sense of being separate and apart from God and others—as Paul did; if they will die to self-thought and follow the Light of God in their own hearts, follow Christ, they will some day be able to declare with overwhelming joy, as Paul did, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me” (Gal. 2:20)...."]

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Being the Seeing Too)

Simply open your
Focus and relax into
Being the Seeing.


A Child of God is
Being the Seeing of the
Father's Awareness.

I Am Being the
Seeing of the Awareness
Of the Absolute.


Being the Seeing
Of this Awareness I Am
As the Light of God.

Being the Seeing
Of this Awareness I Am
As the Living Light.


Being the Seeing
Instead of Seer or Seen
Is Freedom Itself.

Being the Seeing
Instead of Seer or Seen
Is Paradise Now.

"Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid." Matthew 5:14 KJV

"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light." Matthew 6:22 KJV

"The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love." -- Meister Eckhart

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day ("Self Is Parasitic")

"I as I think" is
Parasitic with respect
To "I as I Am." 

"I as I think" is
Parasitic with respect
To "Being Itself." 


The parasitic 
Nature of fear based thinking
Is a Trojan horse.

A carnal-minded
Relation to Being is
Really parasitic.


A devout faith in
One's "separate self-sense" is
Truly parasitic.

With "the me that says my " is
The real parasite. 

Charged, self-referential thought
Is parasitic.


"The story of me" 
Feeds off the attention self-
Addiction bestows.

"Separate self-sense"
Feeds off the attention self-
Attachment creates. 

"The me that says my"
Feeds off the attention self-
Enthrallment allows.


Addiction to self-
Referential thinking is
Fed by attention.

Mind's addiction to
Self-referential thinking
Is attention fueled.


One who entertains 
A carnal state of mind is 
Sleeping with a snake.

Related Quotes:

(1) "Leave the mirror and change your face. Leave the world alone and change your conceptions of yourself."
--Neville Goddard

(2) "...You go to seminars to become an improved self. But why do that? The idea of being a self is what the problem is.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Self is a parasite.”

“It is?”

“Sure. It's taken over. You’re seeing FROM it all day long.”

“I am?”

“We never entertain the idea of being outside the realm of self-centeredness, because it’s taken root in us and we are identified with it. So all we can do is therapize and socialize it, so it doesn’t flip out at the next picnic. We just hunker down in the chronic effects of self-centeredness. Failing to see the self as the parasite it is..."  Paul Hedderman 

(3) "...the human condition—in which the original addiction is the mind's addiction to being a self."  Paul Hedderman

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (God's Kingdom Is at Hand)

To Know I Am and
Just be That is the Headstone
The Builder's reject.


Awareness of Being lives
Within every heart.

I live, move and have
My Being in a Quantum
Field of Awareness.

Conscious Attention
Collapses the Wave Function
Of Pure Awareness.


The Spirit of God 
Is  the Consciousness of All 
Living within man.

The House of the Lord 
Is the Consciousness of God 
In which we all dwell. 


Jesus revealed not 
Only he, but all men are 
One with the Father.

The Real Good News is 
“I and my Father are One,” 
As Jesus proclaimed.

Jesus witnessed man’s 
“Life is hid with God in Christ” 
When dead to himself.


The “Life” that is the 
“Light” of men is the "Conscious Awareness I Am."

The “Light” that lighteth 
Every man who comes into the 
World is “Consciousness.”

The “Light of the world” 
Is the “Conscious Awareness 
Of God” in man’s heart.


Wings of the spirit, 
Identified with flesh, 
Falling from the sky.

Consciousness is a 
Womb pregnant with the seed of 
The Father’s Ideas.

Manger-like my soul, 
Dark womb of self-consciousness,
Giving birth to Christ.


The Father of All,
Aware as I AM, is the
Alpha Omega.

“To Be Still and Know 
That I Am God” is the One 
Way to the Father.

In Truth I am One
With the Father of All and
His Glorious Light.


Pure Awareness of 
Being Consciously Present 
Is God’s Kingdom come.


"One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." Ephesians 4:6 KJV

"For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring." Acts 17:28 KJV

Friday, March 11, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Clear Sky of Awareness 2)

You are the Clear Sky
Of Awareness wed to the
Consciousness I Am.


I can't become what
I already Am, I can
Only realize It.

You can't become what
You already are, but you
Can recollect It.

We can't become what
We already are, but we
Can remember it.


Becoming Aware
Of What I Already Am
In Spirit and Truth.

Becoming Aware
Of What I Always Am prior
To self-conception.

Becoming Aware
Of Being the Clear Sky of
Awareness I Am.


Being and Seeing
The Clear Sky of Awareness
Arise Mutually.

Seeing is Being
The Clear Sky of Awareness
I Presently Am.

Only the Clear Sky
Of Awareness can See I
Am Presently That.


Related OOMM Oldies:

Still and quiet this 
Sky of perpetual grace 
Abiding in my heart.

Shinning clarity, 
Mind void of self-reflection, 
I know who I am.

The Wonder of All 
Reflected in the Many 
Glorifying the One.

Mirroring my face, 
Clouds of divine energy 
Suspended in space.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (New Arrangement of Old Favorites)

This Holy Moment
Awareness Knows Sensation
Consciousness is Born.

I Am Awareness
Embodied as a Sense of 
Radiant Presence.

Infinite rays shine,
Blazing from one central sun, 
Universal light.



Centered in the One
Abiding in the Balance
Mindful of the Light.


Being here and now
Still and Silent as I am
One with the Father.


A basement cricket 
Competing with my day dreams
Who is more alive!

Playful old puppies,
She frolics, he gently paws— 
Love in furry coats.

Buenos Aires Street
Another dreaming wayfarer
Lost in the Garden.


Clanging pots and pans 
Startle my thoughtful repose --
Another wake-up call.

Over-bloated house,
Swollen with self-importance— 
Bellowing bullfrog.

One’s caterpillar 
Nature must die to give birth 
To the butterfly.


Thinking of myself
In relative terms I am
Subject to objects.

Worshiping the past, 
Imagining the future, 
Missing the moment.

The good and bad thieves 
Of the future and past are 
Stealing the Present.


My soulful anguish,
Mid-wife to eternal glory, 
Cosmic labor pains.

Hell is in your head,
Heaven is in your heart and 
Love is everywhere.

Transmuting ego m
Lead into spiritual gold
Is suffering’s job.


Floating dandelion
Seed softly lighting upon 
An un-grasping hand.

[Rich Note: Had to apologize Chuck Hillig for the "mini-data dump," new arrangement of old favorites, from which I concluded it was again time to reprise these old friends in a larger context. Clearly, once a metaphysical riff such as this starts starts, I am pretty much incapable of turning off the facet -- simply too much fun to do anything but "go with the flow."]

Monday, March 7, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (The House of the Lord)

"The House of the Lord"
Is the Mind or Consciousness
Of God the Father.

"The House of the Lord"
Is the Mind or Consciousness
Of the Absolute.

"The House of the Lord"
Is the Mind or Consciousness
Of Pure Awareness.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Being Still)

"Being Still" Opens
The Focus of Awareness
Beyond Conception.

"Being Still" Opens
The Focus of Awareness
Beyond All Being.

"Being Still" Opens
The Focus of Awareness
To Self-Awareness.


"Being Still" Opens
The Focus of Awareness
To "Infinity."

"Being Still" sets the
Mental Camera's Focal Length
To "Infinity."

"Being Mentally
Still" Opens Focus to an
"'Infinite Degree."


"Being Still" begets
"Opens Focused Awareness"
And "Boundless Vision."

"Being Still" begets
"Opened Hearted Awareness"
And "Sacred Seeing."

"Being Still" begets
"Opened Hearted Awareness"
And "Boundless Being."

"Being Still" begets
"Opened Hearted Awareness"
And "Abundant Life."

"Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10 KJV

Hay-Ky of the Day (The Only Limit)

The only limit
To the Light of Awareness
Is self-absorption.

The only limit
To the Light of Awareness
Is self-contraction.

The only limit
To the Light of Awareness
Is self-ignorance.

(Light focused back on
Itself becomes a closed loop
And limits Itself.)

Hay-Ku of the Day (Absolute Oneness and Eternal Life)

Any Logical
Premise of Being starts with
Absolute Oneness.


Awareness of What
I Always Already Am
Is All that Evolves.


If We're Joint-Heir to 
Eternal Life We must have It
Now and not Know It.

If We're Joint-Heir to 
Eternal Life We have It Now
And just don't Know It.

If We're Joint-Heir to 
Eternal Life We Are That Now
And just can't See it.

[Rich Note: The following extracted question from a Francis Bennett FB (and a related comment) today evoked the above haiku:

Francis Bennett: "...What if there is really only ONE WORLD, ONE Reality, and what if it is all actually quite holy and even heavenly? What if the heaven we have so earnestly been seeking is right here and now? What if it has always been so all along and we have just been somehow missing it..."

Rich: "Unless 'Absolute Relativity' -- which is the mother of all non-sequiturs -- is implicitly assumed, Francis, It cannot be any other Way then you so beautifully (and gently) put it."]