Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Mother Mirror)

All I Now See are 
Self-Reflected Images 
Of Divine Being. 

Divine Reflections 
Shatter in turbulent minds as 
Sunlight on the Sea.

Only a Whole Mind 
Can Reflect a Full Image 
Of the One I Am.

Only a Still Mind 
Reflects a Perfect Image 
Of Divine Glory. 

The Wonder of All 
Reflected in the Many 
Glorifies the One

[Rich Note: Divine = Perfect = Complete = Whole = One = Done = I AM = God (for those that believe in One).]

Re: "Life is nothing more than interaction with one's own image."
-- Arun Kumar Mishra

"One’s self-image can be likened to the walls or boundaries of a mental room. For the conscious space I call “self” can only become individual and distinct through the creation of imaginary mental limits that serve as self-reflecting walls. Such self-defining mental boundaries are presently needed for me to relate to the otherwise boundless inner and outer clear space of awareness I truly am. These I use as a kind of outer mirror to reveal my own inner face until such time as “I,” as a central referent in that limitless field of conscious awareness, crystallize as a center and no longer need self-re- flection to know I am here. In the mean time, I need to view these self-limiting boundaries as only temporary and, ulti- mately, infinitely expandable mental walls (thoughts, images and ideas) to eventually be shed like the skin of a snake. The danger, of course, lies in unwitting identification with and attachment to said temporary conceptual limits. For I, as pure awareness, would then become identified with form—the matrix of matter—and my divine nature as boundless consciousness self-crucified accordingly."

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Mental Self-Polarization, Part I)

"I as I think" is
A pseudo-contraction in
Awareness Itself.

Thinking entails a
Mental-contraction in the
Field of Awareness.


Mind overlooks the
Underlying Field that is
Being the Seeing.

Mind is blind to the
Self-Knowing Awareness that
Witnesses Presence.


"I am" is pseudo
Contraction in the Field of
Awareness "I Am."

Minding begets a
Pseudo self-division in the 
Awareness of All.


Minding is paying
Attention to "this" to the 
Exclusion of "that." 

Thinking manifests
Mental self-ignorance of
Being Awareness.


Self-narrowed focus 
And shifting attention is
Is what the mind is.

Narrowed focus and
Sequential attention shifts
Creates time and space


Thinking is being
Unconscious of Being the
Awareness I Am.

Minding is being
Unconscious of Being the
Awareness Itself.


Minding forgets the 
Field of Awareness of which 
Existence consists.

Thought causes me to forget
Myself as I Am.


Mind overlooks the
Underlying Field of the
Awareness Itself.

Who "I think I am"
Is a mental-contraction
In that which "I Am."


Minding sub-divides
The Awareness of Being
That Witnesses All.

Thinking sub-divides
The Awareness of Being
That "I myself Am."


Form-fixated mind
Loses sight and sense of the
Field of Awareness.

The human mind is 
A mental house divided
By relative thought.


"If you don't mind then
It doesn't matter" says all
That needs to be said.

"Mind is a mental process, not an object; a conscious movement arising in a much broader field of awareness. As such, minding is something we do, not something we have—this by first narrowing the focus of our awareness, minding “this” to the exclusion of “that,” and then constantly attending to shifting mental focal points. With all mental movement itself the result of said linear sequential shifts in attention from one focal point to another. All of which occurs within the single field in which all such centers naturally arise. Mind, as such, is a continuous process of mental self-polarization, reflection and conception with respect to the overall field of awareness one truly is—a rather miraculous process of self-creation enabling pure awareness to reflect upon itself, and in so doing give birth to its own self-awareness or consciousness of being."

[The introduction to Chapter 2 of Out if My Mind and Back to My Senses"(OOMM).]

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Haiku of the Day (Freedom for All)

A fatal case of
Mistaken identity
This being human.

Self-forgotten one,
So tangled up in daydreams 
Of being awake.

Tangled up in thought, 
A stranger in a far land, 
Subject to nightmares.


Operating on 
A false premise guarantees 
A false conclusion.

Stop pretending to
Be what you are not and you
Will be what you are.


I am not what I
Think and can never not be
What I am in truth.

The only way to
Be free of what I think is
To know what I Am.


Knowing by virtue
Of being what is known is
Direct and perfect.

"Knowing as I am
Known" is the perfect knowledge
Of Being what's known.


Transmuting ego
Lead into spiritual gold 
Is suffering’s job.

O heartfelt stirring, 
Of insatiable desire, 
Bursting into light. 

My soulful anguish,
Mid-wife to eternal glory, 
Cosmic labor pains.

[Rich Note: The one and only thing we need to get right in this world is our Changeless (in space-time terms) Identity. Get it wrong, however, and we're operating on a false premise that compels a false (and seemingly fatal) conclusion. Alternately, get Identity right and what, at times, is experienced as a "mental and emotional desert, living nightmare or dark night of the soul" will instantly be transformed into a "Garden of Everlasting Joy and Heavenly Delight" and so become a "Divine Joyride".

Empty of Self-thought
I Am the “Holy Grail” through
Which the Father Flows.

A "Changeless Identity," Bill Samuel clearly delineates in the following "Top-Down Self-Realization/Bottom-Up Stand" that All, as a Collective Mankind, are called to take/make with respect to "Our True, Real, Immortal, Divine Identity":

"I take the Divine 
Awareness of God to Be
My Identity."


"The final discipline involves 
the correct apprehension of
Identity and passing that clear 
perception along to our world 
as quickly as we can." 

Seen in the context, Bill's "getting identity right and then sharing it,"  is wonderfully executed by Neville Goddard  in the following first page of "Freedom for All"; a page which also seamlessly re-unites Eastern and Western "philosophical, theological, psychological and metaphysical" traditions; as simply different ways of looking at and so seeing the same "One Ultimate and Everlasting Truth of All Being I AM."

FREEDOM FOR ALL – By Neville Goddard

Chapter 1


“HEAR, O Israel: the Lord our god is one Lord.”
Hear, O Israel:
Hear, O man made of the very substance of God: 
You and God are one and undivided!
Man, the world and all within it are conditioned states 
of the unconditioned one, God.
You are this one; 
You are God conditioned as man.
All that you believe God to be, you are; 
but you will never know this to be true 
until you stop claiming it of another,
and recognize this seeming other to be yourself.
"God and man, 
spirit and matter,
the formless and the formed, 
the creator and the creation, 
the cause and the effect, 
your Father and you are one.
"This one, in whom all conditioned states live and move 
and have their being, 
is your I AM, 
your unconditioned consciousness.

"Unconditioned consciousness is God, the one and only reality. By unconditioned consciousness is meant a sense of awareness; a sense of knowing that I AM apart from knowing who I AM; the consciousness of being, divorced from that which I am conscious of being. I AM aware of being man, but I need not be man to be aware of being. Before I became aware of being someone, I, unconditioned awareness, was aware of being, and this awareness does not depend upon being someone. I AM self-existent, unconditioned consciousness; I became aware of being someone; and I shall become aware of being someone other than this that I am now aware of being; but I AM eternally aware of being whether I am unconditioned formlessness or I am conditioned form.

"As the conditioned state, I (man), might forget who I am, or where I am, but I cannot forget that I AM. This knowing that I AM, this awareness of being, is the only reality.

"This unconditioned consciousness, the I AM, is that knowing reality in whom all conditioned states – conceptions of myself – begin and end, but which ever remains the unknown knowing being when all the known ceases to be.

"All that I have ever believed myself to be, all that I now believe myself to be, and all that I shall ever believe myself to be, are but attempts to know myself,– the unknown, undefined reality.

"This unknown knowing one, or unconditioned consciousness, is my true being, the one and only reality. I AM the unconditioned reality conditioned as that which I believe myself to be. I AM the believer limited by my beliefs, the knower defined by the known.

"The world is my conditioned consciousness objectified. That which I feel and believe to be true of myself is now projected in space as my world. The world – my mirrored self – ever bears witness of the state of consciousness in which I live...."

[Rich Note: For those interested, here's a link to a complementary PDF of the complete 32 page book:

http://www.mindserpent.com/library/goddard/workbooks/1966_freedom_for_all.pdf ]

Monday, May 23, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Heaven and Hell)

Hell is in your Head
Heaven is in your Heart and
Love is All Around.

Hell is in your Head
Heaven is in your Heart and
Love is Everywhere.

Hell is in your Head
Heaven is in your Heart and
Love's in the Balance.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Thinking)

Thinking causes one 
To burn mental moth holes in 
The present moment. 

Identified with 
A relative state of mind
Instead of being. 

Mental resistance
To your present state of mind 
Causes suffering. 

Clinging to the hell 
Of self-centered thinking, 
I Ask to stop burning. 

Thinking separates 
Me from the field of my own 
Conscious awareness. 

Man mistakes thinking 
For being and then fears the 
Loss of thought as death.

[Rich Note: Yes:  Here's something that came up in response to a FB friend saying "I feel you think too much" after I posted something big picture abstract.]

Of course I think to much...that's the way the body-mind organism is wired here.

But It's not really thinking in the traditional sense. It's actually heartfelt seeing and knowing that the mind translates in words with a certain degrees of learned skill and programming.

It's the same flow of consciousness that is needed to take an essay exam in college.  You preload the data bank before you get to the classroom, read the question and then just start writing, as there's no enough time to self-reflect and "think it on to the page."

Same is true for aerial refueling. Done well, is a gestalt-like thing where your actions are seamlessly integrated with the whole picture at once.  It's quite like driving a car where you're directly interfaced with the needed, moment to moment, eye-hand motor actions, subconsciously; and can motor-mouth about this or that at the same time. However, if you have to perform an analytical, cognitive action, like how much gas do we sneed to get, it is literally like taking you attention inside your head and, at lessen for a second or two, totally ignoring the road, the tanker and anything else that's going on around you; and gets you out of phase with any required reaction (or "behind the airplane and the power curv"e as they the flight instructors uses to say).

However, right after the 1978 epiphany and the flow of consciousness started-up like a River of Life, with a subsequent briefcase full of scrapes of paper with stuff written on it , 5,000 3x5 cards, twenty plus journals and endless computer file archives, I learned a very valuable lesson along the way. 

You see, I (and the mind) would be in the flow and at some point the mind would step outside and say something like, "wow, that's really neat" and the flow would come to a screeching halt. In other words, the train of thought would jump it's mental tracks the instant the mind did anything more then watch as a pure Witness or observer. Seems s
any cognitive function divide attention and what would otherwise be a holistic state of consciousness; and the automatically break the flow of consciousness.

Well, after trying to think myself back on the mental train track, any number of times by trying to remember my last thought, and only finding it only drove me further away, at some point the thought instruction came to: "Place your attention at the Center of your Heart, Be Still and Wait." This I did, and still do today when I writing or speaking about metaphysical matters. Rich and the mind that creates him is focused on the center of his chest and the Heart is actually does the talking.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Cosmic Joke)

"I Am What I Seek"
And when I find out I'll laugh
My mental ass off.

The Punch-Line to this
Cosmic Joke of Hide and Seek?
"I Am What I Seek."


The Natural State of
Being shows up as Laughter
When the mind is fooled.

The Natural State of
Being shows up as Laughter
When the mind is punked.


A mind that is tricked
Temporarily pauses
And laughter breaks out.

A mind that gets tricked
Jumps it's mental tracks and stops
And laughter breaks out.

A joke tricks the mind
Into pausing its chatter
And laughter breaks out.

A mind that is tricked
Temporarily pauses
And laughter breaks out.


Laughter bespeaks 
A moment of conceptual

Laughter bespeaks 
A moment of enlightenment
From mental bondage.

Laughter bespeaks 
A moment of enlightenment
From self-absorption.

Laughter expresses
The Joy of Being Aware
When the mind is tricked.


Enlightenment from
All mental self-concern leads
To cosmic laughter.

[Rich Notes: Cross-Triangulators

(1) From the Urban Dictionary:
Punked: "A way to describe someone ripping you off, tricking you, teasing you."
"I heard that boy gon' get jumped for punkin that guy out."
(2) The Cosmic Joke and the Laughter of God both relates to St.Francis's: "We are looking for What's Looking" and Meister Eckart's: "The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love." -- Meister Eckhart, (from Sermons of Meister Eckhart.)

(3)  "The Laughter of God" 

(Into to Walter Lanyon's book of the same name).

"...He will 'fill thy mouth with laughing and thy lips with rejoicing.' And then one day I heard the Laughter of God in the midst of me and within the world, and all was suddenly changed. Old patterns and ideas were shattered and passed away---a new loveliness of LIFE was exposed to view.

"God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me." Suddenly the leper broke into laughter---the filth of his mind slipped away---the sick, the lame and the halt suddenly laughed the Laughter of God and were healed - - - revealed. 

"And one day you will laugh the Laughter of God, too."

(4) An extract from the middle of Walter Lanyon's "The Laughter of God Essay":

"...Whoever you are who reads this page --- you who sit in prison houses of disease, sin and unhappiness --- listen, listen, listen. I AM the door of attainment. He will "fill thy mouth with laughing and thy lips with rejoicing." I AM the door to this glorious Laughter of God --- I AM the way to the eternal bliss and harmony of the Sons of the Living God. No matter where this finds you; nothing is hopeless or helpless; this joyous Laughter of the recognition of God, here and now, of the Finished Kingdom --- of the sudden discovery that Jesus was not a liar, but a truth-sayer, a concrete truth-sayer, when He said, "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand --- it is within you" --- will cause this Kingdom to descend out of the clouds of your belief and be real...

Monday, May 16, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Self-Recognition Re-Minders)

Relaxing focus
Widens breadth of vision and
Extends focal length.

Opening focus
Expands breadth of vision and
Extends focal length.

Mental focal length
And breadth of vision are
The Saving Grace of All.

[Rich Note: This is a collection of self-recognition reminders was inspired by Bentinho Massaro's simple methodology of:  "For 2 to 5 seconds, 12 times a day relax your focus on thought and notice, tune in to, open to or focus on what remains" (your sense of "Presence, Being, Existence or I Amness").

The genius of this approach is that in shifting focus from thinking to one's sense of being, presence or existence, there is an implicit opening of the focus of awareness and extension of mental focal length; which, in turn, broadening mental perspective and increases objectivity.]


Part 1:

Relaxing (or Opening) focus
And resting as this felt sense
Of Presence (or Being) I Am.

Relaxing (or Opening) focus
And merging with this felt sense
Of Presence (or Being) I Am.

Part 2

Shifting focus from
Thought to the Aware Presence
Of Being I Am.

Shifting focus from
Words (Self) to the Open Focus (Hearted)
Awareness I Am.

Shifting focus from
Self-thought  to the Awareness
Of Being I Am.

Shifting focus from
Being to the Transparent
Awareness I Am.


Waiting upon the
Lord (Word/ChristOne)as the Aware Presence
Of Being I Am.

Waiting upon the
Lord (Word/Christ/One) as the Open Focus (Hearted)
Awareness I Am.

Waiting upon the
Christ-Child as the Awareness
Of Being I Am.

Waiting upon the
Cosmic Christ as the Clear Light off
Awareness I Am. 

Waiting upon the
Father (Absolute)as the Transparent
(Clear Sky)
Awareness I Am.

Part 3: 

Relaxing focus
For two to five seconds and 
Noticing Presence.
(Noticing Being)
(Noticing I Am)

Relaxing focus
For two to five seconds and 
Being Awareness.


Opening focus
And taking a moment to
Remember Presence.
(Remember Being)
(Remember I Am)

Opening focus
And taking a moment to
Rest as Awareness.


Taking a moment
To relax mental focus
(And notice Presence)
(And notice Being)
(And notice I Am)

Taking a moment
To relax mental focus
And Be Awareness.


Taking a moment
To relax into Being
Myself as I Am.
(Aware as I Am)
(The Presence I Am)
(The Knowledge I Am"
(The Knowing I Am)
(The Seeing I Am)
(The Eye that I Am)
(The I that I Am)
(What Is As It Is)
(What I Am in Truth)

Taking a moment
To relax into Being
Awareness Itself.

Part 4:

Taking a moment 
To rest in Presence and Let
It Be As (What) It Is.

Taking a moment 
To Rest in Presence and Be
(Myself as I Am)
(Aware as I Am)
(The Presence I Am)
(The Knowledge I Am)
(The Knowing I Am)
(The Feeling I Am)
(The Seeing I Am)
(The Eye that I Am)
(The I that I Am)
(What Is As It Is)
(What I Am in Truth)

Taking a moment 
To Rest in Presence and Be
Awareness Itself.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Climber)

The climber asked the way to 
The top and the guide said: "The
One way there is to be there!"

[Rich Note: This 7-7-7 haiku was written in response to a FB image of a lit, exquisitely beautiful candle, with multiple figures, at various heights, climbing to the top of the candle to its flame; which in itself was a perfect visual metaphor of a classic Bill Samuel alliterative poem entitled: "The Melody of Woodcutter and the King"; the following excerpt of which involves a long climb up the "worldly mountain of seeking and finding" (Note: The accompanying painting is Sandy Jones' artist rendition of the story that appears on the "Woodcutters" book cover) :

"...My son," I answered the woodman, "to climb o'er the ground from plateau to plateau, is not the way to go. There is no path on the mountain that leads all the way to the top; nor a single place where a woodman may let go his axe; there is no plateau on any slope where one may stop contending with opposites. For to climb o'er the ground from goal to goal, creates the original two-ness - a climber and a goal." 

"Then how, councilor?" the woodsman asked, "how can I climb the mountain, how may I reach the throne?" 

"Listen softly," I said to the woodman, "listen gently with the Heart. THERE IS NO WAY THERE BUT TO BE THERE! This way soars above the ground, above the landmarks, above the plateaus. Swiftly, silently, immediately on wings of Love, this is how I shall take you there beloved, in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye, on the wings of the morning. Indeed the way there is to be there!..."]

[For those who interested may be interested in complementary copy of "The Melody of the Wood Cutter and the King," here's a link the William Samuel good friend Sandy Jones, his literary executor maintains:

http://williamsamuel.woodsongjournals.com/books/ ]

PS: Mystically speaking,
"Mountains, Cities, Baskets
Cups, Vessels, Grails or 
other such implied containers" 
often refer, from an esthetic standpoint, to energetic states, 
levels, densities or dimensions 
of Awareness of Being or 
Consciousness as the Primal 
Material ("Prima Materia") or
"All that Is, In and of Itself";
Some have  also christened 
"Mother Mirror" or the "Womb
If the Universe."

Monday, May 9, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (What I Experience 1)

Although "I" still Live
In the Head, Truth-Wise, I Am
Coming from the Heart.

Although "I" still make
My Home in the Head, I Am
Speaking from the Heart.

Although "I am" not
Enlightened in the Normal
Way Our Joint-Heart Is.

[Rich Note: The following introspect exposition downloaded/popped up in response to being at loggerheads with a lively Enlightened Lady, who could not understand what I was saying to her -- something that has increased the understanding here of exactly what Living Enlightenment is and is not. A process that has been going on for over a year now.]

Part 1: What I Experience

Re: "What is your experience Richard have you had a shift like some of us here where it is suddenly realized that there are no things nor separate events."

(1) Let's start off with a related set of favorite quote (and see if the quotes are only outlawed in the original post and not the comments, as...suggested, but which was never confirmed) by Patience Worth (a 14th century, 1920's disincarnate, channeled spirit, whose writing some called on a par with Shakespeare) that the "warrior nature" (that is only somewhat attenuated -- Scorpio and all that) here dearly loves:

"This be a day to exult, 
For the Here be far richer
And the Knight hath rid 
Home wearing the colors,
His shield battered, his
Trappings worn, but his
Spear bright."  (a poetic eulogy)

Is Thy Quest Honest?

"Through that vast vale, black, pitlike,
Wouldst thou hold a taper? Wouldst thou
Lend thy hand to them that seek?
Is that yearning born of Truth?
Eating thy heart in hungry anticipation
That thou shouldst leave a beacon
On the sands? 
Oh, dost thou behold the regal
Barque of day floating upon the sea of Eternity
And  no beacon, no light, no chart? 

In benediction do I bow before thee!"

(2) Addressing the experience question haiku-wise:

Although "I" still Live
In the Head, Truth-Wise, I Am
Coming from the Heart.

Although "I" still make
My Home in the Head, I Am
Speaking from the Heart.


The Heart is the Sun,
The Mind or Head is the Moon
And I Am the Light.

Moonlight gazing back 
At the Sunlight at its Source
Declares: “I AM THAT”!

(The "Poet's Heart," still throbs deeply and passionately here, though the intellect can be both over-bearing and over-shadowing, at times, as William pointed out along the way.)

(2 parts of 6 related to this question)

Part 2: What I Experience

[This is a response to a comment from a friend who asked for a plain text version of Part 1.]

Doubt what needs to be said can be said in language that is less then three dimensions, cross triangulating-wise, Monica.

Besides, the haiku, as in,

A fatal case of
Mistaken identity
This being human.

Is as "plain text" as it gets.

Besides, as the poet in your heart full-well knows, as a "heart to heart" transmission, it's to be read "softly, gently with the heart" and only needs an open mind to let it through to understand its content.


Part 3: What I Experience

(3) Plain Text (let's give it a try):

To..., with Love: 

(1) I am still identified with or as a separate-selfhood (for any number of surmisable reasons); and have known this for nearly 40 years.

(2) I speak from, at least with respect to the matters of Spirit or Truth, a direct or intuitive apprehension of the Heart; as any Enlightened Being does.

(3) As one with a rather extreme (96 percentile quantitative; 66 percentile qualitative -- which is backwards for most pilots) intellectual bent, body-mind organism-wise, I am naturally predisposed to be considerably more interested in Understanding the mechanics of Life, Being or Existence (or how it works) than in actually being enlightened (at least not yet) of the illusion of being a separate person in this Cosmic Virtual Reality Game We are playing with Our Self/Selves; as this ridiculously long, 50 year Walk on the this "Long and Winding Earthly Path" clearly testifies.

(4) I have mental access to a local data bank (in addition to the Universal or Cosmic One we all have as Our Joint or Common Heart) that is mind bogglingly (at least I have been told that several times) extensive. Not because I'm particularly smart or special, but because I have been very earnest in seeking, finding, confirming and loving the "Truth as the Common Ground in All" for 50 years at this point.

(5) Though I am still "bottom-up, particle state, outside-in" oriented, the Understanding of Truth, Itself, is "Pure Top-Down, Quantum State, Inside-Out, Heartfelt Knowing, Feeling and Seeing;" in the same way any Enlightened Understanding Is a Direct Apprehension or Intuition (In-To-It). In other words, the Understanding or Knowing is a "direct apprehension of being that which is known"; and, accordingly perfect (whole, complete, one and done) knowledge.

(6) To paraphrase Scripture, I see and know, not in part, or through a glass darkly (relatively or self-reflectively); but "face to face (or directly), even as I am known (in the same way "I know I am or exist").

(7) I completed a book (I am very fond of calling a "40 Year State of the Head Message) in 2006 entitled: "Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses, the Object of Life is to Find Out Who I Am before Time Runs Out;" a book that pretty much arranged and formatted itself out of 40 years of creative expression; all of which attempted to cross-triangulate, with different mediums of expression, One and the Self-Same Absolute Truth: the Simple, Yet Utterly Profound, Truth of the Absolute Nature and Oneness of All-Conscious Being, Life or Existence.

(8) Obsessive compulsive to the core, at least with respect to this on-going 48 year Love Affair with Truth (though my dear wife of 48 years, Sandy, would say there are others such objects of deep affection and love, as well -- environmental oblivion and messiness being two predominate ones), at one-time the library of physical books fell somewhere between 3,000 to 4,000 books. Mostly kindles, I haven't counted, for the last 5 years. 

(9) I can speak about this most simple Truth, I have grown to know and dearly love "metaphysically, philosophically, theologically or psychologically (with even a bit of quantum physics thrown in). But apparently not in plain text (which the hay-ku haiku, as defined militarily below, attempts:

Smart-bombs to target
Deeply embedded patterns 
Of self-centered thought.

[Know I'm not supposed to mention God, here -- which, by the way, is a great constraint to the size of the audience you can get your message across to (says the Penn State '67 marketing guy) -- but here's a related one on Jesus I doubt any of your constituency will mind:

Jesus died to save
Us all from our delusion
Of self-existence.]

(10) As some love beautiful poetry, art or music, I have now come love seeing that self-same Truth reflected in Ever-Higher Self-Expression in, through and as the "ever-new, ever-fresh, ever-expanding Self-Perfection of the Enlightened.

(New 3 of 6)

P.S. Thank you, again..., for the new round of introspection you mid-wifed out of me.😉

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Proud Man)

Part One: Transparent Awareness

Always Already
The Transparent Awareness
Of Being I Am.

Always Already
The Transparent Awareness
Of Being Itself.

Always Already
Present as the Transparent
Awareness I Am.


Being the Seeing
Of Transparent Awareness
Embodied as Life.

Being the Seeing
Of Transparent Awareness
Embodied as Light.

Being the Seeing
Of Transparent Awareness
Embodied as Love.


Ever-Present as
This Transparent Awareness
Of Absolute Joy

Ever-Present as
This Transparent Awareness
Of Infinite Peace

Ever-Present as
This Transparent Awareness
Of Eternal Truth.


Awake to Being
The Transparent Awareness
Of the Absolute.

Awake to Being
The Transparent Awareness
Of God the Father.

Be the Transparent
Awareness of the Nameless
Absolute You Are.

Part II: Glassy Essence

Awareness is the
Glassy Essence at the Heart
Of All Existence.

Transparent I Am
As the Glassy Essence at
The Heart of Being.

Transparent I Am
As the Glassy Essence of 
Awareness Itself.


The Glassy Essence
I Am is the Transparent
Awareness of All.

The Glassy Essence
I Am is the Transparent
Awareness of One.

The Glassy Essence
I Am is the Transparent
Awareness of God.


The Glassy Essence
Of Life is the Transparent
Awareness I Am.

The Glassy Essence
Of Light is the Transparent
Awareness You Are.

The Glassy Essence
Of Love is the Transparent
Awareness God Is.

Re: William Shakespeare's  "Measure For Measure Act 2, scene 2, 114–123"

 "Merciful heaven,
Thou rather with thy sharp and sulphurous bolt
Splits the unwedgeable and gnarlèd oak
Than the soft myrtle; but man, proud man,
Dress'd in a little brief authority,
Most ignorant of what he's most assur'd—
His glassy essence—like an angry ape
Plays such fantastic tricks before high heaven
As makes the angels weep; who, with our spleens (self-regarding passions),
Would all themselves laugh mortal (laugh themselves to death)*

-- William Shakespeare 

[Rich Note: The parenthetical, expository matter is from the follow e-note link:  http://www.enotes.com/shakespeare-quotes/brief-authority ]

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Inexhaustible Treasure)

The "Glory of God"
Is the "Aware Presence 
Of Being" I Am.

The "Saving Grace" of 
Christ  is the "Aware Presence
Of Being" I Am.

The "Living Light" in
All is this Pure "Awareness 
Of Being" I Am.


The "Holy Grail" is
The Awareness of Being
Present as I Am.

The "Cup of Christ" is
This Awareness of Being
I Am and God Is.

The "Cup of Christ" is
The Consciousness of God that
Manifests through Man.


The "Light of God" is
The "Awareness of Being"
I Am and You Are.

"Christ in You" is the 
"Aware Presence of Being"
At the Heart of All.

The "Living Light of
Love Shines" as the "Awareness
Of Being" I Am.


The "Good News" is not
That God Lived in Jesus, but
That God Lives in You.

The "Good News" is "Christ
In You", the "Hope of Glory,"
Jesus Christ Witnessed.

The "Real Good News" is
"I can never not Be" the 
"Christ of God I Am."

Re: " Neville Goddard's Classic Synoptic Mystical Interpretation of 
"The Count of Monte Christo"
as it appears in "Your Faith is Your Fortune.")

"...That every object, both animate and inanimate, is enveloped in a liquid light which moves and pulsates with an energy far more radiant than the objects themselves, no one knows better than the author; but he also knows that the ability to see such auras is not equal to the ability to understand that which one sees in the world around about him.
"To illustrate this point, here is a story with which the whole world is familiar, yet only the true mystic or clairvoyant has ever really seen it.
"The story of Dumas’ “Count of Monte Cristo” is, to the mystic and true clairvoyant, the biography of every man.

"Edmond Dantés, a young sailor, finds the captain of his ship dead. Taking command of the ship in the midst of a storm-swept sea, he attempts to steer the ship into a safe anchorage.

"Life itself is a storm-swept sea with which man wrestles as he tries to steer himself into a haven of rest.

"On Dantés is a secret document which must be given to a man he does not know, but who will make himself known to the young sailor in due time. This document is a plan to set the Emperor Napoleon free from his prison on the Isle of Elba.
"Within every man is the secret plan that will set free the mighty emperor within himself.

"As Dantés reaches port, three men (who by their flattery and praise have succeeded in worming their way into the good graces of the present king), fearing any change that would alter their positions in the government, have the young mariner arrested and committed to the catacombs.
"Man in his attempt to find security in this world is misled by the false lights of greed, vanity and power.
"Most men believe that fame, great wealth or political power would secure them against the storms of life. So they seek to acquire these as the anchors of their life, only to find that in their search for these they gradually lose the knowledge of their true being. If man places his faith in things other than himself, that in which his faith is placed, will in time destroy him; at which time he will be as one imprisoned in confusion and despair.

"Here in this tomb, Dantés is forgotten and left to rot. Many years pass. Then one day, Dantés (who is by this time a living skeleton) hears a knock on his wall. Answering this knock, he hears the voice of one on the other side of the stone. In response to this voice, Dantés removes the stone and discovers an old priest who has been in prison so long that no one knows the reason for his imprisonment or the length of time he has been there.
"Here behind these walls of mental darkness, man remains in what appears to be a living death. After years of disappointment, man turns from these false friends, and he discovers within himself the ancient one (his awareness of being) who has been buried since the day he first believed himself to be man and forgot that he was God.

"The old priest had spent many years digging his way out of this living tomb only to discover that he had dug his way into Dantés’ tomb. He then resigns himself to his fate and decides to find his joy and freedom by instructing Dantés in all that he knows concerning the mysteries of life and to aid him to escape as well.
"Dantés, at first, is impatient to acquire all this information; but the old priest, with infinite patience garnered through his long imprisonment, shows Dantés how unfit he is to receive this knowledge in his present, unprepared, anxious mind. So, with philosophic calm, he slowly reveals to the young man the mysteries of life and time.
"This revelation is so wonderful that when man first hears it he wants to acquire it all at once; but he finds that, after numberless years spent in the belief of being man, he has so completely forgotten his true identity that he is now incapable of absorbing this memory all at once. He also discovers that he can do so only in proportion to his letting go of all human values and opinions.

"As Dantés ripens under the old priest’s instructions, the old man finds himself living more and more in the consciousness of Dantés. Finally, he imparts his last bit of wisdom to Dantés, making him competent to handle positions of trust. He then tells him of an inexhaustible treasure buried on the Isle of Monte Cristo.

"As man drops these cherished human values, he absorbs more and more of the light (the old priest), until finally he becomes the light and knows himself to be the ancient one. I AM the light of the world.

"At this revelation, the walls of the catacomb which separated them from the ocean above cave in, crushing the old man to death. The guards, discovering the accident, sew the old priest’s body into a sack and prepare to cast it out to sea. As they leave to get a stretcher, Dantés removes the body of the old priest and sews himself into the bag. The guards, unaware of this change of bodies, and believing him to be the old man, throw Dantés into the water.
"The flowing of both blood and water in the death of the old priest is comparable to the flow of blood and water from the side of Jesus as the Roman soldiers pierced him, the phenomenon which always takes place at birth (here symbolizing the birth of a higher consciousness).
"Dantés frees himself from the sack, goes to the Isle of Monte Cristo and discovers the buried treasure. Then, armed with this fabulous wealth and this superhuman wisdom, he discards his human identity of Edmond Dantés and assumes the title of the Count of Monte Cristo.
"Man discovers his awareness of being to be the inexhaustible treasure of the universe. In that day, when man makes this discovery, he dies as man and awakes as God.
"Yes, Edmond Dantés becomes the Count of Monte Cristo. Man becomes Christ."