Monday, June 22, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Really Good News is "I AM THE WORD")

The Message Jesus Christ Lived
And Died to Reveal.

The Truth that Jesus poured out
His Life to Express.

The Way that Jesus Christ Lived
And Died to Convey


A Divine Self-Expression
Of the Christ Message.

A Divine Expression of
Christ's Living Message.

"I Am the Word" is 
A Plain Text Expression of
The Message of Christ.


The "Real Good News" was 
Never "Christ in Jesus" but "Christ
In You and All Else."

"I AM THE WORD" shares
Christ's largely Ignored Teachings
And the "Real Good News."

"I AM THE WORD" shares
The Good News Jesus revealed;
Which is "Christ in You."


"I AM THE WORD" shows
How to "Live the Good News":
Which is "Christ in You."

"I Am the Word" shares
A Way to Be "in the World
But not of the World."

"I Am the Word" shares
A Clear Way to Know You Are
One with the Father.***

[Rich Note: The following wholehearted, synoptic endorsement of "I AM THE WORD," by Paul Selig -- as a "Book for the Ages," as a "Unique, One of a Kind, Rubber on the Road, Spiritual Classic"; whose "Fast-Track, Breakthrough Potential" is, not only perfectly suited, but absolutely necessary for "Such a Time as This" -- has clearly expanded with familiarity in the last month and so needs to be shared once again: 

"In short, for Rich Hay at least, as an overly intellectual type, who has spent 45 years seeking Truth, seeing and feeling Christ (Krishna, God, Brahman, Allah, Nameless Absolute, Source, All That Is or Whatever other Name one might prefer to call IT) as the "Conscious Energy, Vibration or Frequency" that "Pure Awareness of Being or Consciousness" ultimately Is, offers a "Living (and quite Literal Visceral) Bridge" across the conceptual gap (or Gate-less Gate) between "Head and Heart, Thought and Feeling, Spirit and Flesh"; and, as such, "I AM THE WORD" offers a clear and present, "evolutionary breakthrough potential" for All Humanity, both individually and collectively, to know with certainty exactly "What Consciousness Is" and with That, "Who and What We All Ultimately Are" (and then "The Real Divine Fun Begins").

[Rich Note: For those of a more conservative human nature, spiritual or otherwise, do yourself a favor, and don't let the fact that "I AM THE WORD" is a "channeled book" scare you away from this Treasure (Re: "Know me by my works"); sent straight from "God's Heart to Yours" -- for the Living God Still and Ever Shall Speak to those with an "Open Mind and Willing Heart" (or in more poetic language: "Apply thine heart unto instruction, and thine ears to the words of knowledge." Proverbs 23:12).]

[Rich Note -- (alternate "third rail" endings): All Being, Creation, Existence, All Others, the Divine, You Father, Your Brothers, Your Sisters, In Christ Frequency, In Christ Energy, in Field Potential, Divine Awareness, Quantum Awareness, Conscious Energy, The Creator's Child.]

[Rich Note:  Two other HOTD links:

(1) Hay-Ku of the Day (I Am Word)

(2) Hay-Ku of the Day (Being Still and Knowing I Am Word) ] 

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