Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Hay-Ku of The Day (OOMM, Appendix B, “Related Poetry, As Certain Poets of Yours Once Said”)

Poetic Glimpses 
Into the Divine Nature
Of Being Aware.

“To Be or Not Be...”
Consciously Aware I Am
“...That is the Question.”

The Dawning Light of
The Pure Awareness I Am
Redeems the Lost Years.


Free of self-will, 
Be quiet and still.

Empty and open, 
Be whole and unbroken. 

Settle and center, 
Be silent and enter.


An Empty Mind, 
Is also Clear; 
Without thought, 
There is no Fear. 

A Quiet Mind, 
Lives in Peace; 
Makes the most, 
Of even Least. 

A Silent Mind, 
Has no Bound; 
Open and Still, 
Itself is Found


Are you really flesh and bone,
Always here, but never home; 
Are you really earthly bound, 
Mostly lost and seldom found? 

Are you really future’s dust,
Are your treasures bound to rust;
Are you really going to die, 
Born of ground and not of sky? 

Are you really nature’s toy, 
Born for tears and not for joy; 
Are you really born a pawn, 
Here a while, but longer gone?


Who ask why, 
And wonders how; 
When you are here, 
And life is now. 

Never mind,
And never worry; 
Take no thought,
Thy self unbury.

Christ unbind, 
Thy shroud unwind; 
Arise in thought, 
All death is naught.


Life is like an open book,
Who sees it not, just doesn’t look;
For like the air, it’s all around,
Seldom seen and nowhere found. 

Life is like a lovely rose,
By night it sleeps, by day it grows;
Here today, gone tomorrow,
Never knowing pain or sorrow. 

Life is like a tragic play,
So full of things that cannot stay;
Things that rise and so must fall,
Without a bow or curtain call. 

Life is like a race to run,
Not to win, but just for fun; 
It rolls along from day to day,
Comes again, but not this way. 

Life is like a burning star, 
Ever close, but, oh, so far; 
Shining brightest in the night,
Though by day still burns its light. 

Life is like an endless stream, 
A babbling brook, a living dream;
Never sleeping, ever waking,
Always giving, never taking. 

Life is like the empty sky,
Far away, but also nigh;
Up and down can it be found,
High above and on the ground.

Life is like a lovely rose,
By night it sleeps, by day it grows;
Here today, gone tomorrow,
Never knowing pain or sorrow.

Life is like a newborn child,
Soft and gentle, sweet and mild;
Full of wonder, free of doubt,
It gives itself to all about.

Life is like a mustard seed,
For it to flower, rain it needs;
Tended and feed, if it’s to grow,
Cast off bounds and beauty know. 

Life is like the silver moon,
Its borrowed light is gone so soon; 
Hide and seek its favorite game, 
It seems to change, yet stays the same. 

Life is like a central sun, 
It sheds its light on everyone; 
Light and warmth it so bequeaths,
To all above and all beneath.

Life is like a timeless sea,
Whose unmoved depths shall ever be; 
Though surface winds its waves do blow,
They never touch the deep below.


Another time, another place,
Another smile, another face; 
Another year, another day, 
Another path, another way. 

Another eye, another stare, 
Another here, another there; 
Another where, another when, 
Another love, another friend. 

Another step, another mile, 
Another look, another style; 
Another wish, another dream, 
Another plan, another scheme. 

Another mount,  another peak,
Another hide, another seek;
Another low, another high,
Another touch, another sigh.

Another hope, another fear, 
Another kiss, another tear; 
Another laugh, another cry, 
Another girl, another guy.

Another heart, another head, 
Another room, another bed; 
Another song, another dance, 
Another roll, another chance.

Another sun, another moon, 
Another poem, another tune;
Another day, another night, 
Another depth, another height. 

Another up, another down,
Another thorn, another crown; 
Another grin, another bear, 
Another pull, another tear. 

Another hunt, another chase, 
Another game, another race;
Another smell, another taste, 
Another build, another waste. 

Another lost, another found,
Another sky, another ground; 
Another form, another space, 
Another time, another place.  


On again, off again, round and around, 
One moment lost, the next moment found; 
Movement and stillness, silence and sound, 
One moment free, the next moment bound. 

Living and dying, doing and being, 
One moment blind, the next moment seeing;
Darkness and light, solid and space, 
One moment law, the next moment grace. 

Dove and eagle, lion and bull, 
One moment empty, the next moment full; 
Passion and purpose, diamonds and dust, 
One moment steel, the next moment rust.

Here and now, now and then,
One moment start, the next moment end; 
Something and nothing, nothing and all, 
One moment stand, the next moment fall. 

Thought and sense, mind and heart, 
One moment science, the next moment art;
Thunder and lightening, sunshine and rain, 
One moment pleasure, the next moment pain.

Flesh and spirit, body and soul, 
One moment part, the next moment whole; 
Mary and Joseph, manger and stall, 
One moment Nothing, the next moment All.


Who is this I that I seem to be, 
That I feel I am, yet cannot see; 
The one in me I’ve yet to know, 
Though ever present wherever I go. . 

Who can it be, this I in me,
The I that I am, yet never see;
The one in me that still goes on,
When all about has come and gone. 

The one in me that always knows, 
That never comes and never goes;
That’s always here and never there,
Ever present and so nowhere.

The one in me, the one in you, 
The I in us and all else too; 
The root and core of all that lives,
The essence and soul of all that is.

The I in all which cannot fall, 
Alive in the hearts of great and small;
That’s never apart and always near,
Knows no hunger and has no fear.

The one in all, the one in each,
The one all seek, but never reach;
The I that I am, that you are too,
The I that answers the question who.



As in Thy Oneness first conceived, 
Though by sense of self deceived; 
Again to Oneness must I grow, 
And therein finally come to know. 

For conceived in Truth, we two are One,
Thou art Father and I am Son; 
You are Thinker and I am Thought, 
You’re the Seeker and I that Sought. 

You are Dreamer and I am Dream, 
You’re the River and I the Stream; 
You are Sea and I am Wave, 
You’re the Savior and I am Saved.


So must I come to see us as One,
You as the Father and I as the Son;
You as the Whole of which I am Part,
You as my Finish and I as your Start. 

See you as the Ocean and I as the Drop, 
You as the Bottom of which I am Top; 
You as the Doer and I as your Done, 
You as the Victor and I as the Won. 

For in our Oneness can the only Truth lie, 
Your one clear answer to my question why;
My faith in self the source of all fright, 
My denial of Truth the cause of my blight.


So do I pray Thee, Oh Father of Life, 
Awaken Thy Son and end all His strife; 
Make One my Consciousness, Thinker Divine, 
And so bless my soul with Thy Perfect Mind.

So lift the veil of my thought’s false division,
And open mine eyes to Thy Perfect Vision;
Thus end the reign of my partial sight,
The shadows I cast and my blockage of Light. 

That empty my heart of its selfish love,
May I so ascend to Your Kingdom above; 
So scale Life’s Mountain and know its height,
Behold the One and see the Light.


So sever the root of self-conscious being,
That thought of self no longer blocks seeing;
For a slave no longer to relative mind,
Will I so stop seeking and finally find.

So stop becoming and wholly become,
One in the Many whose birthright is Son;
A rebirth in Spirit within present days, 
Born with the death of my imperfect ways. 

A reunion in Consciousness, Cause with Effect,
A rejoining of Subject with parted Object; 
A wedding of Self with that seen as Other, 
A coming to Peace between me and my Brother.


Original Consciousness, Essence Divine,
So filleth my heart and make whole my mind; 
Come to me now and complete this Thy Word,
That I may now hear and you may be heard. 

That once again Whole my divide heart, 
Never again may I think you apart; 
That I may know Oneness and so cease to fight,
May put up my sword and reliance on might. 

May realize Thy Presence within every other,
And so know myself to be One with my Brother; 
So awakened to Oneness and evermore free,
Will I no longer bound by selfishness be.


So ended my bondage to relative reason,
No longer to know Life as only a season; 
Never more bound by future and past, 
In Thee ever resting long after the last. 

Forever gone my incomplete thought,
Free its bounds and no longer caught;
Free in Spirit, my Soul lifted up,
To drink not the dregs, but the Wine of Life’s Cup.

In Thy Boundless Image made totally Whole,
A Timeless Union of Spirit and Soul; 
My coming to Oneness, an end to all crying,
Gone partial being and with it my dying.


So more of Thee and less of me, 
That I may finally come to see; 
That I may finally come to know, 
From whence I came and where I go.

That One at last may I so come to be, 
Born of a Consciousness only of Thee; 
My Wholeness made know through a coming of Thine,
And with it a bringing of Thy Word to rhyme. 

Thy Infinite Wholeness, the Ground of my Being,
A promise of Hope to my once again seeing;
A return to Oneness, of Partial to Whole, 
The Saving Grace of my prodigal Soul.


[Rich Note: Appendix B, “Related Poetry, As Certain Poets of Yours Once Said,” in a “section by section” sampling of “Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses.” For those whose interest might be piqued or experience a heartfelt resonance with what is shared, I would highly recommend downloading the Amazon Kindle sample of OOMM, as it effectively constitutes both a synoptic and seminal, 59 page “mini-book .”]

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