Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (I Am the Great Pretender)

Why pretend to be what I am not and refuse to be what I am?

Because I am not
What I was conditioned to
Think when I got here.

Because I am not
What society programmed me
To think as a child.

Because I think I
Am not and have forgotten
What I Am in Truth.


OOMM Oldies:

A fatal case of 
Mistaken identity 
This being human.

A case of Divine
Amnesia caused by a false
Premise of Being.

Re-collecting the
Whole of which I am part is 
The object of life.

Conscious intent and 
Expectation blinds us to 
The Fullness of Life.

Life is a cosmic game 
Of divine hide and seek in 
Which we are all it!

Life is a Divine
Game of hide and seek in which
Everyone is It.

The Object of Life
Is to find out who I Am
Before time runs out.


"Stop pretending to
Be what you are not and you 
Will be what you are

Inspired by Sri Nisargadatta's:

"Don't pretend to be what you are not, don't refuse to be what you are." 

(From I AM THAT - http://advaita.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/1-I-Am-That-Nisargadatta-Maharaj-Resumo.pdf )

“One day a six-year-old friend said to me, ‘Pretend you are surrounded by a thousand hungry tigers. What would you do?’ I visualized the situation as he had suggested and, coming up with no viable plan of action, said, ‘Wow, I don’t know. What would you do?’ And he replied, ‘I’d stop pretending.'”
~Catherine Ingram"

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