Sunday, January 3, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (A Grateful Heart)

Hay-Ku of the Day (A Grateful Heart)

Re: Charlie Hayes 1-3-16 FB Post:

"Word for the day: Grateful!"

Rich: A Primal Sense of a Wide-Open Heart!


Grateful to Be This
Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,
As the One I Am.

Grateful to Be This
Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,
As the Child I Am.

Grateful to Be This
Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,
As the Light I Am.

Grateful to Be This
Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,
As the Living Light.

Grateful to Be This
Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,
As Light's Living Love.

Grateful to Be This
Awareness, Right Here, Right Now,
As the Father's Child.

[Rich Notes: A number of related points about this series of haiku worth sharing:

(1) Grateful to Be This
Awareness, Right Now, Right Now,
As the Child I Am.

This is actually one of a six daily "purifying meditations" that include the following first lines: "I Love Being...", Grateful to Be...", Thankful to Be...", Happy to Be...", Happy Being...", I Am Being..." and "God is Being..."

(2) "...This Awareness, Right Here, Right Now..." is a "non-dual pointer" that recurs in Bill Samuel's written and spoken word.

(3) "Truth, Peace, Joy, Life, Love, Grace, Faith, Hope, Heart, Health, Wealth, Word, Christ" can all be substituted for "Child, One and Light" in the third-line of the haiku and the  declaration remains equally valid or true.]

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