Friday, November 4, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Are We Crazy?)

Ever harder to
Accept "self-centeredness" as
A sane premise.

Egocentric mind
Is a calculator that thinks
It's a computer.


Ignorance of the
Creative nature of thought
Is destroying us.

Given our current
World situation the One
Way Out is Within.


Belief in Being
Other than I Am results
In Self-Ignorance.

Self-knowledge is the 
Missing ingredient that makes 
Our ideas half-baked.


The One Sane Premise
For Relative Being is
An Absolute Source.

[Rich Note: Called forth by the follow Syd Bank's quotes from "The Missing Link":

"The malfunction of our own personal thought system instigated the breakdown of personal relationships and leads to the crumbling of societies, causing unnecessary suffering and sadness.

"The misled thoughts of humanity, alienated from their inner wisdom, cause all violence, cruelty and savagery in this world.

"Since the beginning, the state of any society is s direct result of its conditioned way of thinking." ]

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