Monday, August 1, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Spider of Self-Ignorance and Doubt)


Caught-up in details,
A web of my own weaving,
Lunch for the spider.


"What a tangled web
We weave..." when we fall prey to
Egocentric thought.

"What a tangled web
We weave..." when we fall prey to
Endless mental doubt.

"What a tangled web
We weave..." when we fall prey to
The half-truths of mind.


"What a tangled web
We weave..." when we fall prey to
"The Story of Me."

"What a tangled web
We weave..." when we fall prey to
The "Me that says My."

"What a tangled web
We weave when we fall prey to
"Separate self-sense."

A Related Story:

"The Weaver"

"There is a busy spider weaving webs,
Hanging my understanding with
Impenetrable mysteries—
Intricately woven.
Threatening all men, is
This busy weaver in its labor
Befogging man's reassuring.
There is a busy spider which threads the day,
Trailing its silver from wisdom to wisdom,
Enwrapping one with the other—
Until Wisdom is lost!
Oh, there is a busy spider—
Called Doubt!"

--  Patience Worth

[Rich Note: The "real answer" to untangling and navigating the "mental spider's web of doubt" in this world is to look within, to one's own Heart, where the "entire web" is reflected; and that in the very same way each particular dew drop on the shared "bejeweled spider web" image reflects the whole web.]

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