Saturday, April 4, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Open Door to Infinite Supply)

The Absolute is
Now Linked to the Relative
By Alert Stillness.

Alert Stillness is
The Absolute Witness of
All Conscious Being.

Alert Stillness is
The Quantum Link between the
One and the Many.

Alert Stillness is
The Single Eye of the One
Now Observing All.


As Alert Stillness
I Am the Doorway to God's
Infinite Storehouse.

Alert Stillness is
The Gateway to the Father's
Infinite Supply.

Alert Stillness is
The Door to the Absolute's
Infinite Storehouse.


The Single Eye of
God is the Alert Stillness
At the Heart of All.

Alert Stillness is
The Prince of Peace at the
Heart of Creation.

Alert Stillness is
The Peace of God which Passeth
All Understanding.

Alert Stillness is
The Divine Link between the
Sacred and Profane.

Alert Stillness is
The Quantum Link between the
Spirit and the Flesh.


A Dimensionless
Point of Alert Stillness is
Our Spiritual Eye.

Alert Stillness is
The Dimensionless Still Point
At the Heart of All. 

Dimensionless I
Am as the Alert Stillness
Of God's Awareness.


Alert Stillness is
Cognizing Emptiness that's
Aware of Being.

Alert Stillness is
Cognizing Emptiness that's
Aware as I Am.

Alert Stillness is
Cognizing Emptiness that
Knows It Is That.


Christ is the Alert
Stillness of God Manifest
As This Awareness.

Christ in You is the
Alert Stillness of Being
Consciously Aware.

Christ in You is the
Alert Stillness of Being
Present and Aware.

"Alert Stillness is the linking with the Absolute." 

(By S.K. Mullarpattan, from a "Rays of the Absolute Movie" Interview on "Science and Non-Duality" Website.)


"Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10 KJV

"Ye shall not need to fight in this battle : set yourselves, stand ye still , and see the salvation of the Lord with you..." 2 Chronicles 20:17 KJV


"That's which makes you think you are human is not human. It is but a dimensionless point of consciousness, a conscious nothing." -- Sri Nisargadatta


"At some point the Absolute -- Who You Really Are -- chooses to consciously know itself, and in a flash of insight, turns in on itself, sees itself, looks back on itself, and recognizes the Empty Awareness it is."

J.C. Amberchele, "The Heavenly Backflip"

[Rich Note: I Am = Alert Stillness = Perfect Peace = The Prince of Peace = Pre-Conceptual Awareness of Being = Pure Consciousness = Being = Presence = Spirit = Conscious Aliveness = Witnessing Presence = Cognizing Emptiness = The Son/Sun of God = The Child of God One Is = Christ In You = A Dimensionless Still Point = The Single Eye/I of God = The Image and Likeness of God as the Absolute Father.]

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