Sunday, September 6, 2009

Hay-Ku of the Day (Being is Knowing)

[Rich Note: Companion image may be viewed at]

(Imaginary Photograph)

[Rich Note: (Photo Caption) Imaginary (2009): In relation to Being, "knower and known" are no more or less real than this imaginary dragon on the OCNJ boardwalk; Companion haiku: Being is knowing without the knower and known woven into “me.”]

Being is Knowing
Without the “Knower and Known”
Doubling vision.

Being is Knowing
Without the “Knower and Known”
Getting in the Way.

[Rich Note: “Limiting, dividing or distorting vision” also work for the first offering, while “of self-reflection, conception or ignorance” work for the second.]

[Rich Note: (Photo Caption) Imaginary (2009): In relation to Being, "knower and known" are no more or less real than this imaginary dragon on the OCNJ boardwalk; Companion haiku: Being is knowing without the knower and known woven into “me.”]

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