Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Subject-Object Dichotomy)

Seeing Life from a 
Subject-Object Perspective 
Is Double-Minded.

With relative states of mind 
I forget Being.

I am subject to
The partial limits of mind 
Because I think so.

Yourself and life is a tale 
Told by an idiot.

Thinking of Being
Consciously Aware turns Life
Into a Mind Game.

Egocentric thought
Subjects one to the laws of
Relative being.

I am subject to
Relative matters because
I believe I am.

(1) Wu Wei Wu (Terrance Grey)-Wise:

A. “As Wei Wu Wei (Terrance Grey)?observes in “All Else is Bondage”:

“As long as we are identified with an object: that is bondage. As long as we think, act, live via an object, or as an object: that is bondage. As long as we feel ourselves to be an object, or think we are such (and a “self ” is an object): that is bondage.”

B. “Once the nature of the problem is understood, the question that tends to arise is “How can one escape this condition?” Wei Wu Wei points out that at this stage there is the danger that the objectified self, or ego, may decide to make itself “more spiritual” in order to “attain” liberation and begin some sort of rigorous “spiritual practice” to achieve this end. But he sees this as merely a defensive measure on the part of the ego to sidestep the real issue—this being the fact of its own inexistence as an independent entity...”

C. “Are you still thinking, looking, living, as from an imaginary phenomenal centre? As long as you do that you can never recognise your freedom.” 

“Could any statement be more classic? 

“Could any statement be more obvious? 

“Could any statement be more vital? 

“Yet—East and West—how many observe it? So Could any statement be more needed?”
—Wu Wei Wu

[Rich Note: Hay-Ku of the Day (HOTD) summary of selections (in some cases with minor editorial changes and additiobs), from “Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses” (OOMM), sequentially posted on Twitter.]


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