Thursday, April 21, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Purity of Heart)

Purity of heart
Refers to a state of mind
Empty of itself.

Double mindedness 
Refers to a relative 
State of awareness.

Only Hearts Empty
Of all self-reference have
Space for God's Presence.

Empty of self-thought
I Am the Holy Grail through
Which the Father flows.

"Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners*; and purify your hearts, ye double minded." James 4:8 KJV

(*Sin means "missing the mark or point" of Life and the Point of Life is: Being Here and Now Still and Silent as I Am One with the Father. Or, in the words of "A Course in Miracles," "...sin is a belief in separation from God...")

[Rich Note: Just shared the following brief on the +150 metaphysical metaphors (MM) written in 1992 with a new friend and felt sharing and archiving it as a HOTD worthwhile:

(Dear Arun)

 "I have 150+ "metaphysical metaphors," similar to the camera lens metaphor [20 or so that were used as chapter introductions to the 2006 "Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses" (OOMM) book, I call a "40 Year State of the Head Message"]; written at the behest of a dear friend that asked me to distill the "flow of consciousness insights" I had been blessed to receive down to their essence (so others might understand them better) -- a process that reached its zenith with the "hay-ku haiku" that started in 1997.

The attached image offers an expanded example of the "Binoculars metaphor" I often share; which was also used to introduce Chapter  7, "Purify Your Hearts Ye Double Minded," of OOMM.

Short Form: What you see when you look through a pair of binoculars is real, the circles are not, as they are a self-projection of the perceptual mechanism. So too the human or carnal mind, which is likewise a perceptual mechanism,  that similarity projects it dual nature on the Essential Unity of All Existence -- the "Aware Presence of Being I Am" (Awareness of Being or Consciousness) You Are and Is.

Long Form: "A dual state of mind projects its relative limits in much the same way that looking through a pair of binoculars projects its circular limits. The mental screen of relative words and thoughts through which we look is similarly projected on the limitless horizons of consciousness. What we see is real, though the mental boundaries we unwittingly project are not. From this one might surmise that life is really some form of self-projection, both individual and collective, and that the world serves as a mirror in which it reflects. In this regard, both Scripture, which declares, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he . . .” (Pr.23:7), and quantum physics, which concludes that “the observer conditions his observations,” bear witness to the likelihood of this premise."

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