Monday, October 5, 2015

Hay-Ku of the Day (Taking Sides)

To: Rich
From: Abba
Subject: Taking Sides
Date: 10/5/15

Anyone choosing
A side is both off-center
And out-of-balance.

Taking a side means:
You are off-center and out
Of Mental balance.


Mentally choose a
Side and you are off-center
And out-of-balance.

Taking mental sides
Creates off-centeredness and
Mental imbalance.


Valuing "One Thing"
Over "Another" creates
Mental imbalance.

Choosing "This" over
"That" creates off-centeredness
And mental imbalance.

Choose "One Thing" over
"Another" and you're off center
And self-imbalanced.

Love Daddy

PS1: Wisdom's making a
Worldly decision without
Taking mental sides.

PS2: Wisdom is solving
A worldly problem without
Taking mental sides.

PS3: Problems arise from
Partial perspectives and can't
Be resolved by them.

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