Sunday, June 2, 2013

Hay-Ku of the Day (Many Mansions)

The human mind is
A mental house divided
By relative thought

Self-focused mind is
A mental house divided—
Cain against Able!

Who abides on the
Throne of conscious attention
In your mental house?

Enlightenment sees
The House as whole, while mind builds
It with mental bricks.

[Rich Note: All four of these OOMM Oldies were selected to complement the following response to a baseball glove image and a related comment son Aaron posted on Facebook:

(To Andy, Carrie and Aaron With Love, Dad)

RE: "One Lord, One God and Father (Absolute Quantum Singularity) of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all" (Eph 4:6 KJV)

True Immortality might be a lot less abstract and much more concrete (Re: "Real") than that, Son, as Neville Goddard declares that (seen from a "Top-Down, Single Eye of God or Quantum Perspective") that the Totality of Being, Existence, Creation and/or Consciousness (beyond our present Double-Minded, Bottom-Up Frame of Self-Reference) is actually made up of an Infinite Number of Potential "States of Consciousness" [Re: "In My Father's House (Mind, Awareness of Being or Consciousness) are Many Mansions..." (States of and in a Single Field of Awareness)]; States of Being or Conscious Existence that are Simultaneously Present  (Re: All at Once in No Time, as a Quantum Singularity that Exists prior to and beyond any and all human conception).  

Seen in this Light,  "Every-Thing and Every-One" that "Ever Was or Ever Will Be" (from a Relative, Space-Time Bound, Human Frame of Self-Reference) Still Is Everlastingly (if not Eternally); and is thus Present from Alpha to Omega (Beginning to End).

All of which coincides quite nicely (from an operational perspective) with the Intuitively Logical Notion that (from a "Top Down, God's Eye or Quantum, All-Seeing Point of View) "IT (BEING and AWARENESS thereof) IS, WAS and MUST ALWAYS BE ONE" (Perfectly Self-Integrated and Integral) ABSOLUTE WHOLE".]


rfhay333 said...


A "double-minded"
Man is a "self-divided"
"State of Awareness."

RE: "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways" (James 1:8)

rfhay333 said...


The human mind is
A "mental house divided"
By self-conception.

rfhay333 said...


The human mind is
My Father's Mind divided
Into "this and that."