Saturday, April 29, 2017

Hay-Ku of Day (Living Silence)

A Palpable Sense
Of Silence reunites Heart
Mind, Body and Soul.

A Tangible Sense
Of Silence unites Heart, Mind 
Body and Spirit.

A Living Silence
Bridges the gap between Mind,
Body and Spirit.

"Now, let us enter
The Silence" uniting Heart,
Mind, Body and Soul.

RE1: "The most basic experience of Silence is intimacy. We feel an intimacy with the world, as if we are within everything around us rather than behind or alongside things that we are then looking at. This mantle of touch brings us to the living truth of our being. We know who we are in a completely non-self-conscious way. We feel how we, in our individuality, are part of a vast and mysterious world process. And when we cultivate Silence to the point that we are consciously within it rather than imagining that it is in us, we cannot be other than we are. The imagination of it being within us emanates from the loss of the touch of Silence, for without sensing this intimate touch we too easily think we are whatever we want to be or others want us to be. Silence keeps us intimately bound with the truth of our being, constantly conveying to us in a bodily way that our individual and unique presence as soul, spirit, and body intermingles " with the world and, at the same time, lives a free and independent existence."

(From "Silence - The Mystery of Wholeness" by Robert Sardello)

RE2: In the act of meditation, as in the act of adoration, silence is our highest praise. Let us keep our silent sanctuaries, for in them the eternal perspectives." -- Neville Goddard

[Rich Note: Neville routinely ended of his lectures with, "Now, let us enter the Silence."] 

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