Sunday, February 7, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day ("Christ Is Your Life")

Life is not something
I have It is What I Am
Presently Being.

Life is the Degree
To which I Am Aware of
Being Here and Now.

Life is the Degree
To which I Am Present and
Aware of Being.

Life is the Degree
To which I Am Consciously
Aware of Being.


"Christ in You" is the
Aware Presence of Being
I Am Here and Now.

"Christ in You" is the
"Imaginative Power"
Of the "Mind of God."

"Christ in You" is the
"Self-Imagining Power"
Of God the Father

"Christ in You" is the 
"Creative Power" of the
"Consciousness I Am."

Scripturally Speaking:

"Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light." Ephesians 5:14 KJV

"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10 KJV

Mystically Speaking: 

 "...This teaching is essentially a revelation of the Risen Christ. I am not speaking of the life of any man between his physical birth and death, but of the Christ who has risen in me and who rises in all. I have no mental image of a being outside of my life, or yours. 

"Paul tells us: “You have died, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, you will appear with him in glory.” (Col. 3:3,4) Here we see Paul equating your life with Christ. You are alive now, so what does Paul mean when he claims you have died? All of Paul’s letters equate death with a sleep so profound the past is forgotten. It is from the sleep of death he urges you to roust yourself from saying: “Awake O sleeper and rise from the dead.” 

"The one and only Christ is your life. Now asleep in humanity, this power believes itself to be you. And when it awakens and rises in you, it is you who rise as Christ. God’s power and wisdom is sleeping in you as your own life. God is love! When God died he gave you, his sons, your inheritance. It was not a home or some fabulous land, but the power of his love! The power to create every desire of your heart..."

(Extracted from transcribed talk by Neville Goddard entitled: "Christ Is Your Life.")

Metaphorically Speaking 

Re: "If life is defined as the degree to which I am consciously aware of being in relation to self-reflective, environmental feedback, then the more conscious attention I give to the mirror of my surroundings, instead of myself as a center, the more life I will experience. Interestingly enough, I normally assume quite the opposite, that the more attention I pay to myself as a center of consciousness, the more self-awareness I will experience and, thus, the more alive I will feel. Jesus addressed this issue of mental reciprocity quite clearly when he said, “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it, and whosever will lose his life for my sake will save it” (Mt. 16:25). That is, he who would save his life as a center of conscious awareness must be willing to sacrifice himself as such by paying more attention to others. Whereas, he who gives increasing degrees of attention and awareness to himself will actually lose the life he attempts to save through increasing degrees of self-pre-occupation and absorption. The key to beating this seeming mental “Catch-22” thus lies in realizing the reciprocal nature of self-reflective consciousness is such that to increase self-awareness, sense of being and life, I must actually pay less attention to myself as center and more to myself as circumference. For what I am, ultimately, is an entire field of consciousness that alternately assumes subjective and objective states. As such, if I am ever to become whole, complete and perfect, I must learn to embrace others as myself and love them accordingly." (Intro to Appendix G, Reading Strategies, of "Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses").

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