Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Hay-Ku of the Day ("Simple Attention")

"Simple Attention
Is the Way to Freedom, Rest
And Reality."


Is "...the Way to Freedom, Rest
And Reality."

Being Self-Aware
Is "...the Way to Freedom, Rest
And Reality."


Paying Attention
To "What Is As It Is" ends
Bondage to ego.

Paying Attention
To "What Is As It Is" ends
All mental bondage.


Being a Witness
To "What Is" creates mental
Space and leverage.

As a Witnessing
Presence I have both mental
Space and leverage.


Cultivating a
Witnessing attitude
Offers Salvation.

Awakening to
Present-Minded Awareness
Restores Paradise.

[Rich Note: The first paraphrased and related Hay-Ku inspired by:

"Our mindset is the jailor and our world-view is the jail.  But you can't break out of prison by attacking them directly.  In fact, you don't even need to attack them at all; just be aware of them and continue to observe them. Simple attention is the way to reality freedom and rest. Under continuous observation your illusions expose themselves and simply dissolve away like the Wicked Witch of the West." (from "What Are I?" by Galen Sharp)]

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