Friday, August 30, 2013

Twitter, BogSpot and FaceBook Comment Archive 2

OM Shanti Prayer

"Let there be Love and Peace
among all beings of the Universe.

Let there be Peace, let there
Be Peace.

OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti."

(as it appears in a Papaji title)


rfhay333 said...

Re: "OK ..two questions does one find oneself n how does one get to the 4 n 5 dimension...?"

You can't find or become what you are (for the same reason "an eye can't see itself"). You can only step back mentally and see you are not what you think (and in so doing notice you are Seeing Itself: "This Awareness, Right Here, Right Now").

"What we are looking for is what is looking."

St. Francis

"The Freedom you seek is where you are looking from."

Jac O'Keeffe

"Being is always where you are looking from, only sometimes you get confused. You get confused when you look as the body, instead of through it."

Fred Davis

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”

Meister Eckhart

"There is no way there, but to be there."

Bill Samuel

"Stop pretending to be what you are not and be what you are."

"Keep in mind the feeling I Am, merge in it, until mind and feeling become one."

Sri Nisargadatta

"What's wrong with right now, unless you think about it?"

Sailor Bob Adamson

rfhay333 said...

There is Nothing more Simple then Absolute Oneness (and nothing harder to find or easier to be).
9:42am - 2 Sep 13

rfhay333 said...

Part 2:

Re: "Being is always where you are looking from, only sometimes you get confused. You get confused when you look as the body, instead of through it."

-- Fred Davis

The following verse underscores what Fred said about "looking through the body" (which means you have to be outside of and so "absence to the body") rather than "seeing from inside the body" -- the "walk by faith" simply means, from where 'we think we are now,' we first have to imagine looking through the body, by stepping back mentally, in order to realize that we always already are, as the Seeing, except in our present false belief -- to "...see face to face, even as I Am known..." (Re: "see with a 'single eye'") :

"Therefore we are always confident, knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord: (For we walk by faith, not by sight:) We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord."

2 Corinthians 5:6-8 KJV

rfhay333 said...

Stop Relating to
Reality as a fixed
Center of Being.

rfhay333 said...

Part 3

Re: "Good stuff the 4 n 5 dimension how does one reach that."

I'll give you a paraphrased version of the answer Buddha gave to the one who asked him: "Is there a God?"

"Find out 'Who You Are' and the question will disappear.'"

Or in Jesus' words in the "Gospel of Thomas":

"The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us how our end will be." Jesus said, "Have you discovered, then, the beginning, that you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the end be. Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning; he will know the end and will not experience death."

Or as Sri Nisargadatta points counsels in "Consciousness and the Absolute":

"Go to the source for that movement where the "I Amness" begins."

"You must give up identity with the body. Abidance in that knowledge 'I Am' which does not identify with the body-mind is the spiritual light."

"Whatever you try to become, that is not you. Before the words come out, before you say 'I am', that is you."

(Hint: You are looking for something "you think" is "outside you" that is actual "inside you.")

rfhay333 said...

Part 4:

Re: As humans, we have practice The Art of Being!

Yes, Until We Wake-Up to Always Already Being That.

[Fortunately, "Being is Seeing," so any and all "Practice" only involves creating the mental space necessary to notice "I Am Being Seeing Itself."]

rfhay333 said...
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rfhay333 said...

Shift: Paying Attention to What Already Is

"...Our simple presence/awareness/ consciousness, that which knows all that arises in experience, is likewise always here and now. This awareness is the backdrop of every experience as it comes and goes within it. The simple fact that awareness is always present, underneath every experience, shows us that there is a stable, unchanging, true essence. This has been called the true Self, or our 'spirit.' I like to call it 'god's beloved child.' All of us are already that, whether we are aware of it consciously or not. Nothing can ever change this reality of who we really are. Whether you feel aware or unaware, this simple consciousness of pure awareness is actually always aware -- aware even of your apparent non-awareness. This awareness can never fail to be present. It could even be called your most basic, essential sense of existence..."

(from Chapter 1, "Shift: Paying Attention to What Already Is" of "I AM THAT I AM," by Francis Bennett)

[Rich Note: A wonderful East-West Cross-Over.]

rfhay333 said...

"The pointer I like best is from Tibetan Buddhism: That which always IS - the so called "Great Perfection" - is "Non-conceptual, ever fresh, self-shining, Presence-Awareness, just this and nothing else". -- Charlie Hayes

rfhay333 said...

Twit Response:

RE: "Is it possible that we create our own reality?"

We're doing it all the time, whether we know it or not!

(RE: "Quantum Physics: The observer conditions his observation"; Scripture: "As a man thinketh in his heart so it is with him." )

rfhay333 said...

"I and the Father
Are One" is a Statement of

rfhay333 said...

Jeff Foster Twit (9:46am -15 Sep 13):

"When thoughts arise, realise that you are the Presence in which they arise, the Presence that allows them to arise and fall."

rfhay333 said...

"These words...are pointing...To the extraordinary absence at the heart of life which reveals itself as a perfect presence." Jeff Foster

rfhay333 said...

More Abundant Life
Is a Function of Being
Perfectly Present.

rfhay333 said...

The only Way to
Not Know the "Will of God" is
To think about It.

The "Will of God" is
What Is Forever Being
Prior to any thought.

rfhay333 said...

Friendly Dialogue:

L: "Just finished the segment on compassion (dialogue on awakening) how god doesnt know compassion ...because we r perfect in his mind ...but society won't understand that ..."

J: "But if your compassion gets you to the feeling of love, that is the point!"

J: "Oh"

J: "If God is pure positive non physical energy of love, then in order to communicate or connect with God you have to speak or vibrate his language, you have to get into the state or being of love or joy or happy or rampage of appreciation or inner peace. God is absolute he can only recognize what he is perfect love."

J: "The process: put your self in the the love state of being, then ask, it is given, then get your 2dollar ass ( ego) out of the way. Remove that resistance, thus then you are allowing yourself to receive your asking."

R: Jody's really doing fine on his own, but will "chime-in" with the following:

Compassion (Co-Passion) or Communion (Co-Union) is a State of Heartfelt "Sympathy, Attraction and Affinity" for That which is still perceived as being substantially "Other than I Am"; and, as such, it still operates from a relative or self-reflective "frame of self-reference" (re: a self-witnessing perspective). And although this is extremely "close, intimate and almost there," with respect to Love, it is not "closer than close," (re: conscious union, self-identification with or actually Being that only appears other than I Am].

Whereas, Agape (Unconditional, Unitary and/or Universal) Love is the Direct Apprehension of and Conscious Union with the Original Oneness of All -- a State (seem bottom-up, from a relative point of view) where the "separate self sense" we imagined ourselves to be dissolves into "Perfect Conscious Union with All," as the Quantum Awareness of God in which "All Apparent Things" only temporarily arise and fall.

[Note: Metaphorically speaking a Particle State of Awareness (or Wave) Melts back into the Totality of the Integral Quantum State (or Ocean) of Consciousness that originally spawned It and All Else --- "That" from which it was never truly parted, except in imagination and "That" to which It must ever return (as a "River to the Sea").]

rfhay333 said...

Whether I Know It
Or Not I Am Already
Awareness Itself.

I Can Never Not
Be What I AM though I can
Forget I Am That!

rfhay333 said...
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rfhay333 said...
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rfhay333 said...

Being subject to
Objects is a function of
Carnal conception.

Being subject to
Objects is a function of
Relative thinking.

rfhay333 said...

When "I Realize I
Am What I Seek" I will stop
And "Be What I Am."

rfhay333 said...

re: "Being subject to objects is being human."

Yes, Barb, and it is exactly our "conditioned and unchallenged belief" in "being human" (re: being centrally self-separated subjects) that "subjects us to circumstantial objects" -- mental, physical and emotional; and makes us feel like particular "particle states of being" (Re: "human beings" instead of Being Itself) in the first place.

Or in Hay-Ku-Wise:

A fatal case of
Mistaken identify
This being human.

Thinking of myself
In relative terms I Am
Subject to objects.

Narrowed focus and
Shifts in attention creates

Humans beings are
Mental houses divided
By relative thought.

[Rich Note: Thinking I am subject to objects is quite "human," but "What Am I" prior to said "self-referential thought" -- which is itself a "self-alienating, mechanistic process" that places "me" in the center (in here) and everything else on the circumference (out there). What am I when I Am not thinking at all? What am I when I Am sleeping? What am I "in Spirit and Truth" (pre-conceptually)?]

rfhay333 said...

"I Am That I Am" - by Francis Bennett (Linguistic Treasure)

rfhay333 said...

R: This came up after I left:

If you gave me a book on your speciality, I'd be having the same problem you're having with the White Book -- it a matter of having internalized the technical language (in this case "spiritual/meta-physical") and the context that cross-correlating, study and related expanded-perspectives provides.

L: "Yes I feel for me it is a difficult read ...always going over n over again but I am fond of it."

R: Ultimately, it's what called a Satsang in India -- a "Heart to Heart, Spirit to Spirit, Self to Self" communication -- a Divine Message the "mind" does not have to totally understand (that will come as a direct apprehension of the Heart, from the inside out, which already knows and uses What Is as a Self-Reflective Re-Mind-er ); but does have to let it through the "mental gates" (on Faith, if need be), till it gets used to "looking at things" from a "heartfelt frame of reference and focal length."

(The bottom-line is You can never not Be What You Are, you can only forget what you are by thinking you are something else.)

rfhay333 said...

Defining yourself
By relative circumstance
Causes suffering.

rfhay333 said...

Being What I Am
As This Present Awareness
Takes Zero Effort.

Being What I Am
As the Father's Awareness
Takes Zero Effort.

Being What I Am
As the Awareness of God
Takes Zero Effort.

rfhay333 said...

Now is the Time to
Become the Peace that I Am
As This Awareness.

Now is the Time to
Be the Peace that I Am as
Still Point Awareness.

Now is the Time to
Be the Peace I Am as a
Dimensionless Point.

rfhay333 said...

The Animating
Principle at the Heart of
All is Awareness.

rfhay333 said...

Right and All that's left to See,
Do or Be is LOVE.

rfhay333 said...

Re: Why do people believe in God?

Because of the Intuitively Logical Conclusion that there must Be something more Intelligent then "me, myself and I" as "I am presently conditioned to think of myself as Being," James.

rfhay333 said...

"Open Focus" and
Embrace the Totality
Of Your Own Nature.