Sunday, March 13, 2011

"A Letter About Identity" by Bill Samuel

[Rich Note: The related image can be viewed at}

(Clock's Ticking Photograph)

Clock's Ticking (2011); "The final discipline involves the correct apprehension of IDENTITY and passing that clear perception along to our world as quickly as we can." (Bill Samuel).]

[Rich Note: This is the second of two "seminal pieces" by Bill Samuel that I wanted to share. Please see the note used as a preface for the other piece, "A Restatement," for background and context.]

from "The Guide to Awareness and Tranquility"
by Bill Samuel

"Dear Anne,

This instant you are Awareness itself. This second you can stop trying to be the impostor. This moment you can let go the liar, the father of lies, the old man, and the veil will be rent from top to bottom; the mist that covers the entire face of the land will be gone! There will be no more scales on your eyes; there will be no more tears. You will see as you are seen, because Seer, seeing the seen (scene), is all there is to you!

This second you may stop identifying yourself as the one who possesses your very Being. This second you can stop making demands of yourself. This instant you can stop attempting to enslave God, to make a servant of God, to have God show you this "good" thing or eliminate that "bad" thing. Consciousness is who you are, not a personal possession.

Awareness is simply and effortlessly aware. It does not judge. It does not desire to see what it wants to see. It does not attempt to change the world. It does not dominate, criticize, cajole or demand. It does not want at all. It is simply beholding and being.

Anne, you are Seeing itself, constantly about the Seer's business. You are not the one who thinks she has a lease on seeing for a few years, during which time she wants it to show her that she possesses health, wealth and fame. You are Awareness ITSELF and ONLY. This is the most infinite "only" you can imagine, because it includes the infinity of Reality, the infinity of Love, and the infinity of Health and Wealth—not a mere part of it, but all of it! Why? Because Awareness is God's consciousness of Himself! It is our good pleasure to be the witness of all God is! It is our good pleasure to be what God is being! It is our good fortune to be Infinity itself, and consciously so. When? As quickly as the liar is loosed and let go! Who is the liar? The personal ego who says Conscious Awareness belongs to me!"

Sincerely, Bill Samuel


"The liar's elimination comes with the realization of his nothingness. His vacuous nothingness is declared to the pure in heart, to those who love God, to those willing to let God be all, to those willing to give up their egotistical, personal sense of self, to those willing to behold without judgment."


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