Monday, December 28, 2009

Hay-Ku of the Day (Happiness Itself)

[Rich Note; Companion image may be viewed at]

(Letting the Inner Smile Out Photograph)

Letting the Inner Smile Out (2009); When I was younger, my stock answer to people who looked at my face and asked what's wrong was, "Nothing, that's just the way I look when I'm thinking"; more recently, I'm thinking less and enjoying it more; Companion haiku: Accompanying.

Lose interest in
Thought and you are Free to Be
Happiness Itself.

[Rich Note: Alternatives to the third line of today's offering include: Eternally Now, Everlasting Joy, Everlasting Life, Everlasting Love, Everlasting Light, The Light of the World, The Light of Pure Love, The Light of the World, The Glory of God, The Joy of Being, The Truth of Being, Pure Being Itself, Fully Self-Aware, Present and Aware, The Knowledge I Am, Consciousness Itself, Essential to All, What You Always Are, Yourself as You Are, The One in Many or The Eternal One.]

[Rich Note: This offering was Inspired by the following quote from Jackie O'Keeffe's, "Born to Be Free, The Freedom You Look For is Where You Are Looking From" (http:/ "To continue to look outside for something that is already inside only serves to distract you from looking within. This is the fundamental flaw in the pursuit of happiness. It can never be attained from without and so to pursue it in any way is futile. All external circumstances, activities, possessions and events are designed to keep the mind entertained. But happiness is outside the realm of mind: it is outside the functionings and capacity of the mind. It is in the realm of placing your attention on your innate nature. To feel and experience real happiness, causeless happiness, requires conscious or unconscious surrendering of your interest in your thoughts." (page 14)/(Fair Use).]

[Rich Note: Little Divine Synergy going on here, as I just went to Jackie's site to confirm her URL and the following cycling, random quote was the one that appeared: "Your true nature is causeless and living causeless happiness is your natural state of being." Pretty neat, huh?]

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