Sunday, March 6, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Absolute Oneness and Eternal Life)

Any Logical
Premise of Being starts with
Absolute Oneness.


Awareness of What
I Always Already Am
Is All that Evolves.


If We're Joint-Heir to 
Eternal Life We must have It
Now and not Know It.

If We're Joint-Heir to 
Eternal Life We have It Now
And just don't Know It.

If We're Joint-Heir to 
Eternal Life We Are That Now
And just can't See it.

[Rich Note: The following extracted question from a Francis Bennett FB (and a related comment) today evoked the above haiku:

Francis Bennett: "...What if there is really only ONE WORLD, ONE Reality, and what if it is all actually quite holy and even heavenly? What if the heaven we have so earnestly been seeking is right here and now? What if it has always been so all along and we have just been somehow missing it..."

Rich: "Unless 'Absolute Relativity' -- which is the mother of all non-sequiturs -- is implicitly assumed, Francis, It cannot be any other Way then you so beautifully (and gently) put it."]

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