Sunday, March 27, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Mastering Myself)

As the "Creative
Imagination of God,"
I must Master "mind."

As the "Creative
Imagination of God,"
I must Master "me."

As the "Creative
Imagination of God,"
I must Master "self."

As the "Creative
Imagination of God,"
I must Master "thought."


The only thing I
Ever need to master is
What I focus on.

The only thing I
Ever need to master is
What I attend to.

The One and Only
Thing I need to master is
What I imagine.


Mastery over
One's mind gives one mastery
Over everything.

Self-mastery is
The only mastery man
Can ever achieve.

To overcome my
World I have to overcome
Myself as I think.


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