Thursday, March 24, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Great Example or Exception?)

Was the "Lord Jesus 
Christ" the “Great Examplar” or 
The “Great Exception”?


The Image Man is 
Made in the Likeness of is 
Awareness Itself.

The Image Man is 
Made in the Likeness of is 
Present Awareness.

The Image Man is 
Made in the Likeness of is 
Quantum Awareness.


Christ in You is the
Aware Presence of Being
Living in All Hearts.

Christ in You is the
Aware Presence of Being
I Am and You Are.

Christ in You is the
Self-Radiant Light of the
Awareness God Is.


The Self-Creative
Imagination of God
Is the Christ I Am.

The Self-Creative
Imagination of God
Is the Christ in All.

The Self-Creative
Imagination of God
Is the Living Light.


God's Infinitely
Self-Creative Awareness
Is Being the Lord.

All Existence is
The Self-Imagination
Of God Manifest.

Christ is Being the
Imaginative Power
At the Heart of All.

[Rich Note: What follows as a kind of detailed "prequel" to Francis' post, is from a "mini-autobiographical sketch" entitled, "Why I Believe," that was included as an Appendix A of the 2006 book, and written to traditional Christians in a church context:

"... 8. Put in it’s most precise Christian form, the Truth I experienced as a direct revelation in 1978 was “ . . . the mystery which hath been hid from ages . . . which is Christ in You, the Hope of Glory” (Co. 1:26,27).  More specifically, the Truth is Christ, as the Son of God, as the Anointed One, as the Light of the World, as the One I AM that spoke to Moses from the Burning Bush, as the Word or Logos of God made flesh; as a “Pilot Light” (Jn. 1:4) in the heart of man, which can burst into full flame, become a Light unto the world and a Lamp unto the feet of all those around him (Ps. 119:105); a Light that can come fully to life in, as and through man and, ultimately, become his primary sense of being and Identity (or Self), if and when he will simply “Let It Be!”

"More theologically speaking, all this means is that all men, by virtue of the Spirit God breathed into them through Adam in the Garden (Gen. 2:7), have a “Divine Seed, Spark or Pilot Light” that gives them the potential to “grow up into Him in all things, which is the head, even Christ” (Eph. 4:15), if they will simply realize this in their heads, know it in their hearts, and do the things that Jesus advised would set us free. That is, if they will love God with all their hearts, minds and souls, and their neighbors as themselves (Mt. 22: 37–40); if they will deny themselves, take up their crosses, and follow Him Mt.16:24); if they will die daily (1 Co. 15:31) to themselves as they presently think they are—as a thought and sense of being separate and apart from God and others—as Paul did; if they will die to self-thought and follow the Light of God in their own hearts, follow Christ, they will some day be able to declare with overwhelming joy, as Paul did, “I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me” (Gal. 2:20)...."]

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