Thursday, March 17, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day ("Self Is Parasitic")

"I as I think" is
Parasitic with respect
To "I as I Am." 

"I as I think" is
Parasitic with respect
To "Being Itself." 


The parasitic 
Nature of fear based thinking
Is a Trojan horse.

A carnal-minded
Relation to Being is
Really parasitic.


A devout faith in
One's "separate self-sense" is
Truly parasitic.

With "the me that says my " is
The real parasite. 

Charged, self-referential thought
Is parasitic.


"The story of me" 
Feeds off the attention self-
Addiction bestows.

"Separate self-sense"
Feeds off the attention self-
Attachment creates. 

"The me that says my"
Feeds off the attention self-
Enthrallment allows.


Addiction to self-
Referential thinking is
Fed by attention.

Mind's addiction to
Self-referential thinking
Is attention fueled.


One who entertains 
A carnal state of mind is 
Sleeping with a snake.

Related Quotes:

(1) "Leave the mirror and change your face. Leave the world alone and change your conceptions of yourself."
--Neville Goddard

(2) "...You go to seminars to become an improved self. But why do that? The idea of being a self is what the problem is.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Self is a parasite.”

“It is?”

“Sure. It's taken over. You’re seeing FROM it all day long.”

“I am?”

“We never entertain the idea of being outside the realm of self-centeredness, because it’s taken root in us and we are identified with it. So all we can do is therapize and socialize it, so it doesn’t flip out at the next picnic. We just hunker down in the chronic effects of self-centeredness. Failing to see the self as the parasite it is..."  Paul Hedderman 

(3) "...the human condition—in which the original addiction is the mind's addiction to being a self."  Paul Hedderman

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