Surrendering to
Christ as the Aware Presence
Of Being I Am.
Surrendering to
God as the Aware Presence
Of Being I Am.
Surrendering to
Light as the Aware Presence
Of Being I Am.
Surrendering to
Love as the Aware Presence
Of Being I Am.
Surrendering to
Life as the Aware Presence
Of Being I Am.
Surrendering to
Truth as the Aware Presence
Of Being I Am.
Surrendering to
Peace as the Aware Presence
Of Being I Am.
Surrendering to
Joy as the Aware Presence
Of Being I Am.
[Rich Note: Haiku inspired by four 2015 quarters, commemorating the British surrender, considered to be a turning point in the Revolutionary War, in Saratoga, NY in 1777; with an image depicting the surrender of a sword from one hand to another.]
(1) Related Poetry:
"...Original Consciousness, Essence Divine,
So filleth my heart and make whole my mind;
Come to me now and complete this Thy Word,
That I may now hear and you may be heard.
That once again Whole my divide heart,
Never again may I think you apart;
That I may know Oneness and so cease to fight,
May put up my sword and reliance on might.
May realize Thy Presence within every other,
And so know myself to be One with my Brother;
So awakened to Oneness and evermore free,
Will I no longer bound by selfishness be..."
(Part V of "Conceived in Truth, 1980 Poem/Prayer)
(2) Re: 777
A. "...It is an established maxim that every unity contains in itself a trinity, just as the individual man consists of body, soul, and spirit. If we would perfectly understand anything, we must be able to comprehend it in its threefold nature; therefore in symbolic numeration the multiplying of the unit by three implies the completeness of that for which the unit stands; and, again, the threefold repetition of a number represents its extension to infinity..." (From "Separation and Unity" essay in "The Hidden Power and Other Essays," by Thomas Troward, 1921)
B: "Seven is the number of completeness and perfection (both physical and spiritual)...
C: Kabbala Gematria:
"Written in Hebrew, " Orthodox Messiah", gives 777, he, mem, shin, yod, heth, daleth, taw, and yod, givining 5+40+300+10+8=4+400+10=777.
Written in Hebrew, " YHWH ", in the YESHUA Messiah", gives 777: yod, he, waw, he, beth, yod, shin, waw, ayin, he, mem, shin, yod, and heth, giving, 10+5+6+5+2+10+300+6+70+5+40+300+10+8=777.
Written in Hebrew," YESHUA Saves", gives 777: yod, shin, waw, ayin, he, waw, shin yod, and ayin, giving, 10+300+6+70+5+6+300+10+70=777.
The numericle value of the Hebrew word NMLA IVMM, meaning "Filled with Light" gives 777.
The number 777 is used 1 time in the bible. The word Priest is used 777 times in bible..."
(From a response to a question: "Any enlightened souls out there know what is 777," on Christian
[Rich Note: "And all the days of Lamech were seven hundred seventy and seven years: and he died." Genesis 5:31
"...(Lamech) does not put his trust in God, but in the weapons (the sword his son invented) and implements invented by his sons, or rather these instruments, enhancing the physical and material powers of man, are his God." (from
Re: "Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God." Psalm 20:7 KJV.]
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