The Real Good News is
“I and my Father are One,”
As Jesus proclaimed.
Jesus proclaimed that
“Ye are the light of the world”
Without condition.
Jesus revealed not
Only he, but all men, are
One with the Father.
Jesus witnessed man’s
“Life is hid with God in Christ”
When dead to himself.
Jesus overcame
The temptation to believe
He was separate.
Dying to myself
As I presently think is
Following Jesus.
The “abundant life”
Jesus offers requires that
I die to self-thought.
The real “good news” is
Jesus is your brother and
God is your Father.
“Why calleth thou me
Good?” is a question Jesus
Asked, but few answer.
Was the Lord Jesus
Christ the “Great Examplar” or
The “Great Exception.”
Jesus as someone
Other than the One I Am
Must be sacrificed.
God’s potential to
Incarnate in man fully
Manifest as Jesus.
Jesus expressed the
Conscious awareness of God
We are all heir to.
Jesus died to save
Us All from our delusion
Of self-existence.
"At a writer's workshop at Mundelein Colledge that Madeline was teaching, the clas sat in a circl and shared meaningful stories.
"A teacher is small children told us of a child who said to her, "Jesus is God's show and tell."
"How simple and how wonderful Jesus is God's show and tell. That's the best theology of incarnation I've heard. Jesus said, if you do not understand me as a little child, you will not be able to enter the kingdom of heaven.
"That child's insight works more powerfully for me than dogma. When I am informed that Jesus of Nazarath was exactly like us except sinless, I block. If he was sinless he wasn't exactly like us. That makes no sense. Jesus was like us because he was born like any human child, grew up like the rest of us, asked questions in the temple when he was twelve, lost his temper with righteous indignation at the money lenders in the temple, grieved when at the end his disciples abandoned him. I want Jesus to be like us because he is God's show and tell, and too much dogma obscures rather than reveals the likeness.
"If Jesus is God's show and tell, the wonder, the marvel is that Jesus and God are one. Not I, says Jesus over and over, but the Father in me, the Father who is such love that he is willing to be in the story with us."
(Page 111, "Glimpses of Grace" by Madeleine L'Engle)
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