Monday, May 16, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Self-Recognition Re-Minders)

Relaxing focus
Widens breadth of vision and
Extends focal length.

Opening focus
Expands breadth of vision and
Extends focal length.

Mental focal length
And breadth of vision are
The Saving Grace of All.

[Rich Note: This is a collection of self-recognition reminders was inspired by Bentinho Massaro's simple methodology of:  "For 2 to 5 seconds, 12 times a day relax your focus on thought and notice, tune in to, open to or focus on what remains" (your sense of "Presence, Being, Existence or I Amness").

The genius of this approach is that in shifting focus from thinking to one's sense of being, presence or existence, there is an implicit opening of the focus of awareness and extension of mental focal length; which, in turn, broadening mental perspective and increases objectivity.]


Part 1:

Relaxing (or Opening) focus
And resting as this felt sense
Of Presence (or Being) I Am.

Relaxing (or Opening) focus
And merging with this felt sense
Of Presence (or Being) I Am.

Part 2

Shifting focus from
Thought to the Aware Presence
Of Being I Am.

Shifting focus from
Words (Self) to the Open Focus (Hearted)
Awareness I Am.

Shifting focus from
Self-thought  to the Awareness
Of Being I Am.

Shifting focus from
Being to the Transparent
Awareness I Am.


Waiting upon the
Lord (Word/ChristOne)as the Aware Presence
Of Being I Am.

Waiting upon the
Lord (Word/Christ/One) as the Open Focus (Hearted)
Awareness I Am.

Waiting upon the
Christ-Child as the Awareness
Of Being I Am.

Waiting upon the
Cosmic Christ as the Clear Light off
Awareness I Am. 

Waiting upon the
Father (Absolute)as the Transparent
(Clear Sky)
Awareness I Am.

Part 3: 

Relaxing focus
For two to five seconds and 
Noticing Presence.
(Noticing Being)
(Noticing I Am)

Relaxing focus
For two to five seconds and 
Being Awareness.


Opening focus
And taking a moment to
Remember Presence.
(Remember Being)
(Remember I Am)

Opening focus
And taking a moment to
Rest as Awareness.


Taking a moment
To relax mental focus
(And notice Presence)
(And notice Being)
(And notice I Am)

Taking a moment
To relax mental focus
And Be Awareness.


Taking a moment
To relax into Being
Myself as I Am.
(Aware as I Am)
(The Presence I Am)
(The Knowledge I Am"
(The Knowing I Am)
(The Seeing I Am)
(The Eye that I Am)
(The I that I Am)
(What Is As It Is)
(What I Am in Truth)

Taking a moment
To relax into Being
Awareness Itself.

Part 4:

Taking a moment 
To rest in Presence and Let
It Be As (What) It Is.

Taking a moment 
To Rest in Presence and Be
(Myself as I Am)
(Aware as I Am)
(The Presence I Am)
(The Knowledge I Am)
(The Knowing I Am)
(The Feeling I Am)
(The Seeing I Am)
(The Eye that I Am)
(The I that I Am)
(What Is As It Is)
(What I Am in Truth)

Taking a moment 
To Rest in Presence and Be
Awareness Itself.

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