Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Cosmic Joke)

"I Am What I Seek"
And when I find out I'll laugh
My mental ass off.

The Punch-Line to this
Cosmic Joke of Hide and Seek?
"I Am What I Seek."


The Natural State of
Being shows up as Laughter
When the mind is fooled.

The Natural State of
Being shows up as Laughter
When the mind is punked.


A mind that is tricked
Temporarily pauses
And laughter breaks out.

A mind that gets tricked
Jumps it's mental tracks and stops
And laughter breaks out.

A joke tricks the mind
Into pausing its chatter
And laughter breaks out.

A mind that is tricked
Temporarily pauses
And laughter breaks out.


Laughter bespeaks 
A moment of conceptual

Laughter bespeaks 
A moment of enlightenment
From mental bondage.

Laughter bespeaks 
A moment of enlightenment
From self-absorption.

Laughter expresses
The Joy of Being Aware
When the mind is tricked.


Enlightenment from
All mental self-concern leads
To cosmic laughter.

[Rich Notes: Cross-Triangulators

(1) From the Urban Dictionary:
Punked: "A way to describe someone ripping you off, tricking you, teasing you."
"I heard that boy gon' get jumped for punkin that guy out."
(2) The Cosmic Joke and the Laughter of God both relates to St.Francis's: "We are looking for What's Looking" and Meister Eckart's: "The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love." -- Meister Eckhart, (from Sermons of Meister Eckhart.)

(3)  "The Laughter of God" 

(Into to Walter Lanyon's book of the same name).

"...He will 'fill thy mouth with laughing and thy lips with rejoicing.' And then one day I heard the Laughter of God in the midst of me and within the world, and all was suddenly changed. Old patterns and ideas were shattered and passed away---a new loveliness of LIFE was exposed to view.

"God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me." Suddenly the leper broke into laughter---the filth of his mind slipped away---the sick, the lame and the halt suddenly laughed the Laughter of God and were healed - - - revealed. 

"And one day you will laugh the Laughter of God, too."

(4) An extract from the middle of Walter Lanyon's "The Laughter of God Essay":

"...Whoever you are who reads this page --- you who sit in prison houses of disease, sin and unhappiness --- listen, listen, listen. I AM the door of attainment. He will "fill thy mouth with laughing and thy lips with rejoicing." I AM the door to this glorious Laughter of God --- I AM the way to the eternal bliss and harmony of the Sons of the Living God. No matter where this finds you; nothing is hopeless or helpless; this joyous Laughter of the recognition of God, here and now, of the Finished Kingdom --- of the sudden discovery that Jesus was not a liar, but a truth-sayer, a concrete truth-sayer, when He said, "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand --- it is within you" --- will cause this Kingdom to descend out of the clouds of your belief and be real...

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