Saturday, February 27, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Sweet Surrender of 777)

Surrendering to
Christ as the Aware Presence
Of Being I Am.

Surrendering to
God as the Aware Presence
Of Being I Am.

Surrendering to
Light as the Aware Presence
Of Being I Am.

Surrendering to
Love as the Aware Presence
Of Being I Am.

Surrendering to
Life as the Aware Presence
Of Being I Am.

Surrendering to
Truth as the Aware Presence
Of Being I Am.

Surrendering to
Peace as the Aware Presence
Of Being I Am.

Surrendering to
Joy as the Aware Presence
Of Being I Am.

[Rich Note: Haiku inspired by four 2015 quarters, commemorating  the British surrender, considered to be a turning point in the Revolutionary War, in Saratoga, NY in 1777; with an image depicting the surrender of a sword from one hand to another.]

(1) Related Poetry:

"...Original Consciousness, Essence Divine, 
So filleth my heart and make whole my mind; 
Come to me now and complete this Thy Word, 
That I may now hear and you may be heard. 

That once again Whole my divide heart, 
Never again may I think you apart;
That I may know Oneness and so cease to fight,
 May put up my sword and reliance on might. 

May realize Thy Presence within every other, 
And so know myself to be One with my Brother; 
So awakened to Oneness and evermore free, 
Will I no longer bound by selfishness be..."

(Part V of "Conceived in Truth, 1980 Poem/Prayer)

(2) Re: 777

A. "...It is an established maxim that every unity contains in itself a trinity, just as the individual man consists of body, soul, and spirit. If we would perfectly understand anything, we must be able to comprehend it in its threefold nature; therefore in symbolic numeration the multiplying of the unit by three implies the completeness of that for which the unit stands; and, again, the threefold repetition of a number represents its extension to infinity..."  (From "Separation and Unity" essay in "The Hidden Power and Other Essays," by Thomas Troward, 1921)

B: "Seven is the number of completeness and perfection (both physical and spiritual)...

C:  Kabbala Gematria:

"Written in Hebrew, " Orthodox Messiah", gives 777, he, mem, shin, yod, heth, daleth, taw, and yod, givining 5+40+300+10+8=4+400+10=777. 

Written in Hebrew, " YHWH ", in the YESHUA Messiah", gives 777: yod, he, waw, he, beth, yod, shin, waw, ayin, he, mem, shin, yod, and heth, giving, 10+5+6+5+2+10+300+6+70+5+40+300+10+8=777. 

Written in Hebrew," YESHUA Saves", gives 777: yod, shin, waw, ayin, he, waw, shin yod, and ayin, giving, 10+300+6+70+5+6+300+10+70=777. 

The numericle value of the Hebrew word NMLA IVMM, meaning "Filled with Light" gives 777. 

The number 777 is used 1 time in the bible. The word Priest is used 777 times in bible..."

(From a response to a question: "Any enlightened souls out there know what is 777," on Christian

[Rich Note: "And all the days of Lamech were seven hundred seventy and seven years: and he died." Genesis 5:31 

"...(Lamech) does not put his trust in God, but in the weapons (the sword his son invented) and implements invented by his sons, or rather these instruments, enhancing the physical and material powers of man, are his God." (from

Re: "Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the Lord our God."  Psalm 20:7 KJV.]

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Cosmic Computer)

Trying to compute
With a calculator is
Seldom effective.

Mind is a mental
Keyboard we're trying to use
As a computer.

Mind is are remote
Access terminal being
Used as a computer.

A CRT* on
A Cosmic Mainframe now thinks
It's the Computer.

[Rich Note: A CRT is a "Computer Remote Terminal" (or access node).]

Friday, February 19, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (God's Show and Tell)

The Real Good News is 
“I and my Father are One,”
As Jesus proclaimed.

Jesus proclaimed that 
“Ye are the light of the world”
Without condition.

Jesus revealed not 
Only he, but all men,  are 
One with the Father.

Jesus witnessed man’s 
“Life is hid with God in Christ”
 When dead to himself.

Jesus overcame 
The temptation to believe 
He was separate.

Dying to myself 
As I presently think is 
Following Jesus.

The “abundant life”
Jesus offers requires that
I die to self-thought.

The real “good news” is 
Jesus is your brother and 
God is your Father.

“Why calleth thou me 
Good?” is a question Jesus 
Asked, but few answer.

Was the Lord Jesus 
Christ the “Great Examplar” or 
The “Great Exception.”

Jesus as someone 
Other than the One I Am 
Must be sacrificed.

God’s potential to 
Incarnate in man fully 
Manifest as Jesus.

Jesus expressed the 
Conscious awareness of God 
We are all heir to.

Jesus died to save
Us All from our delusion
Of self-existence.


"At a writer's workshop at Mundelein Colledge that Madeline was teaching, the clas sat in a circl and shared meaningful stories.

"A teacher is small children told us of a child who said to her, "Jesus is God's show and tell."

"How simple and how wonderful Jesus is God's show and tell.  That's the best theology of incarnation I've heard. Jesus said, if you do not understand me as a little child, you will not be able to enter the kingdom of heaven.

"That child's insight works more powerfully for me than dogma.  When I am informed that Jesus of Nazarath was exactly like us except sinless, I block.  If he was sinless he wasn't exactly like us.  That makes no sense.  Jesus was like us because he was born like any human child, grew up like the rest of us, asked questions in the temple when he was twelve, lost his temper with righteous indignation at the money lenders in the temple, grieved when at the end his disciples abandoned him.  I want Jesus to be like us because he is God's show and tell, and too much dogma obscures rather than reveals the likeness.

"If Jesus is God's show and tell, the wonder, the marvel is that Jesus and God are one.  Not I, says Jesus over and over, but the Father in me, the Father who is such love that he is willing to be in the story with us."

(Page 111, "Glimpses of Grace" by Madeleine L'Engle)

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Dark Glass or Dirty Mirrors)

A mental mirror 
Which absorbs light will project 
Darkness in its place.

Thru a glass darkly 
The seer cannot be seen 
In the way I am.


Only the Light can
Love Darkness as Darkness is
Afraid of Itself.

Only the Light can
Love the Darkness as Darkness
Fears its own shadow.

Only Light can Love
Darkness as Darkness itself
Fears its own shadows.

[Rich Note: Except for the first two, which are haiku from OOMM, the related haiku and the collage of contradistinctive quotes were inspired by a Francis Bennett FB post this morning; that quoted the Taylor Swift song lyric, "Haters gonna hate," indicates "...that is their job..." and then goes on to ask, "What are they here to teach you?" and further suggests, " are here to teach them something too (?)..."]

Contradistinction Part 1

Contradistinctive-wise (i.e. the darkness, as an apparent absence of the Light, only serves to delineate, highlight and so magnify the Light, etc.), the idea is to let the darkness remind the Light that it is the Light and "Thank it for making the the Truth plain" (which is its only job); and certainly not to further falsely identify with and as the darkness Itself

(1) Poetry-Wise:

(From a 1980 Poem entitled "Conceived in Truth")


"...So do I pray Thee, Oh Father of Life, 
Awaken Thy Son and end all His strife; 
Make One my Consciousness, Thinker Divine, 
And so bless my soul with Thy Perfect Mind.

"So lift the veil of my thought’s false division, 
And open mine eyes to Thy Perfect Vision; 
Thus end the reign of my partial sight, 
The shadows I cast and my blockage of Light.

"That empty my heart of its selfish love, 
May I so ascend to Your Kingdom above; 
So scale Life’s Mountain and know its height, 
Behold the One and see the Light..."

(2) Scripture-Wise:

"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known."  1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV
Contradistinction Part 2:

(3) Bill Samuel-Wise:

[Rich Notes: The following piece Related Papers section of "Child Within Us Lives" by Bill Samuel, which relates Bill's first "real world insight" into the contradistinctive nature of darkness (or "why a "Good God" really allows "bad things" to happen), which was profoundly revelatory here, when first read, illustrates the principle much better than I.]


"There are days to write and days to read. There are days to sit loose and free, days to dream and watch the grass grow and chase dogs out of the rose garden before they water something.

"Today, I am remembering, thinking back to the time when “contradistinction” first came alive for me. One doesn't often see a thief in the act of stealing, but on this day a well-to-do friend came into the bakery and I saw him steal a package of chewing gum. Obviously he didn't know that my sons and I were watching from a table in the bakery's dining room.

"I didn't like what I saw. My first inclination was to use the scene as an example for my boys. “Do you see that? That's not honest! That's stealing! We don't do things like that!” But, for some reason, I held my tongue. Perhaps for the first time in my life I managed to say nothing about a distasteful sight. 

"I was in the middle of my metaphysical period, the time when one has seen that “the mountain is not a mountain,” but when one is beginning to wonder why some of the ugly scenes on the mountain keep reappearing. As metaphysical development goes, things were beginning to come full circle, from “not a mountain” to “It's a mountain again.” anyway, I sat at the table with my boys, silently asking, “What am I seeing? What do I really see, if God is all and God is good?” I looked on indignantly and felt abused, the grind very much in my belly. 

All this happened in the twinkling of an eye, of course. “I can't afford to lose a nickel,” I thought. “My employees think they are merely careless when they spill salt or sugar on the floor, but I have to pay for every granule. That so-called friend of mine doesn't realize he is taking food right out of the mouths of my boys! But,” I continued to reason, “if God is really all, that allness must somehow include the sights at hand. Somehow my friend isn't guilty. What am I seeing anyway?” For once in my life, I asked God what was going on. 

"As quickly as I asked, the Answer came, almost as if I'd been shaken by the shoulders. The words popped into my head, “Bill, what is dishonesty but the delineation of honesty?” 

"Then I heard, “Would you know what honesty really is if you had never seen the actions that make it plain?” Would I?..."

"...The following Thursday, as I was sitting at the same table and putting the finishing touches on some bookwork, my friend walked in the front door and headed my way. “Uh oh,” I said to myself. “Help me hold my tongue, Father.” 

"Jack walked up and said, “Hello, Bill, how are you?” 

“Fine,” I answered, inviting him to sit down. He took a chair beside me. 

“Did you see me here last Sunday, Bill?” He asked. I admitted I had, biting my tongue. Then he began his story, and this is what he told me. All his life he had been plagued with the terrible burden of kleptomania. He took great sensual delight in stealing things, small and large, valuable or otherwise—it didn't make much difference. His dresser at home was stuffed with things he had stolen over the years. He and his wife lived in perpetual terror that he would be found out some day and their lives ruined. Then he asked if I had seen him take the chewing gum Sunday, and I said, “Yes.” 

“I knew you had,” he said. 

"Then (and here is the wonder) he went on to say that a strange thing had happened since Sunday. This terrible urge to steal was perpetual, he said. It plagued him every day at the most unexpected times and places, and it was “stronger than sex” and virtually irresistible. But since the past Sunday he had been free of it. He had gone nearly the week without the terrible urge. “Bill,” he said, “I felt that you saw me and didn't condemn me. Whatever has happened to me since last Sunday has something to do with your silent forgiveness.” 

"Well, I hadn't condemned him. Rather, the night after it happened, I sat at my journal and thanked God for making honesty so apparent in my experience. This is the first time I can remember actually taking a negative experience and consciously turning it around in my head to the positive side—and then thanking GOD, the event, and the man who seemed to be the instrument for the lesson learned. At the time that I “called the thief by his new name,” I was comforted. And with the comfort, I found the strength to dismiss the anger and condemnation, to forgive the scene and thank it. This “turning around,” I learned later, is what the Ancients really meant by “repentance.” 

"Jack went on to say that he had seen all the people who came into the bakery's coffee shop to talk philosophy. He didn't know what was going on or what I taught, but he wanted to be a part of it. “Whatever it is, it is good,” he said. 

"So Jack began a study of the Truth and became a good metaphysician along the way. He was never plagued with the terrible problem again. 

"Such is the power of seeing the good in a situation—that is, in calling things by their right name. Not only was I comforted, but the action was synergistic. It reached out and helped my world."

Contradistinction 3

(4) Metaphor-Wise:

56. Dark Glass (Dirty Mirror): "A perfect mirror would cast a perfect reflection. Such a mirror would retain none of the light it reflects and so perfectly reproduce the images of light it receives and reveals. If, however, the mirror were to absorb a portion of the light cast upon it, the reflected image it produced would be partial, imperfect, and so unfaithful. Worse yet, a degree of darkness would necessarily be projected in place of the light such a mirror absorbed." 1992; UD12/2/97; 5/08/03.

55. Mental Mirror: "When a mirror is perfectly empty of distortion it's nature is to faithfully reflect images of light cast upon it. If, however, said mirror is the least bit convex or concave it will necessarily reflect and so project distorted images. In a similar vein, a mental mirror full of multiple self-reflections, such as those found in a fun house hall of mirrors (or the mind of man), will very likely cause one to lose sight and sense of the original image." 1992; U/D 12/2/97; 5/08/03.

(5) Abstract-Wise: Light Bulb Image.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Relativity, Reality and the Absolute)

"Relatively Real"
Is as "Real as It Gets" short
Of the "Absolute."

Is a "quantum state"
Of existence more real then 
A "particle state"?


Even "Awareness 
of Being" is unreal by
"Absolute Standards."

"God Manifest is
Unreal" by the "Standard of
God Un-Manifest."


By Absolute or
Top-Down Standards only the
Absolute is Real.

Is only unreal to the
"Absolute Itself."


All that "seems to be"
Is "equally unreal" by
"Absolute Standards."

As such, "anything"
That "seems to be" is as "real"
As "anything else."


"If it comes and goes
It's not Real" makes "everything
Knowable unreal."

An observation
That "everything's unreal" is
"Equally unreal."

Hay-Ku of the Day (A Mental House Divided)

Form-fixated mind   
Loses sight and sense of the 
Field of awareness.

"Minding" is paying
Attention to "this" to the 
Exclusion of "that."

"Narrowing focus" 
And "shifting attention" is 
Creating "space-time."

Paying attention 
Is equivalent to self- 
Sacrifice and love.

Carnal mind is a
Wonderful servant and a
Terrible master.

Thinking is not the
Problem -- identifying
With "what I think" is.

(1) Mental House Divided ": Mind is a mental process, not an object; a conscious movement arising in a much broader field of awareness. As such, minding is something we do, not something we have -- this by first narrowing the focus of our awareness, minding "this" to the exclusion of "that", and then constantly attending to shifting mental focal points. With all mental movement itself the result of said linear sequential shifts in attention from one focal point to another. All of which occurs within the single field in which all such centers naturally arise. Mind, as such, is a continuous process of mental self-polarization, reflection and conception with respect to the over all field of awareness one truly is -- a rather miraculous process of self-creation enabling pure awareness to reflect upon itself, and in so doing give birth to its own self-consciousness, or awareness of being. 9/02; 5/03

(2) "Mental House Divided 2": The problem with relative consciousness as a process of self-reflection is the very real danger that the pure awareness (field consciousness) one truly is may become falsely identified with it's own limited, partial reflections. Thinking itself apart, field or unitary consciousness, as such, would quite naturally lose sight and sense of itself as whole. Said pure awareness, thus identified with its own limited self-reflection in mind (relative consciousness enslaved to a habitual tendency toward self-reinforcing shifts in attention), would beget, in turn, a deep sense of self- alienation. A mind with an apparent mind of its own would seem to be born, and with it a sense of self-existent being separate and apart from the field in which it arises. Pure awareness, as a unitary or non-dual field of consciousness, would necessarily become a mental house divided. Dual authority and internal conflict would naturally follow. 9/02; 5/03

[Rich Note: "A Mental House Divided 1" was used as an introduction to Chapter 2, "Through a Glass Darkly, But Then Face to Face," of "Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses."]

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day ("Christ Is Your Life")

Life is not something
I have It is What I Am
Presently Being.

Life is the Degree
To which I Am Aware of
Being Here and Now.

Life is the Degree
To which I Am Present and
Aware of Being.

Life is the Degree
To which I Am Consciously
Aware of Being.


"Christ in You" is the
Aware Presence of Being
I Am Here and Now.

"Christ in You" is the
"Imaginative Power"
Of the "Mind of God."

"Christ in You" is the
"Self-Imagining Power"
Of God the Father

"Christ in You" is the 
"Creative Power" of the
"Consciousness I Am."

Scripturally Speaking:

"Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light." Ephesians 5:14 KJV

"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10 KJV

Mystically Speaking: 

 "...This teaching is essentially a revelation of the Risen Christ. I am not speaking of the life of any man between his physical birth and death, but of the Christ who has risen in me and who rises in all. I have no mental image of a being outside of my life, or yours. 

"Paul tells us: “You have died, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, you will appear with him in glory.” (Col. 3:3,4) Here we see Paul equating your life with Christ. You are alive now, so what does Paul mean when he claims you have died? All of Paul’s letters equate death with a sleep so profound the past is forgotten. It is from the sleep of death he urges you to roust yourself from saying: “Awake O sleeper and rise from the dead.” 

"The one and only Christ is your life. Now asleep in humanity, this power believes itself to be you. And when it awakens and rises in you, it is you who rise as Christ. God’s power and wisdom is sleeping in you as your own life. God is love! When God died he gave you, his sons, your inheritance. It was not a home or some fabulous land, but the power of his love! The power to create every desire of your heart..."

(Extracted from transcribed talk by Neville Goddard entitled: "Christ Is Your Life.")

Metaphorically Speaking 

Re: "If life is defined as the degree to which I am consciously aware of being in relation to self-reflective, environmental feedback, then the more conscious attention I give to the mirror of my surroundings, instead of myself as a center, the more life I will experience. Interestingly enough, I normally assume quite the opposite, that the more attention I pay to myself as a center of consciousness, the more self-awareness I will experience and, thus, the more alive I will feel. Jesus addressed this issue of mental reciprocity quite clearly when he said, “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it, and whosever will lose his life for my sake will save it” (Mt. 16:25). That is, he who would save his life as a center of conscious awareness must be willing to sacrifice himself as such by paying more attention to others. Whereas, he who gives increasing degrees of attention and awareness to himself will actually lose the life he attempts to save through increasing degrees of self-pre-occupation and absorption. The key to beating this seeming mental “Catch-22” thus lies in realizing the reciprocal nature of self-reflective consciousness is such that to increase self-awareness, sense of being and life, I must actually pay less attention to myself as center and more to myself as circumference. For what I am, ultimately, is an entire field of consciousness that alternately assumes subjective and objective states. As such, if I am ever to become whole, complete and perfect, I must learn to embrace others as myself and love them accordingly." (Intro to Appendix G, Reading Strategies, of "Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses").

Hay-Ku of the Day (Divine Diagnosis)

Addiction to self-
Referential thought is the
Primal Addiction.

Addiction to self-
Referenced thinking is the
Reason we suffer.

Addiction to self-
Focused-thinking is mankind's
Ultimate Downfall.

Re: As Paul Hedderman so skillfully (and humorously) points out, with both his words and with his life story, all worldly additions flows from one, single fountainhead addiction: humanity's ongoing and unseen "addiction to self-referencing thought"; an addiction so powerful that we as Awareness Itself are so totally self-identified with and as thought (and its "presumed thinker") that this single-source of all addiction (and affliction) goes totally overlooked, ignored and unchallenged." 

Friday, February 5, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Chariots of Fire)

Awareness Aware
Of Itself is a Living
"Chariot of Fire."

Awareness Aware
Of Itself is a Living
"Chariot of Light."


Awareness can Be
Self-Embodied as a Felt
Sense of Awareness.

[Rich Note: Bentinho's Massaro's reference to "Awareness of Awareness of Awareness of Awareness...etc., creating a kind of closed loop, struck me as a literal self-embodiment of Awareness that might serve as a vehicle of cosmic self-exploration and creation, sort of like a turtle who carries his "home base" on this back, so wherever he is, he is Always Already at Home (as Pure Awareness or Subjectivity.)]

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Divine Gift Exchange)

Man’s Willingness to 
Be Absolutely Nothing 
Is Man's Gift to God.

God’s Willingness to 
Be less than Absolute is 
God's Gift to Mankind.