Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Hay-Ku of the Day (The Voice in My Head)

"The voice in my head
Fighting to stay alive" is
"Separate self-sense"!

"The voice in my head
Fighting to stay alive" is
The "me that says my"!

"The voice in my head
Fighting to stay alive" tells
"The Story of Me."

Re: "Addiction is a voice in your head that fights to stay alive..." -- Touré Neblett (TV Host of "The Cycle")


  1. I Am Enlightened
    Of a Belief in Being
    What I Think I Am.

    One is Enlightened
    Of a Belief in Being
    What One Imagines.

  2. The Only Way to
    Be What I Am is to "Stop
    Thinking about It."

    The Only Way to
    Become What I Am is "Let
    Everything else go."

  3. Being What I Am
    As the Awareness of God
    Is the Only Way.
