Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Haiku of the Day (A Dying Voice Within Me)

Carnal mind" is "a
Dying voice within me"
Fading into Space.

A "dying voice" is
fading into the Awake
Space of Awareness.

"There's a dying voice
Within me" fading into Self-
Witnessing Presence.

[Rich Note: Have had fleet glimpses of "thoughts being there, but muted and fading away" (sort of like stars when the sun starts come up) recently, that called to mind the Dylan "there's a dying voice within me..." line from "Every Grain of Sand," a little known classic (one for the ages, which may actually be one of the most sacred songs-poems ever penned) from Bob's Christian period, this morning.

Re:  "...There's a dying voice within me reaching out somewhere
Toiling in the danger and in the morals of despair..."]


  1. We try to fix our
    State of Consciousness with the
    State that needs fixing.

    (Inspired by the following Gina Lake Twit: "We try to fix our state of consciousness by thinking about our state as if it’s a problem to be solved by the mind.")

  2. You "Be What You Are"
    By stepping back Mentally
    And "Seeing What Is."
