Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hay-Ku of the Day ("Blessed are the Peacemakers")

A "single-eye" is
A mind undivided by
Mental reflection.

We play at being
Two through mental reflection
And self-projection.

A Peacemaker sees
Though a single eye and not
With a double-mind.

Re: "Can you guys explain what is meant by "seeing the world as separate". "We define ourselves as separate" ...(I'm)...not you...(and)...(you're)...not me ....(?)

Part 1:


(Introduction to Chapter 5 of OOMM)

"What’s going on within the geographic confines of your skull, behind your eyes, right now? Is it not everything you see before your eyes, and is this not actually composed of patterns of mental energy arising within your own head? Is it not also true that the patterns which you presently identify as yourself are composed of the exact same mental material you identify as other? This being true, how is it possible to be so intimately identified with one portion of your awareness,and so self-alienated from the other? Perhaps because the preponderance of your attention is habitually focused on the former, while you are proportional less sensitive and aware of the latter."


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  2. Part 2


    RE: "For he (Christ as the Awareness of Being I AM) is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us ; Having abolished in his flesh the enmity (a "physical, mental and emotional sense" of "self-separate existence" the Bible calls "carnal mind"), even the law of commandments (based on the "Law of the Absolute Oneness" of All Being) contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain (a double-minded man) one new (single-minded or eyed) man , so making peace***;" (Ephesians 2:14-16 KJV)]

    [***Peace is mental stillness and silence; mind is mental motion (re: narrowed focus and shifting attention) that is multiple and two; mental stillness is single and one.

    Or as a Hay-Ku:

    Narrowed focus and
    Shifts in attention create

    Narrowed focus and
    Shifts in attention create
    A sense of space-time.]

  3. Part 3:

    Separation is only apparent and projected by our present belief in, and mental self-identification with, the limited, partial and imperfect report of body-based, relative, self-reflective, thought sense and feeling.

    The Truth of the matter is Everything We (as presumed separate long lasting entities) "see as being out there" is actually "going on in here"; as apparent patterns of mental energy arising and falling as relative states of mind ("minding" is better) and/or consciousness, "in, of and as" this "Awareness of Being I Am, You Are and Everything Ultimately Is."

    [Rich Note: The "Real Magic," however, is how we manage to "not feel perfectly one" with the "vibrational resonance" that necessarily arises in our own "self-defined, mental space," when the infinite vibrational frequencies of said presumed "outer reality" impinge upon our physical senses.

    Which, in and of itself, is an utterly miraculous process of physical and mental self-reverberation that "echoes within what appears to be without" -- a "reverb process" which happens within one self-same field of conscious awareness.

    A process which, in turn, implies that any and all such "mental echoes" are made of one and the same "essential substance" as the "particular temporal pattern of that" I now believe myself to be."]
