This “Hay-Ku of the Day” (HOTD) Blog is dedicated to the dissemination of a daily Hay-Ku (non-traditional metaphysical, philosophical and/or theological haiku-like, wisdom saying or aphorism) that reflects an insight related to a 40 year search for Truth as the Common Thread in enduring world philosophies, theologies and metaphysical systems. “Smart bombs targeting deeply embedded patterns of self-centered thought” (itself a hay-ku) serves as a good summation of what a hay-ku actually is.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Hay-Ku of the Day (The Conceptual Fire Hose/Data-Dump
The Hay-Ku are Freeze
Frame Snap-Shots that Capture a much
Faster thought process.
"Languaging" that
Can't keep up with the speed of
Thought can't report (capture or record) It.
The mental keyboard's
Not capable of that kind
Of computation.
So it would seem you
Have found a sound reason for
Recording what's said.
[Rich Note: The following letter to a Friend offers some necessary context to both the origin of the Hay-Ku and the conceptual "data-dumps," both verbal and written, I have been prone to for the last 30 years or so:
It would seem "the circle has come full" here, Kris, as this all really started with a ton of spontaneous "flow of consciousness" writing --all of which came like "one big sentence," in need of a ton of semi-colons in order to make it only somewhat intelligible to another (Re: I've still got 5000 3x5 Cards from the early 80's that break down into 250 + essays of the stuff, that haven't seen the light of day, and could only understood and interpreted here ) -- occasioned by a 1978 epiphany.
Thus, began a 20 year process (as reflected in the 2006 OOMM book) of "conceptual distillation" -- from "flow of consciousness" prose, to abstract drawings, to rhymed and unrhymed poetry, to journal notes, to one-liners, to short essays, to metaphysical metaphors (once suggested by a dear friend to scale down and unitize essential principles and concepts; which itself resulted in more than 200 such metaphors in 1992 and the 18 or so favorites used to introduce each chapter of OOMM) -- in order to express the overall understanding (or "Big Picture") here, in "slowed and scaled down-mediums of expression," to make it intelligible to "particular human minds, states of consciousness and personal temperaments."
So it would seem that I now need to follow a "similar distillation process" with respect to the expanded "verbal flow of consciousness streams"c I have become prone to in the last 6 months or so.
Yours In Truth I Am ...Rich
PS1: I'm (re: the "me that says my" -- the "keyboard, not the computer") is really not that smart, Kris. I just discovered how to "get out of the my own way" long enough for "Oneness" (Re: "Divine Mind, I AMness, Being, Presence, Consciousness, Awareness of Being, the Spirit of God, Source or Heart" which We All Ultimately Are and Express in Particular Unitized Forms or States) to speak to Itself; and, thereby, Externalize, Reflect, Re-Cognize and Re-member, in the medium of conceptual language, What It Already Knows Within, by Virtue of Being All That Is, Was or Ever Will Be Relatively or Self-Reflectively Knowable.
PS2: Now, of course, the particular personal character and qualities (Re: the passion, aggressiveness and emotional temperament of a Scorpio) of the delivery mechanism or medium (Re: the Rich body-mind organism/unit or "Richness" as Fred Davis liked to refers to it) will naturally be conveyed in the transmission of any Truth shared; but only as a superficial taint or stain which must be overlooked or seen through in order to receive the full import and impact of what is being offered.
PS3: The "Heart" (or I AMness) referred to yesterday is the "Heart of Awareness," which is Non-Dual and Absolutely One (without a Second), and so Incapable of "Cringing" (or any other such emotional contraction); in the same way Pure Light cannot Be subject to the Darkness of Self-Ignorance or Pure Love Be subject to Fear's Contraction. Ergo: It was the body-mind organism (or "Krisness" ;-) that both cringed and then came up with a reason for the cringe. For Pure Oneness, in and of Itself, simply observes without comment, judgment, opinion, belief or any particular frame of personal self-reference; and, as such, is incapable of cringing at anything (that It Ultimately Is as "Nothing Being Everything"). Neither does it feel compelled to help another do something "better" when It Is the One and Only Doer.
PS4: Still and All, Kris, I have been turning on the "Conceptual Firehose" rather indiscriminately recently, and what came up (and in the specific context of what Midge recently offered)from you is quite valuable here; and I am very much interested in exploring the subject with you further; as I have have been a number of related "outer warning signs" recently (Re: a traffic stop warning for an illegal turn on red the previous night), yours being the last.]
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