[Rich Note: This is the first of two "seminal pieces" (with subsequent comments by "yours truly" from streams on another venue) by William Samuel I wanted to share. As I may have said, with a fair degree of seriousness, I've been called to play "John to Bill's Jesus," with respect to "championing/co-piloting" Bill's Cause (which was the same as Jesus" - "to bear witness to the Truth"); and have been given Sandy Jone's (Bill literary executor) blessing to do so. In the furtherance of said "Cause," I suggest that anyone who might be inspired to do so "check out" the Bill Samuel YouTubes published in the last week or so by putting "rfhay333" in the YouTube search engine or going to the following link: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=rfhay333&aq=f .]
From "The Child Within Us Lives,
A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics"
by William Samuel
"The cosmic clock has clicked on and Everyman has begun to stir. The syntheses is coming. A grand global harmony is just around the corner—the one the prophets spoke of wherein there is no more sighing, no more tears, no more fear nor need of temples and teachers."
[Rich Note: Although the above passage appears at the end this piece, as a kind of epilogue, it felt most appropriate to use it as a prologue, as well.]
"Though they likely don't know it, the scientists who are examining ordinary light and its uses have created a cosmology remarkably like the one we find in the Bible. Moses speaks primarily to Adam's disobedience. Other prophets speak of Satan's fall from his high place and of the intellectual nature's intense desire to be gratified, knowing all that God knows. In any event, the Bible hints of an argument in heaven, a battle royal and the expulsion of Satan and his angels who are banished to dusty earth where they, in competition with God, create a world of their own and strive to win the souls of mortals, using every trickery and deceit. According to this view, this is Satan's world and he is up to no good. Essentially, the world is an evil place, under the dominion of the seven deadlies.
Another cosmology has been shown to me. It doesn't have a competition between good and evil, but a temporary competition between wisdom and ignorance wherein wisdom eventually wins and the ignorance was never real—but necessary for a time for Wisdom to come to the know beyond the limits of intellectualism.
In this cosmology. Overmind (Godhead)** declares "I am" and with that declaration "matter" is exploded into the state of chaos, undifferentiated energy. Then, Godhead declares, "I know" and perfect forms begin to emerge from chaos. Godhead declares, "I know what I am" and the perfect heaven and earth are created. Godhead declares, "I know what knowing is" and the perfect Image of knowing (the Son) is created, male and female and all of this is, as the Bible states, "very good."
Then, as Godhead declares, "Knowing what I am, I also know what I am not and could never be," the dusty nether world of satanic illusion-in-time is born. Here is the phantasmagoria of idealistic impossibilities over which there is no real ruler and in which there is no real power, authority or substance. Godhead declares, "Knowing who I am, I also know what knowing is not and could never be," from out of which the dust-man is born who, in that arena of time, climbs the mountain of knowledge to rediscover his original Selfhood that precedes time.
"The world" of time and space lies this side of the REAL Heaven, and within it as well. How can it do both? Imagine a diagram of the sphere, with tangibility the downward and inward spiral to matter, mass, darkness, dead-end.
The tangible world is a composite of Wisdom's Self-knowledge and Self-knowing, both what Wisdom knows Wisdom is and is not, and what Wisdom knows KNOWING is, and is not. The limited world of "matter" is diametrically opposite the "real" heaven and earth, even while including the real within it, unseen (or barely seen) and unnoticed by dual knowing.
God's knowledge of what God (Wisdom) IS, is Unmoving Light. Satan's knowledge of what God is, is limited light, the image of Light. Satan's duplication of the true heaven and earth is made of limited light, a consistent copy of the Real. This is what science has discovered, essentially, in its recognition that tangibility is holographic.
The Perfect Image is the Original Child and it is beyond mere gender. The Luciferian reversal of The Indivisible One (Godhead) must necessarily appear dimensionally divided and many. The Original Child exists within each of the divided many—and is called the soul. The soul is the Original Image, the Child within. The physical body is an image of that image. And behind every body is the Original Child awaiting the rediscovery of Itself within.
And why such a Plan in the first place? How else would the Child KNOW—and know it knows—its dominion?
I doubt if this is written precisely enough for the intellect, but it is seen and known rightly even while I struggle to find amenable words which will be (and must stand to be) examined under the critical microscope of intellectualism's theology. The crusty shell of the old order will defend itself. Why? The dual nature of time-man and his institutions does not want to be exposed—as if putting down an icon actually mattered! The icon is cast aside at death. All icons will be put aside as the world of time is understood, rolled up like a scroll and turned off like a hologram disappearing when the machine's power is cut off.
The phantasmagoria, the holographic material world, is certain to be rolled up and turned off. The ephemeral nature of tangibility has been proven over and over for me and many others who have chosen to understand the nature of Reality. "Subjective metaphysics" has been proving the insubstantial nature of physical stuff for generations.
It is moot whether dogmatic churchdom or the stalled subjective studies are the greatest deterrent to the perception of Godhead and Its dominion. Does it make a difference? Perhaps. Whom will we tell of the unifying and harmonizing synthesis of science, religion and metaphysics? Who will most likely listen? If I knew where to direct the Light I have seen, I'd aim it at the segment of society that is least deceiving everyone. Clearly churchdom is an anchor dragging, not sanctioning a search beyond its interpretation of the Bible or other holy books. Clearly subjectivism knows nothing of the Child, the soul, little of human love and nearly nothing of the Equation. Fewer subjectivists can understand what is spoken of here than religionists—but churchmen seem to understand nothing whatever of subjectivism—unless they have taken time away from their binding organizational restraints to learn of it. Both churchman and metaphysician (religious or otherwise) can understand the subjective truth if they want to. Isn't this a hint that we are to direct this simple restatement to the entire scene of things, physicist, theologian, metaphysician alike? Ah so. Who can do that? Only God. God is doing it. The cosmic clock has clicked on and Everyman has begun to stir. The syntheses is coming. A grand global harmony is just around the corner—the one the prophets spoke of wherein there is no more sighing, no more tears, no more fear nor need of temples and teachers."
[Rich Note: Here is Bill's counsel with regard to "Everyone's Higher Calling" in the face of the "kinder, gentler version" of the "End Times" (re: "the end of time" or the world as "we know it") Bill suggests is just about upon us: "The final discipline involves the correct apprehension of IDENTITY and passing that clear perception along to our world as quickly as we can."]
[Rich Note**: Bill variously uses "Overmind, Mind, Isness, Being, Godhead or the Ineffable" when referencing the One Absolute State, the Non-Dual or Stateless State for Advaitists, Nirguna Brahman for Hindus, YHVH or Hashem for the Jewish, the Father for Christians, Allah for Muslims, No Mind or Buddha Nature for Buddhists, the Tao for Taoists or the "Absolute, Infinite Potential to Be Any and All Things, in All Time and All Space, in All Possible Dimensions Thereof, as the Logically Necessary Ground of Any and All Existence or Being" that even "hard-core, "dyed in the wool" atheists and/or agnostics have to concede (How so? Rather simply, because "you can't have a Relative State of Awareness or Consciousness without an Absolute One from which to "relate to it" as Being and experience It as Such).]
[Rich Note: This “conversational stream” from another venue is offered for the “conceptual triangulation potential” in might offer with regard to Bill’s Restated Cosmology.]
ReplyDelete(Part 1 of 4)
“libramoon C. Mar 5, 2011, 5:56pm EST
Quantum Metaphysics or The God Experiment
by Ian Thorpe
Richard Hay Mar 6, 2011, 12:33pm EST
We are in substantial agreement, Ian. Here's Part I of what came to mind while reading your well-reasoned and articulated piece:
Response to “Quantum Metaphysics or The God Experiment by Ian Thorpe:” Part I
RE: A set of scientific experiments carried out in the 1980s changed physicists understanding of the nature of matter fundamentally. It may also, when put into perspective by history; prove to be the greatest advance in religious understanding for many centuries.
And it is finally time for this "understanding of nature" to be integrated into an individual and collective "world-view" that is equally all-embracing and self-transcending, isn't it? (One I would suggest Bill Samuel offers -- checkout the videos recently posted)
RE: “…runs a detective agency whose investigative methods are based on the interconnectedness of all things.
An agency that Detects the Oneness that is otherwise self-evident when one is "not falsely self-identified" with a relative, finite, partial, incomplete and imperfect state of mind, thought and consciousness?
RE: Electric Monks believed things for you, thus saving you what was becoming an increasingly onerous task, that of believing all the things the world expected you to believe."
Relative, egocentric, self-reflective and referencing thought, as a mental mechanism, autopilot or servo-mechanism that “thinks it is actually in charge” and "is really the thinker of thoughts that it can neither stop, control or predict,” -- "self-referencing thoughts" which actually only happens “after the fact,” as a kind of needless mental overlay or echo in the forbrain?
RE: The Electric Monk it is a very clever fictional device and as sophisticated readers of fiction will probably have worked out, is a symbolic representation of the need to suspend disbelief.
Because suspending belief would actually require suspension of the “disbeliever” that is itself "a conceptual fabrication of belief itself?
But even more practically, it would take “taking no thought” (re: “not taking thought to be mine,” as if “I, as an individual, substantially apart from everything else, had, owned or possessed it”) and judging not (not assigning and projecting the personal values that self-referencing thought naturally has and uses to construct it own identity), wouldn't it? (Cont)
Part 2 o 4)
ReplyDeleteRichard Hay Mar 7, 2011, 12:13pm EST
Response to “Quantum Metaphysics or The God Experiment by Ian Thorpe:” Part II
“…back to Quantum Metaphysics:
RE: Physicists call the phenomenon discovered by the 1982 experiments ' quantum entanglement’ and it refers to the state of two or more particles once they have interacted with one another. From that point, irrespective of time and distance, a correlation will always exist between the particles. What happens to one will affect the other. This is said to hold good even if the particles, having interacted, are blasted to opposite ends of the universe.
Cool! (Wonder, why that is common knowledge, with everyone acting on that premise right now, he said facetiously?)
RE: How this can be known is not clearly explained.
Although unclear with “bottom-up thinking,” how is “perfectly clear” with Top-Down Thinking, in which “Everything is Never Not One, Here and Now, in the First Place,” and only “appears to be" (from a relative, partial, imperfect and self-ignorant perspective) in the Second.
Simply start from the Premise that “NOTHING or NO THING (as an Absolute Potential to Be Any and All things -- One potential of which is Being Absolutely Self-Aware) is BEING (Absolute Awareness Fully Self-Aware of Itself as THAT) EVERYTHING (as “Vibratory Cognizing Emptiness,” or SPIRIT, that actualizes All Potential-Possibilities of BEING, as Temporal Patterns of Conscious Energy***) and EVERYTHING becomes Perfectly Clear .
Seen in this “Top Down Way,” what from a “bottom-up or relative perspective” appears to be Many and complex, is seen to be nothing more then Complex Patterns of Energy that only temporarily arise and fall in a Universal, All-Inclusive, Vibratory State of the Absolute, All-Originating NO-THING-NESS (which, of course, can’t be related to from a relative, personal or egocentric perspective either) and EVERYTHING is realized to be ONE THING (NO THING actually); and, as such, Perfectly Simple (re: can anything be more simple than Absolute Oneness?).
[Rich Note*** Vibrant States of Itself, as Patterns of Energy that form temporary Clouds of Particles floating in the Clear, Still Sky of Pure, All-Originating Awareness; which is not only their Ultimate Substance and Nature, but the Field in which they only temporarily arise and fall – much in the way “apparent material clouds” do in an “apparent immaterial sky.”]
Or, much more simply, as Bill Samuel might suggest in the following Metaphysical Trinity:
“Awareness Is, Awareness Is Aware, Awareness is Aware of Itself “(as a potentially Infinite Number of Qualities and Attributes, Appearing and Disappearing. (cont)
(Part 3 of 4)
ReplyDeleteShira C. Mar 7, 2011, 10:57am EST
Fascinating insights. Thanks for sharing with Gather Spirituality Essential!
Richard Hay Mar 9, 2011, 12:56pm EST
Thanks, Shira, aren't they all?-- almost like a Big Conglomerate of Light.
Jerry Kays Mar 7, 2011, 3:03pm EST
Before I read the comments to date including the links, I must comment on the body of this post which I fully agree on in essence with possibly one clarification (hopefully) ... that being the greatest stumbling block for mankind in finding the ONENESS of the ALL ...
We cannot, while living, "get there" from the Dualistic perspective of "bridge-less" separation across the Void and Gap (/) which creates the Dichotomy and conflict between Differences of (+/-) ...
We can have a "Preview" of that ONENESS (GOD and most of the "other" names that stand for THAT) through the GREAT REALization INvolved with the True Spiritual Awakening ... a very rare occurrence relative to the masses of people who have not THAT REALization.
In my having had THAT, I have subsequently DISCOVERED what I believe to be the ONLY way to MAINTAIN such a relationship with the ONENESS while still living in body here on earth ...
That being through the Third Party of Trinity, the actual CONNECTIVE SPIRIT OF GOD, the (=) in (+=-) TRINITY !
With that realization we solve the problem of attempting to BE or RELATE to the ONENESS while at the same time knowing our true physical separation from it, our ego position of physicality which is the RELATIVE FALLEN position of mankind ... we cannot argue with ourselves, or our Self, that we are FULLY IT, THE ONE, when we know that we are not in Truth ... the ONLY answer is to admit our SPIRITUALITY and the CONNECTIVE SPIRIT which allows it ... IMnsHO
Jerry Kays Mar 7, 2011, 3:38pm EST
I have since read the link to Ian's post and agree with it also. Any differences between the thinking of the three of us are just semantical I suspect.
Richard Hay Mar 9, 2011, 8:01am EST
Thank you for sharing the "Insight," Jerry -- Very Rare Conceptual Air Indeed and a Spiritual Altitude that can only be ascended to on the Wings of Spirit! (Extremely fine distinctions being made at this point.)
Not sure any more words on the "Ultimate Subject" will only cause a "loss of said Altitude," Jerry, but will say Bill makes the same "distinction" when he says "I Am/One Is/We Are the Awareness (or Consciousness as the Only Begotten Child of God) of God," and not God (as the Absolute, or One without a second) the Father (which, again, Bill will variably refer or point to as "Mind, Being, Godhead, Isness or The Ineffable").
Which is itself a very find conceptual distinction not unlike an "Wave/Ocean" delineation or the "Father/Son" distinction Jesus makes in his recurring "personal disclaimers."
(Part 4 of 4)
ReplyDeleteMore specifically, Jesus, in a different way, makes the same distinction you and Bill do when he says: "Not I, but the Father in me, He doeth the work," "Why calleth thou me good, for none are good, save one, which is God," "Not that any man hath seen* the Father, save he [as God's Awareness or Consciousness of Being (re: the "Eye/I of God" through which Jesus looked)] which is of God, he hath seen the Father," and "No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him."
.*Seeing and thus knowing I Am One with God (or the Awareness of God) is not, however, Being the Absolute One "In and of Itself"; which is necessarily Ineffable, Wholly Other and, as such, Absolutely Unknowable from a relative standpoint or personal perspective. However, said Unknowable One is not unknowable with respect to Knowing One is One with That One in "Spirit, Truth, Substance, Essence, Nature and Being" -- for, except in imagination, nothing can ever truly be other than the "Absolute Ground of All," by whatever Name.
Richard Hay Mar 9, 2011, 9:39am EST
More simply put, any degree of Self-Knowledge must necessarily involve some degree of Energetic, Zero-One (0,1) Self-Reflection or Self-Mirroring, and, as such, an attendant degree of apparent self-separation; however pseudo the "conceptual gap*" (or mental echo) that "knowing that One knows" presently generates as "collateral damage" with respect to Direct Conscious Union and Realization of Oneness with the Absolute Ground of One's Being (and thus All Being).
*A "gap," as you suggested above, Jerry, that can only be bridged by reversion to the Holy Spirit's Still, Silent, Empty, Open, Non-Reflective, Non-Dual, Direct Apprehension of Being, In and of Itself (or the Direct and Perfect Knowledge of Being That Which One Knows).
Richard Hay Mar 9, 2011, 10:22am EST
But ultimately, the real question that needs to be "experientially answered" by all if us is this:
"Can any real or true separation exist between a Still and Vibrant State of One and the Same, Singular, Absolute Field; and, if not, must not any and all human sense of personal separation and self-existence only be mental, pseudo and/or self-imagined?"*
*Not as something necessarily "unreal or non-existence" (except by Absolute Standards); but rather as a "self-projected shadow image" (or divine self-reflection) that serves the temporal function of being an "obverse delineation" (as Bill Samuel would say) essential to "Making One's Ultimate Identity, as the Light of Pure Awareness, Plain, Clear and Perfectly Self-Evident."
Jerry Kays Mar 9, 2011, 4:38pm EST
Richard, I see no disparity between any of your words of meaning and mine :-)
Richard Hay Mar 9, 2011, 5:17pm EST
Neither do I here, Jerry, and have to add that it is both a pleasure and privilage to "Fly the Friendly Skys" with you when "Spirit Calls" and inspires conceptual fine-tune and/or "sharpening conceptual iron with conceptual iron." :-)”