Monday, December 27, 2010

Hay-Ku of the Day (Divine Self-Knowledge)

[Rich Note: Companion image may be viewed at]

(William Samual Photograph)

William Samuel (1924-1996): "Bill has found a way to communicate so that as many that are willing will discover, uncover, and be the Tranquility untouched by turmoil....a tranquility as effortlessly available as our own Identity"; Companion haiku: William Samuel can Deliver the Christ Child Living in Your Heart.

Your Awareness of
Being is the Self-Knowledge
Of God Manifest.

The Awareness You
Are is the Self-Knowledge of
God Manifesting.

[Rich Note: This is another offering directly inspired by Bill Samuel ( view link ) whose written and oral teachings I find to be a Treasure or, better yet, a "Divine Easter Egg" that has been “hidden in plain sight” for 30 years, awaiting world-wide discovery and distribution, "for such a time as this.”]

Bill Samuel Provides
A Priceless Chance to Live
As the Truth You Are.

Bill Samuel offers
The "Greatest Gift of All": The
Child of God You Are.

[Rich Note: For anyone (re: scientist, intellectual, athiest, agnostic or bruised by the church) who has trouble (or has friends who have trouble) calling the Ultimate Reality or the Absolute Nature of Being GOD, I suggest you do yourself an Absolute Favor and download Bill's complementary "Two plus Two = Reality" PDF from the aforementioned web-site. In fact, I would invite everyone, including those who relate to the Ultimate Reality as God, personal or otherwise, to do themselves a similar Favor.]

1 comment:

  1. Mystic, Writer, Teacher

    "Every teacher, book, writer, practitioner, sage, guru or peanut vendor, by whatever name, title or label they go by, is an aspect of the Awareness (Identity) "we" are. We take the book from the shelf most likely to render a specific service at a given moment. Exactly so, we have appeared to go to the philosophy, teacher, church, friend, stranger or peanut vendor that has unfolded as sufficient for the moment--but that philosophy, teacher, church, friend or stranger is WITHIN the awareness WE are. So is the peanut vendor. We are forever looking at our Self.".....William Samuel
