Friday, August 24, 2018

Hay-Ku of the Day (OOMM “Bang for the Buck” Survey)

“40 Years Worth of
Insights” from an “NDE
Driven Search for Truth.”

1,000s of Insights
From an NDE driven 
Pursuit of the Truth.

1,000s of Insights
From an NDE driven 
Correlative Search. 

A Thousand Haiku
All reflecting different 
Facets of One Truth.

[Rich Note: As part of a pending 9-21 to 9-24 September $.99 promo for “Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses” (OOMM), I’ve been playing around with some “short, sweet and, hopefully, impactful, related ad copy.” 

With this in mind, I thought it might be fun to take an impromptu survey of FB friends, to see which of the following three variations are felt to provide the “most bang for the buck,” as it were; as well as, solicit any suggested adjustments:

Here are three, stripped-down, less than 150 character versions:

(1) “OOMM is a multi-medium compilation of insights from a 40 year search for Truth, motivated by a 1970 bailout related NDE by a retired USAF pilot.” (145)

(2) “OOMM is a compilation of insights from a 40 year search for Truth, motivated by a 1970 bailout related NDE, by a well-decorated, retired USAF pilot.”(148).

(3) OOMM is a compilation of insights derived during a 40 Year Search for Truth, motivated by a 1970 bailout related NDE, by a retired USAF pilot. (142)

Again, as was the free promotion in Jun (which got more than 1,000 new copies on the street), this is not really about money, but maximizing distribution and, thereby, “getting the word out” about the “nearer then breath” Truth “written in all our Hearts,” that OOMM humbly seeks to reflect and hopefully reveal.”

So, for any friends and anyone else who might like to assist, just put a 1, 2 or 3 as the number related to the OOMM thumbnail add copy you find most impactful, if any. Of course, any related comments or suggested adjustments would also be greatly appreciated.

Much Appreciated!


P.S. For those not yet familiar with OOMM, and in the interest of sharing what it has to offer with as many folks as possible, I’d also like to note that Amazon’s, “Look in the Book” sample is, in essence, a complimentary “80 page mini-book”; as it includes seven of OOMM’s most seminal abstract drawings, three of its most synoptic metaphors and more then 120 cross-correlative insights presented in a distilled, haiku-like format.]

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