Thursday, March 8, 2018

Hay-Ku of the Day (Being the Seeing 2018)

“Being the Seeing”
Instead of Seer or Seen
Is “Freedom Itself.”

“Being the Seeing”
Instead of Seer or Seen
“Liberates the Light.”

“Being the Seeing”
Instead of Seer or Seen
Is “How to Be Free.”

“Being the Seeing”
Instead of Seer or Seen
“Frees me from myself.”


“Being the Seeing”
Instead of Seer or Seen
“Restores Paradise.”

“Being the Seeing”
Instead of Seer or Seen
“Offers Salvation.”

“Being the Seeing”
Instead of Seer or Seen
“Resurrects Glory.”

“Being the Seeing”
Instead of Seer or Seen
“Bears Witness to All.”


“Being the Seeing”
Instead of Seer or Seen
“Awakens the Dead.”

“Being the Seeing”
Instead of Seer or Seen
Is the “End of Days.”

“Being the Seeing”
Instead of Seer or Seen
“Sets the Captives Free.”

“Being the Seeing”
Instead of Seer or Seen
“Redeems the Lost Years.”


“Being the Seeing”
Instead of Seer or Seen
Is “Liberation.”

“Being the Seeing”
Instead of Seer or Seen
Is “Awakening.”

“Being the Seeing”
Instead of Seer or Seen
Is “Realization.”

“Being the Seeing”
Instead of Seer or Seen
Is “Enlightenment.”

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