Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Hay-Ku of the Day (Anna's Eulogy to Here Beloved Jody Kish)

Anna and Jody
Show us physical distance
Cannot limit Love.

Anna and Jody
Show us time and space are not
Barriers to Love.


Nearly four-thousand
Miles is no distance to a
Heart held in Common.

Nearly four-thousand
Miles is no distance to the
Heart of Awareness.

"My Schnucki is gone. His LOVE will stay around. We will meet again like we did before! Have fun now my Jody-Liebling on "the other side". Thank you for almost 3 years of pure love. You transformed my heart. Thank you for the greatest intimacy I have ever lived. You will always be a part of me, my second "kid", my family. I just keep on loving you...Love.

"Jody will be so proud of the ties he made between him, me and his friends. His great love dissolved 3911 physical miles and I never felt somebody being a part of me as much as I do with him. Thank you all for the love you share here with me and Jody, thank you for appreciating the unique relationship I have with him. 

"I want you all to know that I feel really close to all of you and Ocean City (NJ). I am sure Jody will be watching his funeral when all his friends will gather and it will make him so happy that he - once again - will unite people in the name of LOVE. We feel the loss of him not being around any more now of course, he often said to me: "Why else would I have come to this world but for the PEOPLE?". 

"He taught us how to be non-judgemental, loving, caring and understanding. He felt that people needed him more than he needed them. He will want us to spread his message: "Talk to people, be interested in their lives, understand them."

"We all have to be strong now and get over the grieving, returning to LOVE. Jody was ALL love, now he is free and "ease and flow". GOD bless you all my friends. Hope, we will meet someday."

-- Love Anna Vörtmann

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