Sunday, November 13, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day ("Through a Glass Darkly; but Then Face to Face)

To play the devil,
"Treat a half-truth as whole" and
Act accordingly.

To play the devil,
"Treat a half-truth as whole" and
Pretend to be God.

Re: "...I think the Electoral College has appointed Satan!" (the "closing shot" of a happy birthday wish from an old flying buddy)

"It is treating a half-truth as whole that plays the devil." -- Alfred North Whitehead (paraphrased)

"Leave the mirror and change your face. Leave the world alone and change your conceptions of yourself." -- Neville Goddard

"For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." 1 Corinthians 13:12 KJV

"By inner humility plus wisdom, the seeker of truth takes serious note of the inherent limitations of the human psyche itself and no longer relies on the impressionable personal ego as its sole arbiter of truth." -- Dr. David R.Hawkins

PS1: The "operative word" in the preceding statement on the D-EVIL/LIVE (which is believing and so taking a relative reflection of Reality to be absolutely real and living accordingly) is  "...I think..."; which is itself a  process based solely on a "programmed (and one might call cherished or worshipful) belief" in the "partial and fallible report" of "relative thought, sense and feeling."

PS2:  Given this principle,  "If you wish to know the Truth of the matter, all you need do is reverse (per the implicit reversal principle of the reflective mental optics suggested above) the commonly agreed upon, collective human view of things" -- a principle originally referred to many years ago as the "180 Degree Out Theory." 

PS3: As for a logical, intellectually honest and friendly presentation of the "how's and whys" of the operation of said Principle in form, I would suggest reading (or listening to) "Power vs. Force, The Hidden Determinants of  Human Behavior" by Dr. David R. Hawkins, as it really "de-spooks" the Holy Ghost or Spirit.

PS4: Although "Power vs. Force" affords a more academic treatment, the Audible compilation entitled "The Ultimate David Hawkins Library," affords a more "cut to the chase, broad brush, and humorous treatment":

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