Monday, October 3, 2016

Hay-Ku of the Day (Being Human)

A fatal case of
Mistaken identity
This being human.

Being Human is
A particle state field of
Quantum Awareness.


Allow attention
To chase after thoughts and you 
Will forget Being. 

Focusing on a 
Problem, one way or another, Reinforces it. 


Called to Love Being 
Consciously Aware above 

To Awaken from 
This "dream of life and death" is 
Mankind's Destiny. 


As vessels of Life, 
One either channels the Truth
Or worldly belief.

As vessels of Light, 
One either channels "What Is"
Or "what one think is."

"An uncontrolled mind may be likened to a ship’s wheel released by its master. Un-subject to the master’s hand, the wheel would naturally begin to move by itself. Not knowing the true state of affairs—that it is the wind, through the waves, that actually moves the wheel through the rudder— the wheel, if conscious, might wrongly conclude it had a life of its own. Self-control on the part of such a wayward wheel would naturally follow as an apparent problem. Resolution of this seeming dilemma, however, would not lie in the wheel’s learning to master itself, but rather in restoring the master’s hand. Seen in this light, is it not clear that one’s mind, as with any such energy transformer—mental, spiritual or material—has a similar potential to allow the energy it is intended to transform to flow bi-directionally? If so, and one’s mind isn’t being controlled from the inside, then the energy it is intended to transform would, quite naturally, flow in the opposite direction, and the inner subject necessarily moved by outer objects. The end result in such a circumstance is that man, although born to have outer dominion, becomes an unwitting slave to a reverse flow of generic energy patterns that subject him to the law of relative being and chance."

[Rich Note: This metaphor is used to introduce Appendix A, "A Preface of Grace, Awake Thou That Sleepeth, Arise From The Dead," of "Out of My Mind and Back to My Senses" (a title that translates to the following, less catchy, haiku:

Out of my mind and
Back to my sense of Being
Consciously Aware.)]

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